Discussion 1 OL-600


First, introduce yourself to the class and discuss anything you would like to share about yourself.Next, consider a current or previous employer and identify an
organizational issue or strategic goal that was significant for the
employer (for example, low employee engagement, high turnover, issues
with finding talent, pay equity, and so forth). Briefly describe the
issue and develop a response using the following guiding questions and
consider the competencies and knowledge areas of the SHRM Model. What strategic initiatives did HR implement to resolve the organizational issue or achieve the company’s strategic goal? What behavioral competencies did HR
professionals need to demonstrate to gain management buy-in and
successful implementation of the HR initiatives? What might the impact be if HR initiatives are not
developed across an organization? (For example, what would happen if
the organizational issue were employee retention, but HR only focused on
talent acquisition and the hiring of individuals with the right skill

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