Discuss Mod1


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There are two parts to this exercise.

Part 1: Watch video and write your initial post

Packet, routers, and reliability | Internet 101 | Computer Science | Khan Academy (youtube.com)

Step 1:

Router, what is it? Have you ever heard of it? If you have heard of a router, do you know what its purpose is?

Read the article “What is a Router and How does it Work?” from What Is a Router and How Does It Work? (lifewire.com)

then watch the video about a router in the article page. For additional understanding of the router, watch the Khan Academy video “Packet, Routers, and Reliability”.

Step 2: Write your initial post to answer ALL the questions below:

According to the sources from Part 1, what is the purpose of a router and why do you need a router?
According to the sources from Part 1, what steps should you take to troubleshoot Internet connection problem?
Snap a picture (with your phone any device) of the router you have sitting at home that provide Internet connection from your house to the ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Post your router image on here. (You may post more than one image of the router at different angles).
Part 2: Reply to a classmate Reply to the post of two of your classmates. Compare the differences between your router and the router posted by your classmate.