Developmental Economics Question


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Mortgage Calculations
and Decisions
© 2021 McGraw Hill. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or
further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill.
▪ Key quantitative mortgage features
▪ Payment amount
▪ Remaining mortgage balance at any point in time (RMB)
▪ Lender’s yield
▪ Effective borrowing cost (EBC)
▪ We’ll compute all 4 for fixed-rate loans and the
first 2 for adjustable-rate and hybrid loans
▪ Unless noted otherwise, assume mortgage loans
involve monthly payments
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Loan has an initial principal amount
Interest accrues on loan for period 1
Payment is made for period 1
Loan balance in 1 period / end of period 1 / start of
period 2 is
▪ Principal amount at start of period 1 (initial loan amount) + interest
accrued in period 1 – payment for period 1
Loan balance in t periods / end of period t / start of
period t+1 is
▪ Principal amount at start of period t (end of period t-1) + interest
accrued in period t – payment for period t
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Note: loan balance in t periods / end of period t /start of
period t+1 is also equal to the present value of all future
loan payments (after time t) discounted by the interest rate
on the loan
▪ Computing the regular mortgage payment
▪ N = number of payments remaining = number of
years until maturity × number of payments per year
▪ I% = interest rate per period = annual interest rate ÷
number of payments per year
▪ PV = principal balance (RMB, which is loan amount at
▪ FV = any balloon payment at time N
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the
▪ Solve for PMT to get CF associated with payment, so
flip sign to get payment amount
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▪ 30-year maturity with monthly payments
▪ Fully-amortizing loan of $300,000
▪ Fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
Compute the regular mortgage payment
▪ N = 30 × 12 = 360
▪ I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50 (recall calculator knows it’s a percentage)
▪ PV = 300,000
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for PMT → -1,798.65, so monthly payment = $1,798.65
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▪ Computing the mortgage balance for fully-
amortizing, fixed-rate loan
▪ N = number of payments remaining = number of
years until maturity × number of payments per year
▪ I% = interest rate per period = annual interest rate ÷
number of payments per year
▪ PMT = CF associated with payment, so enter a
negative number, the opposite of the payment
▪ FV = any balloon payment at time N
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the
▪ Solve for PV = remaining loan balance
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▪ 30-year maturity with monthly payments
▪ Loan was originated 8 years ago (8 × 12 = 96 payments
made and 30 – 8 = 22 years remaining on loan)
▪ Fully-amortizing loan of $300,000
▪ Fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
Compute the mortgage balance
▪ N = (30 – 8) × 12 = 22 × 12 = 264 = 360 – 96
▪ I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50
▪ PMT = -1,798.65
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
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▪ Solve for PV → 263,317 = mortgage balance
▪ Excel is a useful tool
▪ Can use PMT & PV functions similarly to the financial
▪ Can also set up a spreadsheet that “tracks” the loan
▪ Row 1, columns A through H
▪ Period, Opening balance, Period interest rate, Interest, Opening
balance + interest, Payment, Closing balance, Payments remaining
at period end
▪ Row 1, columns K through ??
▪ Mortgage “facts” that can be referenced
▪ Loan amount, Annual interest rate, Years to maturity, Payments
per year, Number of payments, Regular payment, Balloon
payment, & anything else useful
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▪ Number of payments computed as years to maturity × payments per year
▪ Regular payment computed as –PMT(annual interest rate/payments per
year, number of payments, loan amount, balloon payment, 0)
▪ 0 at end is “END” mode
Lender fees
▪ “Points” is essentially an interest expense paid up-front
▪ Equals (quoted points/100) × loan amount
▪ Lenders charge other fees like loan origination fees, etc.
Third-party expenses are up-front expenses
incurred by borrower but not paid to lender
▪ Examples: mortgage insurance premium, title insurance,
charges to record mortgage (county), appraisal, & survey
Lender’s yield is the return for the lender, taking
lender fees into account
▪ Effective borrowing cost is the cost of the loan for
the borrower (as a rate) taking all lender fees and
third-party expenses into account
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▪ The signs on cash flows for lender are used to
compute lender’s yield and are different than
signs used elsewhere, as lender pays out cash at
time 0 and then receives payments
▪ Cash flow at time 0 = -loan amount + (points + other
fees paid to lender)
▪ Cash flows after time 0 = loan payment amounts (as
positive cash flows)
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Computing lender’s yield
▪ N = number of payments remaining = number of years
until maturity × number of payments per year
▪ PV = cash flow at year 0 = -loan amount + (points + other
fees paid to lender)
▪ PMT = CF associated with payment, so enter a positive
number, the payment amount
▪ Based on loan amount (without considering fees)
▪ FV = any balloon payment at time N
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% and then multiply by the number of periods
per year to get lender’s yield (typically 12)
▪ If you round I%, go at least 3 decimal places
Lender prefers higher lender’s yield, holding risk,
timing, etc. equal
▪ In Excel, the RATE function can be used similarly to
the financial calculator
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▪ 30-year maturity with monthly payments, $300,000, fully-
amortizing loan, fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
▪ Points paid = 1%
▪ Other up-front financing costs paid to lender = $1,000
▪ Up-front financing costs paid to third party service
providers (appraiser, surveyor, etc.) = $2,000
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Compute the lender’s yield
▪ N = 30 × 12 = 360
▪ PV = -300,000 + {(1% × 300,000) + 1,000} = -296,000
▪ PMT = 1,798.65
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% → 0.510, so lender’s yield = 12 × .510% = 6.12%
▪ The signs on cash flows for borrower are used to
compute effective borrowing cost and are
similar to signs used elsewhere, but different
than signs used with lender’s yield
▪ Cash flow at time 0 = loan amount – (points + other
fees paid to lender + fees paid to other parties)
▪ Cash flows after time 0 = -loan payment amounts (as
negative cash flows)
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Computing EBC
▪ N = number of payments remaining before maturity = number of
years until maturity × number of payments per year
▪ “Normal” EBC is computed as if loan is not prepaid
▪ PV = cash flow at year 0 = loan amount – (points + other fees
paid to lender + fees paid to other parties)
▪ PMT = CF associated with payment, so enter a negative number,
the opposite of the payment amount
▪ Based on loan amount (without considering fees)
▪ FV = any balloon payment at time N
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% and then multiply by the number of periods per
year to get EBC (typically 12)
▪ If you round I%, go at least 3 decimal places
Borrower prefers lower EBC, holding risk, timing, etc.
▪ In Excel, the RATE function can be used similarly to the
financial calculator
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▪ 30-year maturity with monthly payments, $300,000, fully-
amortizing loan, fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
▪ Points paid = 1%
▪ Other up-front financing costs paid to lender = $1,000
▪ Up-front financing costs paid to third party service
providers (appraiser, surveyor, etc.) = $2,000
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Compute the EBC
▪ N = 30 × 12 = 360
▪ PV = 300,000 – {(1% × 300,000) + 1,000 + 2,000} = 294,000
▪ PMT = -1,798.65
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% → 0.516, so EBC = 12 × .516% = 6.19%
▪ EBC understates true cost of loan if paid early
▪ EBC spreads up-front costs over full loan term
▪ If prepaid early, then costs spread out over fewer
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EBC with expected prepayment can be computed
▪ N = number of payments remaining before prepayment =
number of years until loan paid off × number of payments
per year
▪ PV = cash flow at year 0 = loan amount – (points + other fees
paid to lender + fees paid to other parties)
▪ PMT = CF associated with payment, so enter a negative
number, the opposite of the payment amount
▪ Based on loan amount (without considering fees)
▪ FV = opposite of remaining balance at time N, which can be
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computed (negative number, since this amount must be paid)
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% and then multiply by the number of periods per
year to get EBC
▪ 30-year maturity with monthly payments, $300,000, fully-
amortizing loan, fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
▪ Loan is expected to be prepaid in 10 years (20 years remaining)
▪ Points paid = 1%, other up-front financing costs paid to lender =
$1,000, and up-front financing costs paid to third party service
providers (appraiser, surveyor, etc.) = $2,000
Compute the EBC
N = 10 × 12 = 120
PV = 300,000 – (1% × 300,000 + 1,000 + 2,000) = 294,000
PMT = -1,798.65
FV = -251,057
▪ N = 20 × 12 = 240 = 360 – 120; I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50; PMT = -1,798.65;
▪ FV = 0; END mode; Solve for PV → 251,057 = mortgage balance in 10 years
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for I% → 0.524, so EBC = 12 × .524% = 6.29% > 6.19%
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▪ Federal Truth in Lending Act requires
disclosure of annual percentage rate (APR) on
most home mortgage loans
▪ APR is a special case of EBC that includes most costs
▪ Stated APRs are based on maturity of loan and
therefore typically understate the cost to home
buyers, because many home buyers prepay their
loans (they move, make extra payments, etc.)
▪ Note: this APR does not refer to the same rate as
the APR in FNAN 303
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▪ Computations are similar with adjustable-rate
mortgages (ARMs) as with fixed rate mortgages
▪ However, things change over time with ARMs
that don’t change with FRMs, so tracking,
analyzing, etc. is more dynamic with ARMs
▪ Interest rate changes
▪ Rates typically reset annually
▪ Payment amounts change and are based on remaining
loan balance at time of interest rate change
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▪ 30-year maturity, monthly payments, $300k, fully-amortizing loan
▪ Adjustable annual interest rate
▪ Teaser rate of 6.00% for 1 year
▪ Rates reset annually to LIBOR + 200 basis points
▪ Caps
▪ Maximum rate increase in a year = 240 basis points (2.40 percentage points)
▪ Lifetime interest rate cap of 1,000 basis points over initial rate (10.00 percentage points)
Compute regular mortgage payment for the first 12 months
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N = 30 × 12 = 360
I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50 (recall calculator knows it’s a percentage)
PV = RMB after 0 years = 300,000
FV = 0
END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
Solve for PMT → -1,798.65, so monthly payment = $1,798.65
▪ 30-year maturity, monthly payments, $300k, fully-amortizing loan
▪ Adjustable annual interest rate
▪ Teaser rate of 6.00% for 1 year
▪ Rates reset annually to LIBOR + 200 basis points
▪ Caps
▪ Maximum rate increase in a year = 240 basis points (2.40 percentage points)
▪ Lifetime interest rate cap of 1,000 basis points over initial rate (10.00 percentage points)
▪ In one year, LIBOR = 7.00%
▪ Rate is min of (LIBOR + spread, previous rate + period cap, initial rate + lifetime cap)
▪ Equals min(7.00% + 2.00%, 6.00% + 2.40%, 6.00% + 10.00%) = min(9.00%, 8.40%, 16.00%) = 8.40%
Compute regular mortgage payment for year 2 (months 13 to 24)
▪ N = 29 × 12 = 348 = 360 – 12 (step 1)
▪ I% = 8.40 ÷ 12 = 0.70 (step 3)
▪ PV = RMB after 1 year = 296,316 (step 2)
▪ Compute RMB as if payment & rate from previous year continued until maturity
▪ N = 29 × 12 = 348 = 360 – 12; I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50; PMT = -1,798.65; FV = 0; END mode
▪ Solve for PV → 296,316 = mortgage balance after 1 year
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for PMT → -2,274.99, so monthly payment = $2,274.99 (step 4)
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▪ 30-year maturity, monthly payments, $300k, fully-amortizing loan
▪ Adjustable annual interest rate
▪ Teaser rate of 6.00% for 1 year
▪ Rates reset annually to LIBOR + 200 basis points
▪ Caps
▪ Maximum rate increase in a year = 240 basis points (2.40 percentage points)
▪ Lifetime interest rate cap of 1,000 basis points over initial rate (10.00 percentage points)
▪ In two years, LIBOR = 6.16%
▪ Rate is min of (LIBOR + spread, previous rate +period cap, initial rate + lifetime cap)
▪ Equals min(6.16% + 2.00%, 8.40% + 2.40%, 6.00% + 10.00%) = min(8.16%, 10.48%, 16.00%) = 8.16%
Compute regular mortgage payment for year 2 (months 13 to 24)
▪ N = 28 × 12 = 336 = 360 – 24 (step 1)
▪ I% = 8.16 ÷ 12 = 0.68 (step 3)
▪ PV = RMB after 2 years = 293,811 (step 2)
▪ Compute RMB as if payment & rate from previous year continued until maturity
▪ N = 28 × 12 = 336 = 360 – 24; I% = 8.40 ÷ 12 = 0.70; PMT = -2,274.99; FV = 0; END mode
▪ Solve for PV → 293,811 = mortgage balance after 2 years
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for PMT → -2,226.30, so monthly payment = $2,226.30 (step 4)
▪ Repeat process over life of loan
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▪ Can conduct analysis in Excel
▪ Set up cells to compute & find minimum of
▪ Interest rate according to formula
▪ Maximum interest rate from period cap
▪ Previous rate + maximum period increase
▪ Maximum interest rate from lifetime cap
▪ Note: our approach doesn’t account for interest rate
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▪ We won’t work with floors in FNAN 351 in our quantitative
▪ Note: max (rate after taking caps into account, minimum rate
based on annual floor, minimum rate based on lifetime floor)
▪ Computations are similar with hybrid
mortgages (like a “5/1”) as with adjustable-rate
mortgages, except the first period lasts longer
▪ With an “X/1” mortgage, the interest rate is
fixed for the first X years and then resets
annually until the end of the loan term
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▪ 30-year maturity, monthly payments, $300k, fully-amortizing loan
▪ 5/1
▪ Initial rate of 6.00% for 5 years
▪ After 5 years, rates reset annually to LIBOR + 200 basis points
▪ Caps
▪ Maximum rate increase in a year = 240 basis points (2.40 percentage points)
▪ Lifetime interest rate cap of 1,000 basis points (10.00 percentage points)
Compute regular mortgage payment for the first 60 months
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N = 30 × 12 = 360
I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50 (recall calculator knows it’s a percentage)
PV = 300,000
FV = 0
END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
Solve for PMT → -1,798.65, so monthly payment = $1,798.65
▪ 30-year maturity, monthly payments, $300k, fully-amortizing loan
▪ 5/1 with initial rate of 6.00% for 5 years
▪ After 5 years, rates reset annually to LIBOR + 200 basis points
▪ Caps
▪ Maximum rate increase in a year = 240 basis points (2.40 percentage points)
▪ Lifetime interest rate cap of 1,000 basis points (10.00 percentage points)
▪ In 5 years, LIBOR = 6.16%
▪ Rate is min of (LIBOR + spread, previous rate + period cap, initial + lifetime cap)
▪ Equals min(6.16% + 2.00%, 6.00% + 2.40%, 6.00% + 10.00%) = min(8.16%, 8.40%, 16.00%) = 8.16%
Compute regular mortgage payment for the year 6
▪ N = 25 × 12 = 300 = 360 – 60 (step 1)
▪ I% = 8.16 ÷ 12 = 0.68 (step 3)
▪ PV = 279,164 (step 2)
▪ N = 25 × 12 = 300 = 360 – 60; I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50; PMT = -1,798.65; FV = 0; END mode
▪ Solve for PV → 279,164 = mortgage balance after 5 years
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for PMT → -2,184.31, so monthly payment = $2,184.31 (step 4)
▪ Repeat process over life of loan
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▪ Can conduct analysis in Excel
▪ Set up cells to compute & find minimum of
▪ Interest rate according to formula
▪ Maximum interest rate from period cap
▪ Previous rate + maximum period increase
▪ Maximum interest rate from lifetime cap
▪ Note: our approach doesn’t account for interest
rate floors
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The examples have provided loan size, but questions
could give house price and loan type and/or LTV,
which would require you to determine loan size
▪ Examples
▪ If a house was purchased for $200,000 and the loan was the
largest possible where PMI insurance wasn’t required, then loan
would be 80% × $200k = $160,000
▪ If a house was purchased for $200,000 and the loan was the
largest possible for an FHA loan, then loan would be 96.5% ×
$200k = $197,000
▪ If a house was purchased for $200,000 and the loan was the
largest possible for a VA loan, then loan would be 100% × $200k
= $200,000
▪ If a house was purchased for $200,000 and the LTV ratio was
90%, then 90% = loan/$200k, so loan would be 90% × $200k =
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▪ Potential question: find monthly payment(s)
and balloon payment with a partially
amortizing loan
▪ Analysis is straightforward, as it can be evaluated by
▪ 1) Analyzing a loan with a maturity equal to the amortization
term to find the monthly payments
▪ 2) Looking at the remaining balance for the loan at the point in
time when the subject loan matures
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▪ Loan amount of $300,000 with monthly payments
▪ Matures in 10 year and amortizes over 30 years (assume this means fully amortized)
▪ Fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
Compute the regular mortgage payment
N = 30 × 12 = 360 (based on amortization term)
I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50
PV = 300,000
FV = 0
END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
Solve for PMT → -1,798.65, so monthly payment = $1,798.65
▪ Reminder: loan payment calculations unaffected by loan fees
Compute the balloon payment due at maturity
▪ N = (30 – 10) × 12 = 20 × 12 = 240 = 360 – 120 = number of payments remaining until
fully amortized
▪ I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50
▪ PMT = -1,798.65
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
▪ Solve for PV → 251,057 = mortgage balance at maturity
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▪ Loan amount of $300,000 with monthly payments
▪ Matures in 10 year and amortizes over 30 years (assume this
means fully amortized)
▪ Fixed annual interest rate of 6.00%
Regular mortgage payment = $1,798.65
▪ Reminder: loan payment calculations unaffected by loan fees
RMB as of a time before maturity can be determined
similarly to finding RMB of fully amortizing loan with
maturity at end of amortization period
▪ Compute RMB after 5 years
▪ N = (30 – 5) × 12 = 25 × 12 = 300 = 360 – 60 = number of
payments remaining until fully amortized
▪ I% = 6.00 ÷ 12 = 0.50
▪ PMT = -1,798.65
▪ FV = 0
▪ END mode since mortgages accrue interest over the period
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▪ Solve for PV → 279,163 = RMB after 5 years
balance +
remaining at
period end
interest Years to Payments Number of
maturity per year payments
balance +
remaining at
period end
interest Years to Payments Number of
maturity per year payments
Pd cap
Life cap
Int rate
balance +
remaining at
period end
interest Years to Payments Number of
maturity per year payments
Pd cap
Life cap

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