Development psy week 2 assigment


Answer all parts of the questions in your OWN words. Please feel free to use your textbook and any other course materials to assist you in this assignment.Discuss the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Provide an example of each to support your analysis. Your friend Min Yan is currently pregnant and attempting to learn about common birth complications and/or whether or not homebirth is a good option for her. She is 25 years old, in good health, and expecting her first child. Help her by first describing two birth complications and then discuss why a home delivery may be a viable option in her case.Jen is 20 years old, pregnant, and eats well, but she is under a lot of prolonged, extreme stress. Her friend Angelina, who is also pregnant, is 42 years old and has a very poor diet, but is under little stress. What prediction could you make concerning the postbirth health of each of these women’s babies?Alisha is in for her weekly prenatal check-up. Her OB/GYN physician is going over some potential environmental threats to her baby. Describe any three the doctor might discuss with Alisha that govern how teratogens could affect her baby’s development. (Alisha lives in Miami and recently traveled to Brazil and the Carribean). Additionally, identify an additional disease, one drug, and another environmental hazard that is known to negatively impact prenatal development. Be sure to describe the specific impact of each teratogen.Describe the three basic stages of childbirth in terms of time, purpose, and symptoms.Down syndrome and Turner’s syndrome are two genetic disorders that involve abnormal chromosomes. Identify the exact chromosomal aberration and the impact of the aberration on development for each syndrome.Length of gestation (i.e., number of weeks in utero) and weight at birth are both related to birth risk. Demonstrate your awareness of key related concepts by discussing the concepts of prematurity, low birth weight, and extremely low birth weight.A new genetic disorder called “ HARID” disease is found to involve heterozygous alleles, is recessive, and is characterized by incomplete dominance. Discuss the implications of this description concerning the inheritance of this disorder.Describe why in vitro fertilization and eugenics represent controversial issues in human development.Beth is 12 weeks pregnant and concerned that her fetus may have a genetic disorder. Describe two techniques that a physician could use to determine whether Beth’s concerns are warranted. Also, discuss how fetal therapy could be used to deal with a disorder if one is identified.

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