Development of Smart goals



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Development of Smart goals
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Develop 3 SMART goals for a close friend. They may be focused on any area they feel is important at this stage of their life. Organizational, Skills, Financial, etc. Each of the three goals must precisely state the components of the SMART format.

Refer to the SMART goal rubric attached to this assignment.

In addition:

No spelling or grammatical errors.

Meets professional writing standard. Refer to the Professional Writing Style Rubric in the Syllabus and Course Information folder of the course.


The SMART goal format is among the most effective. The primary reason for this is based on the fact, “what gets measured, gets done”.

The M in the SMART goals format requires each goal to have one objectively measurable metric – A NUMBER that will indicate progress toward the goal or completion of the goal.

SMART goals must also be specific (The S is the goal). One concise sentence. It is not the how or the why. Simply the “what”. What is the goal.

Specific and Achievable (the A in SMART) go hand in hand. Achievable means you can do something each day to move closer to the goal. “Learn to Spanish” for example is not specific and cannot be objectively measured. “Complete the Babel Language Training Module 1 for Castilian Spanish is both specific and achievable. It is also objectively measurable.