Design an academic poster to analyze essential elements to exercise the role of a scholar-practitioner.


Scholar-Practitioner Model

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Design an academic poster to analyze essential elements to exercise the role of a scholar-practitioner.
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Complete your Module 5 Assignment by the end of Week 5.

The term scholar-practitioner is indicative of the contributions you will make to your field as you conduct research and write about your research during your program and beyond.

An academic poster or research poster is a common way for scholars to share their work concisely and creatively. Poster presentations, in which the author is available for questions, are common at professional conferences.

In this assignment, you will design an academic poster summarizing your course learning. You will analyze essential elements required to embrace and exercise the role of a scholar-practitioner.

Step 1. Choose
Choose a poster tool to use in this assignment. See the Poster Presentations section in the ACE Digital Tools Center or use another tool of your choice. The poster you create in this assignment will be very simple—much simpler than one presented at a conference—but will have the same basic components.

Step 2. Reflect
Reflect on your learning in this course and your understanding of the role of scholar-practitioner. Use these prompts to guide your reflection and draft content for your scholar-practitioner model:

Describe your definition of a scholar-practitioner in your own words, including all applicable characteristics.
How do your values and beliefs align with your definition of a scholar-practitioner?
How will you become or continue to be a scholar-practitioner? Describe your current strengths and areas of needed development.
What other concepts or topics from this course have you learned about that you might add to your description of a scholar-practitioner?
How will you apply the description of a scholar-practitioner to your career, especially as a leader?
What is your vision of the future, and how will becoming a scholar-practitioner help you to achieve this vision?

Step 3. Create
Use the tool you selected in Step 1 and the reflection from Step 2 to create a simple academic poster. Consider these suggestions:

Use “scholar-practitioner” in your title and as the focus of your poster.
In your Introduction section, describe your vision of yourself as a scholar-practitioner using a maximum of 3 sentences.
In your Background section, address at least three of these concepts using a maximum of 3 sentences:
Time management
Stress management
Interest and expertise in a particular field
Your Discussion section should dominate the poster and focus on what it means to be a scholar-practitioner.
In your Conclusions section, describe why the role of scholar-practitioner is important, using a maximum of 3 sentences.
Include a References section with at least two APA-formatted sources.
Insert 3-4 appropriate images in your poster to add visual appeal.

Step 4. Submit

Submit your poster as a PDF.