describe a managerial position


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describe a managerial position
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Assignment 1 is an essay of not more than 1,200 words based on your study of Lessons 1
to 5. It is worth 15% of your final mark.
Your essay should be prepared using Microsoft Word or a compatible rich text format (.rtf)
with 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, double spacing, and with each new paragraph
indented. Follow American Psychological Association (APA) style for citations and references
of any material other than the textbook. If you are unfamiliar with APA style, or if you need
a refresher, two good sources of information are and The Owl at Purdue.
Be sure the following information is clearly stated at the start of your essay: your name, ID
number, the assignment number, and the name of the manager’s organization.
In a well-crafted essay of no more than 1,200 words, describe a managerial position based
on information gathered from the person who currently holds that position—a friend, family
member, co-worker, or someone you’ve never met before. The only restriction is that if you
are currently employed as a manager, you cannot write about your own position. Consider
this assignment as an opportunity to interview someone doing the sort of managerial work
you would someday like to be doing yourself.
Lessons 1 to 5 provide the content required to complete this assignment. Lesson 1 provides
insight into the kind of managerial position you are describing, its roles, and the functions
and outcomes it serves. Lesson 4 covers the internal and external environments that pertain
to this position. Finally, Lesson 5 will help you to identify the stakeholders whose interests
are most likely to influence the decisions of the person holding this position.
A stripped-down version of the Marking Key used for this assignment should help you to
better understand the demands of this assignment and, in the process, help you learn how
to put theories to work. Pay careful attention to the Marking Key and the key terms used
in it. Failing to address issues in the Marking Key and use key terms will result in
loss of marks. In addition, a sample answer is provided for you to refer to as an example
of what an Assignment 1 essay might look like.
Prior to submitting your assignment, ensure that your name, your student ID, the name of
your manager’s company, the name of the management position, and the name of the
incumbent are clearly stated at the start of your assignment. (This information is not
included in the 1,200-word maximum.) When your assignment is complete, return to the
Assignment 1 page in your course and follow the instructions for submitting your essay.
All of your course work must be submitted by 12:00 midnight (Mountain Time) on
the final day of your contract.
To account for administration, processing, and marking time, please allow up to eight
business days from submission for the return of your marked assignment.
ADMN 232v11
Assignment 1
June 27, 2019
Sample Answer
Dr. David Annand’s job as Director of the School of Business at Athabasca University (AU) is
a tough one. The position has a wide range of responsibilities that require the incumbent to
have a wide range of abilities.
To appreciate why Director is a difficult position to hold, the best place to start may be with
the institution of Athabasca University itself.
AU has a wide range of responsibilities which, in large part, reflect the diverse group of
stakeholders it serves. It must operate within the law, and while it is not responsible for
maximizing profits, as a public institution it is expected to work within the budget allocated
to it by the Government of Alberta. Its ethical and discretionary responsibilities pose the
greatest challenges for AU. Universities aren’t just expected to do no evil; their mandate
usually requires them to make positive contributions to society. In AU’s case, a big part of
this involves removing the barriers that have traditionally prevented many individuals from
furthering their education.
Among AU’s most important stakeholders are those people—and particularly Albertans—who
are unable to get a university education from one of Alberta’s other universities. The
Government of Alberta would also be a primary stakeholder, as would the university’s
employees. Secondary stakeholders might include the Government of Canada (which has an
interest in the education of all Canadians) and the Town of Athabasca (many of whose
citizens work for the university). With such a range of masters to serve, it seems
guaranteed that objections will be raised by some to virtually anything the university might
It is against this backdrop that Dr. Annand carries out his duties. Among these, first and
foremost is the responsibility for making things happen in the School of Business. By
preparing budgets and anticipating staffing requirements, he must plan for the School’s
future. These plans, in turn, enable him to be more effective in controlling the activities of
the School of Business. They help him to assess what should be happening on an annual,
monthly, and even daily basis. By detecting deviations, he can take corrective action to
ensure that activities are indeed under control.
Dr. Annand is also responsible for ensuring that the School of Business is able to meet the
competition of other institutions. He must stay abreast of the School’s external
environment. While economic trends are important in this regard, the more pressing issues
involve political, technological, and sociocultural trends—given AU’s dependence on
government, its online delivery method, and its need to keep enrolment stable or, if
possible, growing.
The more specific components of the environment such as advocacy groups and regulatory
changes are definitely a concern, but it is students, staff, and competitors that are most
likely to get Dr. Annand’s attention. The School’s success is highly dependent on keeping its
students happy and having high-quality staff members available to serve them. Moreover, it
must ensure that competitors are not offering programs and services that lead students to
change schools.
To accomplish the foregoing, Dr. Annand must organize the people, projects, and processes
through which the School of Business achieves its objectives. Perhaps the most important
thing he does is establish the School’s culture by providing leadership to the other members
of the School of Business. On some occasions, he offers words of encouragement that
motivate staff to work harder; on others, his advice may help staff be more effective. By so
doing, he tries to create a culture in which staff help each other out rather than leaving
people to fend for themselves. However, some view that same culture as weak, since many
staff members work from home.
ADMN 232v11
Assignment 1
June 27, 2019
Dr. Annand’s responsibilities include some that are associated with senior, middle, and
front-line managers, as well as team leaders. Nevertheless, his position is probably best
described as middle management. Regardless, he plays interpersonal, informational, and
decisional roles. For example, he acts as figurehead when the School needs to be
represented externally (interpersonal); he acts as spokesperson when the needs of the
School need to be made known within the university (informational); and he acts as a
disturbance handler when staff members disagree (decisional). To do all of this effectively,
he requires technical, human, and conceptual skills, not to mention a strong motivation to
To prepare budgets and monitor expenditures, Dr. Annand requires knowledge of
accounting (technical); in dealing with employee conflict, he needs negotiation skills
(human); and to find increasingly efficient and effective means to achieve the School’s
goals, he needs to know about new and established managerial tools (conceptual). On top
of all this, he must want the School of Business to succeed (motivation).
Carrying out all of these responsibilities is a tall order, as is finding someone with the
necessary skills to do so. Nevertheless, in Dr. Annand, AU appears to have found someone
who is up to the challenges faced by the Director of its School of Business.
Marking Key
Use this summary of the Assignment 1 marking key to ensure you have met all the
requirements of this assignment in your description of the managerial position you selected
to profile.
Lesson 1: Managerial Functions (10 marks)
Have you assessed the degree to which this manager is involved in




Have you demonstrated

awareness of all four of the above managerial functions?
Lesson 1: Kinds of Managers (5 marks)
Have you

stated the kind of management position this is?

provided a justification for this classification?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all four kinds of managers?
ADMN 232v11
Assignment 1
June 27, 2019
Lesson 1: Managerial Roles (10 marks)
Have you assessed the degree to which this manager plays

an interpersonal role?

an informational role?

a decisional role?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all three types of managerial roles (above)?
Lesson 1: Managerial Skills (10 marks)
Have you assessed the degree to which this manager requires

technical skills?

human skills?

conceptual skills?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all three types of managerial skills (above)?
Lesson 4: Environmental Assessment (10 marks)
Have you assessed how this manager is affected by

the complexity of the external environment?

the resource scarcity of the external environment?

the uncertainty of the external environment?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all three of the environmental characteristics above?
Lesson 4: General Environment (10 marks)
Have you assessed the degree to which this manager needs to monitor

economic trends?

technological trends?

sociocultural trends?

political/legal trends?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all four types of trends in the general environment (above)?
ADMN 232v11
Assignment 1
June 27, 2019
Lesson 4: Specific Environment (10 marks)
Have you assessed the degree to which this manager needs to

monitor customers?

monitor competitors?

monitor suppliers?

monitor regulatory changes?

respond to advocacy groups?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all five aspects of the specific environment (above)?
Lesson 4: Internal Environment (10 marks)
Regarding organizational culture, have you

characterized the company’s internal culture (e.g., formal, laid-back, high-pressure,

noted two or more visible elements of the culture that are congruent with the
manner in which it was characterized?

assessed whether the culture is weak or strong?
Lesson 5: Stakeholder Identification (5 marks)
Have you identified one or more

primary stakeholders to which this organization is responsible?

secondary stakeholders to which this organization is responsible?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of both kinds of stakeholders (above)?
Lesson 5: Social Responsibility (10 marks)
Have you discussed this organization’s

economic responsibility?

legal responsibility?

ethical responsibility?

discretionary responsibility?
Have you demonstrated

awareness of all four kinds of responsibilities (above)?
Writing Mechanics and Style (10 marks)
Penalties and additional marks may be assessed, based on writing mechanics, style, and
quality. Review your work carefully before you submit your assignment for grading.
ADMN 232v11
Assignment 1
June 27, 2019

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