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CS443 – Assignment 3
Question #1
Consider the following Table All information have been placed in one table. Arrows show the
functional dependency. You are required to place this table in 3rd normal form.
The arrows in this question indicated the determination of two attributes. For example, the arrow that
goes ProductID to ProductDescription indicates that ProductID determines the ProductDescription.
This in turn means that ProductId can be considered as primary key for ProductDescription.
a) Write the tables
b) Place the tables in 3rd normal form (if necessary)
c) Create ERD based on the normalized tables
Question #2
Consider the following ERD

PatientId: It is the identification number of each patient
PatientName: It is the name of the patient
Patientddr: It is the address of the patient
AdmitDate: It is the date when the patient is admitted to the hospital
AmounOwing: The amount the patient owes based on his/her sickness after being discharged
RoomNo: it is the room where the patient is kept in the hospital
RoomPhone: The phone number in the patient’s room
HospitalStayDays: Number of days the patient would be in the hospital for treatment.
RoomRate: The rate charged for every day the patient is in the room
In the second table:
– PhysId: It is the identification number of each physician
– PhyName: It is the name of each physician
– PhysDept: It is the department id where physician works
– DeptSupervisorId: It is the id of the physician who is in change of managing the PhyDept. For
example, suppose physician x works in department y. DeptSupervisorId is the id of the physician (not
necessarily physician x) who in managing department y.
– TreatId is a number that represents the type of treatment the physician can do
– TreatDesc and TreatCost are Treatment description and treatment cost

Each patient is assigned one doctor, but a doctor can have many patients
There may be more than one patient in a room but each patient is kept in one room only
There is only one phone number in each room in the hospital

Each doctor can do only do one treatment, but a treatment can be done by many doctors
The treatment cost is fixed for each treatment
Each doctor works in only one department, but a department can have many doctors
Each department has 1 supervisor. This supervisor is just one of the physicians who works in that

A Patient is charged based on the treatment cost and number of days in hospital
Note that not all the rooms in the hospital has patient at a particular time but all patient must be is some
rooms. Further, only some of the physicians are supervising the departments in the hospital; however, all
departments must be managed by some physicians.
You may make any other assumption you think is necessary but you have to be very specific and realistic.
You can add other assumptions but you are not allowed to change the above assumptions
Do the following
a) Change the ERD to tables
b) Place the tables in 3rd normal form
c) Revise the given ERD based on the normalized tables
Question 3:
The following tables are normalized. You need to create the associated ERD

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