Database Connectivity and Web Technologies problems


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Database Connectivity and Web Technologies
1. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and
retrieve all of the AGENTs.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
2. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and
retrieve all of the CUSTOMERs.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
3. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database using ODBC, and
retrieve the customers whose AGENT_CODE is equal to 503.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
4. Create a System DSN ODBC connection called Ch02_SaleCo using the Administrative Tools
section of the Windows Control Panel.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
5. Use MS Excel to list all of the invoice lines for Invoice 103 using the Ch02_SaleCo System
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
6. Create a System DSN ODBC connection called Ch02_Tinycollege using the Administrative
Tools section of the Windows Control Panel.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
7. Use MS Excel to list all classes taught in room KLR200 using the Ch02_TinyCollege System
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.xls)
8. Create a sample XML document and DTD for the exchange of customer data. Use Section 153a as your guide.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.doc)
9. Create a sample XML document and DTD for the exchange of product and pricing data. Use
Section 15-3a as your guide.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.doc)
10. Create a sample XML document and DTD for the exchange of order data. Use Section 15-3a
as your guide.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.doc)
11. Create a sample XML document and DTD for the exchange of student transcript data. Use
your college transcript as a sample. Use Section 15-3a as your guide.
(Example: ch15_problem1_Jones.doc)

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