data science and analytics in healthcare


Data use and understanding of analytics is part of the nurse’s role today. As progress towards analysis of the user or nurse/provider’s experiences continues, it is important to pay close attention to how the data user and researcher view the current processes. This is also true for the patient entering the electronic world, whereby they may have little or no knowledge of it.

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data science and analytics in healthcare
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Oracle defines data science as combining multiple quantitative fields including statistics, artificial intelligence, and data analysis to extract value from data.

This includes preparing data for analysis, applying quantitative methods, and reviewing the results to uncover and interpret patterns and enable leaders to draw insights that inform decisions.

Data science is the knowledge, organization, testing, organizing, and understanding scientific methods and processes associated with structured or unstructured data.

Data sources in healthcare are a mixture of structured (e.g., laboratory values) and unstructured information (e.g., clinical notes). Using analytical techniques, data science has the potential to provide powerful insights across and within patients, institutions, regions, and nations.

For this Discussion Board, please provide an example in your workplace whereby you have seen an example of data science impacting a structured and an unstructured source of data to provide powerful insights.

Include 3 scholarly sources in your references.