data manipuation


Problem 1: Basic Data Manipulation

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data manipuation
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Create a Python program that takes user input for their name, age, and favorite hobby. Display this information in a formatted way, such as:
Name: [user’s name]
Age: [user’s age]
Favorite Hobby: [user’s favorite hobby]

Problem 2: File Handling
Write a Python program that reads a text file named “grades.txt” containing student names and their corresponding grades (one student per line, separated by a comma). Calculate and display the average grade.

Example “grades.txt” file:

Copy code
Alice, 85
Bob, 90
Charlie, 78
Average Grade: [average grade]

Problem 3: Functions
Implement a Python function that checks whether a given number is prime. Use this function to find and display all prime numbers between 1 and 50.

Problem 4: String Manipulation
Create a Python program that takes a sentence as input and:

Prints the sentence in uppercase.
Prints the sentence in lowercase.
Prints the number of vowels in the sentence.

Problem 5: Lists and Loops
Write a Python program that defines a list of numbers. Use a loop to iterate through the list and:

Print each number.
Calculate and print the sum of all numbers.
Identify and print the maximum and minimum values.

Submission Guidelines:
Organize your code neatly with comments.
Submit a single ZIP file containing all Python files.