Data-driven Decision-making in Complex Systems



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Data-driven Decision-making in Complex Systems
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Across healthcare settings, a vast amount of information is collected and analyzed to assess organizational outcomes regarding quality, safety, and efficiency. The analysis of this data is used to measure organizational performance and to drive strategic decision-making within the system. The purpose of this assignment is to examine one specific data point and how it contributes to the assessment of quality, safety, and/or efficiency within the healthcare system. The importance of the selected data point, how it shapes decision-making, and implications for healthcare systems will be discussed.


Consider how data analysis contributes to safe, high quality, efficient delivery of healthcare. Investigate the role of information management in the evaluation of outcome achievement and provision of data to drive strategic decision-making. Identify one specific data point for which information is collected within a healthcare system. Develop a 4 – 6 page paper to address the rubric expectations; use a minimum of 5 scholarly sources to support your work.

Provide an introduction to the paper.
Explain one selected data point and the purpose for the collection of this data within the healthcare system. Describe how this data point measures quality, safety, and/or efficiency within the system. Discuss one internal or external benchmark surrounding this data point that serves as a measure or indicator of success.
Describe a case scenario where outcomes regarding this data point fall short of meeting the required benchmark. Identify the stakeholders impacted by the poor outcome, and the consequences realized by each stakeholder. Discuss the potential impact on organizational quality, safety, and/or efficiency that results.
Describe how outcomes surrounding this data point reflect organizational performance regarding quality, safety, or efficiency. Explain how the data in the case scenario can inform strategic decision-making to improve organizational outcomes. Create an action plan to correct the poor outcomes noted in the case scenario. Explain the action steps, stakeholder involvement, influencing factors that will impact the plan.
Provide a conclusion to the paper.
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
No direct quotes are to be used in this assignment.
Assessment Criteria Points % Description
Introduction 20 10%

This section includes:

Importance of information management to determine outcomes healthcare systems
Role of data to inform decision-making to promote quality, safety, and efficiency
Identification of the sections of the paper
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented

Data Collection to Measure Outcomes 40 20%

This section includes:

Description of one identified data point and purpose for collection within the healthcare system
Explanation of how outcomes surrounding this data point contribute to assessment of organizational performance regarding quality, safety, and/or efficiency
Description of one example of an internal or external benchmark regarding this data point to serve as an indicator of success
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented

Case Application 40 20%

This section includes

Description of a case scenario where outcomes regarding this data point fall short of meeting the identified benchmark
Discussion of the potential impact on organizational quality, safety, and/or efficiency that results
Identification of stakeholders impacted by the poor outcome and the consequences realized by each stakeholder

Data-driven Decision-making 50 25%

This section includes:

Explanation of how data in the case scenario can be used to inform strategic decision-making to improve outcomes regarding quality, safety, or efficiency
Create an action plan to correct the poor outcomes noted in the case scenario
Explain the action steps, stakeholder involvement, and influencing factors that will impact the plan
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented

Conclusion 20 10%

This section includes:

Concluding points regarding the role of information management and outcome assessment to inform decision-making within healthcare systems
Importance of outcome assessment to sustain or improve quality, safety, and/or efficiency within healthcare systems

Graduate-level Writing Style 30 15%
Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing
Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person
Synthesis of information is present with no direct quotes used in this assignment
Correct APA format for the following:
Page numbering
Font style and size
Margins and spacing
Headings; subheadings
Citation and referencing sources
Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)

Quality of Literature Support

It is an expectation that a minimum of 5 scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment.