Data Collection & Identification writing


Write 2-3 pages double-spaced about Data Collection & Identification Based on the reading in the attached pdf

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Write 2-3 pages double-spaced about Data Collec�on & Iden�fica�on Based on the reading below
• (Read Sections 1 & 2, and Skim the rest)
Discussion Questions
• Balancing the Free v. Paid Economy How has the balance between broad access to “free”
software and services (free e-mail, search, social media, etc.) and the granting of access to
the providers of these services to tremendous quantities of private data transformed public
perceptions of data collection and privacy? Is this access worth it? What alternate models
might be worth further consideration and exploration?
• Citizen Complicity Are we complicit in the emergence of these problems around data
collection and processing? Can laws make up for our engaged citizenry? How do you
propose dealing with the question of data collection and sharing?
• Need for New Privacy Laws? Do we need to, as Professor Ohm argues, completely
reimagine our national privacy laws now that we see the shortcomings in our existing
systems (i.e. deanonymization)?
• Data Collection Were you at all surprised to understand the scope and breadth of data
collection currently going on? If yes, please share your thoughts, if not, why not, is there a
level of data collection that would surprise you? In either case, are you OK with these kinds
of collection efforts?

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