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SLE115 Essential Skills in Bioscience
AT2—Literature review// Due: 8.00 PM Friday (end of Week 5)
You can choose any of the following topics, however it is strongly recommended that you choose the same
topic that your group is assigned for AT4 – group presentations.
New COVID-19 vaccines: risks and benefits of vaccination.
Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease: what is it and what can be done?
Drugs from nature: ethnobotany as a strategy for antimicrobial drug discovery
Nanotechnology: does it pose a serious challenge to health and the environment?
The link between obesity and genetics.
Rational use and protection of non-renewable natural resources (based on specific examples).
Should we encourage dingoes back into the natural environment?
Vaping: what’s the risk?
Is gluten intolerance real, or just a marketing ploy?
Genetic engineering: great power and greater responsibility.
NOTE: This is an individual assignment, what you submit must be entirely you own work!
You will need to compile background information to understand and explain your topic; you will
also need to explain surrounding arguments (both for and against).
You are to carry out a literature search on the topic and to write an essay plan with citations
and a list of references. Details of the assignment, which will be marked out of 20 and converted
to 10% for the unit, are given below.
Part A: Literature search to retrieve and reference 10–15 articles
(6 marks)
By searching at least two databases, identify and retrieve 10–15 scientific articles (often referred
to as ‘papers’), that you consider to be relevant to the topic of your essay plan. You are required
to give the proper reference for each of the articles using APA7 reference formatting as instructed
in class. A reference is the standard way of listing the information needed to identify and retrieve a
specific article. If there is overlap in some of the references (i.e., if more than one database
identifies the same article, which is likely), make sure that, overall, you have a minimum of 10
different articles in your reference list. This list of references is all that is required in the
submission for Part A, and is separate to the list of articles that you will present in Part B. That is,
Part A is a list of 10–15 articles, and Part B requires a separate reference list that you have used for
the Essay Plan in Part B. References that you identified in Part A can be used for part B, however the
lists do not need to be identical.
Things to note for Part A, are:

Are there at least 10 (max 15) different references to articles that are relevant to the topic?
Have you used at least two databases (more is fine, e.g., Academic Search Complete, Medline
Complete, Google Scholar etc.) to source these articles?
List your references according to which database you sourced them from. That is, you will
actually have two or more lists, each under a heading which is a database title.
At least 8 of the 10 references should be to journal articles; the other references may be to
books or newspaper articles.
Make sure all your references are cited correctly in APA7 style and that you have been
consistent in the way you have cited them (see Deakin Library’s Guide to Referencing for
SLE115 Essential Skills in Bioscience AT2
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Part B: Essay plan and reference list
(14 marks)
You are NOT being asked to write an essay but rather to construct a detailed essay plan. A wellconstructed essay plan is an abridged version of what you would actually write in a full essay; it
is a skeleton, if you like, that will give the reader (the marker, in this case) a good idea of what
the full-blown essay would look like.
Full sentences are required for your essay plan, but these
sentences may be in dot-point (bullet) form (if you wish).
The layout should be in the form of an Introduction,
followed by at least three paragraphs or body sections
which each have a title to reflect their content, a
Conclusion section, and a reference list separate to that
in Part A.
For each statement, or dot-point in sentence form, you
should give the in-text citation of the article/s that gave
you this information. The in-text citation/s maybe in the
middle of a sentence or, more usually, at the end. These
citations may be to articles that you already have as part
of your 10–15 articles in Part A, or you may need/wish to
find other more relevant articles that
directly support your topic’s essay plan.
Quotes are very rarely used in the scientific literature and you should not have to use them.
Rather, you should paraphrase (i.e., put into your own words) what you want to state from an
article, and then give the reference to that article as an in-text citation.
Things to note for Part B, are:
There should be an Introduction, (at least) three body sections, and a conclusion
Each statement should be supported by an in-text citation (author date)
Each statement should be relevant to the topic
5 marks
3 marks
2 marks
(10 marks)
Construct a list of references of the articles you cited in your essay plan. Use APA7 reference
formatting (as for Part A) and as instructed in class. Ideally, 6–10 different articles should be
cited. Do not state the database used to source the articles in Part B instead, all e-journal
articles should have a DOI.
References (6–10) are listed in APA7 style
4 marks
Refer to your class notes for further instructions for this assignment and how to cite and
reference properly.
SLE115 Essential Skills in Bioscience AT2
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Submission Instructions
This assignment is marked out of 20 and is worth 20% of your total mark for SLE115. It is due
before 8.00 PM on Friday (end of Week 5) to the submission link on Moodle.
Submit your assignment as a single Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or PDF (.pdf) document. The
top of the document should state your name, student number, campus of study, and the total
word count of your submission (see below). Then give the title of your topic and then your
assignment submission itself. No hard copies or email submissions will be accepted.
Submissions will be subjected to Turnitin plagiarism-detection software.
There is a 1,200-word limit (±10%), which includes the reference lists, your name etc. (i.e.,
everything); a well-written submission could be 600 words (around two pages). One mark out
of 20 will be deducted for every 100 words over the limit. That is, a 1,301–1,399-word
submission will be marked out of 19.
Late submissions will also incur a 5% penalty (per day) in accordance with Deakin College policy.
SLE115 Essential Skills in Bioscience AT2
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SLE115 Literature review and essay plan [AT2] rubric
Part A
List of 10–15 articles
3 points
1.5 points
4.5 points
6 points
Major inconsistencies in formatting
Severe inconsistencies in formatting
The assignment instructions and those Minor inconsistencies in formatting
between references OR, several
and / or major omissions of essential
between references: e.g., full journal
delivered in Class 2 have been
elements for many references OR,
name given for some articles, whereas essential elements missing from
followed. This includes but is not
the abbreviation of the journal name is several references OR, Several articles Less than 4 of the references from
limited to: References for 10–15
given for another; journal volume
not in alphabetical order OR, Several peer-reviewed journals.
articles relevant to the topic are
articles not relevant to the topic OR,
numbers not always expressed the
provided in correct and consistent
Less than 6 of the references are from
same way OR, One or two essential
APA7 format. References sourced
from at least two databases which are elements (e.g., page numbers, DOI [if peer-reviewed journals.
indicated above the relevant articles. required], title of article) missing from
one or two references, OR, One or two
At least 8 of the references are from
peer-reviewed journals (in contrast to articles not in alphabetical order OR,
One or two articles not relevant to the
newspaper / magazine articles,
websites etc.). References are listed in topic OR, Databases used are not
alphabetical order according to the first listed above the relevant articles OR,
Less than 8 of the references are from
author’s surname.
peer-reviewed journals.
Part B
Essay Plan
0 points
3 points
10 points
8 points
5 points
The essay plan has severe
No essay plan provided.
The essay plan is well-written, with an The essay plan has minor deficiencies.
The essay plan has major deficiencies.
Introduction, at least three body
All sections are present (Introduction, All sections are present (Introduction, deficiencies. One or more sections are
paragraphs which each have a title to at least three body paragraphs, and a at least three body paragraphs, and a missing (Introduction, at least three
body paragraphs, and a Conclusion)
reflect their content, and a Conclusion Conclusion) with an adequate number Conclusion), however one or two
OR, an inadequate number of
section. In-text citations to references of supporting statements per section. sections are incomplete with few
supporting statements per section. Infollow APA7 style and are used in a
APA7 style in-text citations to
supporting statements per section.
text citations to references are used,
consistent and relevant manner to
references are used of which the
APA7 style in- text citations to
support each statement which must
majority are formatted consistently
references are used, however several but are inconsistently formatted OR,
The entire assignment is more than
be relevant to the
(one or two minor errors in not
minor formatting errors present OR,
topic.The entire assignment (Parts A adhering to APA7) OR, The entire
The entire assignment is 1,451– 1,600 1,600 words in length or below 400
and B together) is 1,200 (±10%) words assignment is 1,301– 1,450 words in words in length or below 500 words.
in length and has been submitted in
length or below 600 words, OR is not
.docx/.doc/.pdf format as a single
in .docx/.doc/.pdf format.
document to the assignment folder.
Student name and number, topic title,
and word count appear at the
beginning of the assignment.
Part B
4 points
List of articles cited in essay All articles referred to in the essay
plan, and no others, appear in a
reference list at the end of the essay
plan. All references in this list follow
APA7 formatting and as detailed in
instructions for Part A, except that the
databases used do not need to be
Overall score
Level 5
14 or more
Not shown
0 points
No Part A submitted.
3 points
2 points
1 point
0 points
Minor deficiencies in formatting style or Major deficiencies in formatting style or Severe deficiencies in formatting style List of references not given for the
consistency of the reference list OR,
consistency of the reference list OR,
or consistency of the reference list OR, articles cited in the essay plan.
Some references are missing or do not Several references are missing or do Many references are missing or do not
appear in the essay plan itself.
not appear in the essay plan itself.
appear in the essay plan itself.
Level 4
11 or more
Level 3
8 or more
Level 2
5 or more
Level 1
0 or more

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