Cyber Security Question


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Assignment Title: Present a Data Analysis Strategy
Books and Resources
Field, A. (Academic). (2012). Editing graphs [Streaming video]. Retrieved from SAGE Research
Davis, S., & Davis, E. (2016). Data analysis with SPSS software: data types, graphs, and
measurement tendencies. Momentum Press.
Buckler, S. (Academic). (2015). Quantitative data analysis, part 2 [Streaming video]. Retrieved from SAGE
Luo, X., Yuan, Y., Zhang, K., Xia, J., Zhou, Z., Chang, L., & Gu, T. (2019). Enhancing statistical
charts: toward better data visualization and analysis. Journal of Visualization, 22(4), 819.
For this assignment, you must develop a data analysis strategy for your research study. You must then
present your design in a presentation.
Your presentation should include the following:
Title Slide
Problem Statement
Research Purpose
Research Questions
Definition of Key Terms
Review of the Literature
Validity of Research Topic
Research Design
Proposed Data Collection Strategy
Proposed Data Analysis Strategy
150-200 words of speaker notes for each slide to assist with the delivery of the presentation
Recording of your presentation of each slide using the recording feature in PowerPoint
Length: 12-15 slide presentation, with audio recording
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of
concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.
The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA
Paper must be in academic format.
Assignment will be submitted via Turnitin.
Annotated Bibliography on Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Detection, Exploitation, and
Mitigation Strategies
Annotated Bibliography on Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Detection, Exploitation, and Mitigation
Cybersecurity increasingly faces the persistent and ever-evolving threat posed by zeroday vulnerabilities. Software security vulnerabilities, which are not disclosed by the vendor and
consequently remain unpatched, are in question (Williams, 2021). The stakes are raised against
malicious actors exploiting these vulnerabilities, as the increasing reliance on interconnected
technologies poses significant risks to information systems, critical infrastructure, and personal
privacy. The preceding segment lays the groundwork for a comprehensive analysis of zero-day
vulnerabilities, emphasizing the importance of understanding and mitigating these dangers.
Amidst the proliferation of sophisticated and extensive cyber-attacks, the recognition,
evaluation, and calculated administration of zero-day vulnerabilities are paramount in protecting
digital ecosystems. This article examines a meticulously curated collection of academic articles,
wherein each article offers a distinct viewpoint that enriches the broader discussion on zero-day
vulnerabilities. The analyses encompass everything from strategic frameworks to comprehensive
examinations of their lifespan and dynamics, thereby furnishing a nuanced comprehension of this
pivotal cybersecurity dilemma.
Selection Methodology
The selection process for the resources included in this annotated bibliography was
systematic to ensure their relevance and comprehensiveness regarding zero-day vulnerabilities
and their implications for cybersecurity. The initial stage involved an exhaustive search of
reputable scholarly databases, emphasizing articles published in peer-reviewed conferences,
journals, and reports. Priority was allocated to recent publications to ensure the most recent
advancements and perspectives were incorporated.
Additionally, publications authored by reputable institutions and authorities in
cybersecurity were prioritized to ensure credibility and academic rigor. The articles that have
been chosen exhibit a wide range of viewpoints. The aforementioned encompass consensus
frameworks designed to facilitate the detection and mitigation of zero-day attacks, strategic
frameworks devised to combat such attacks in IoT networks, exhaustive evaluations of zero-day
vulnerabilities, empirical investigations into the lifespan and dynamics of zero-day exploits, and
innovative approaches to identify and forecast zero-day exploits. This comprehensive
compilation aims to thoroughly understand the subject, including practical and theoretical
aspects. It offers viewpoints relevant to cybersecurity scholars, professionals, and decisionmakers.
Annotated Bibliography
Lamba, A., Singh, S., & Balvinder, S. (2016). Mitigating zero-day attacks in IoT using a
strategic framework. International Journal for Technological Research in
Engineering, 4(1).
In their article, Lamba et al. (2016) analyzed the critical issue of zero-day vulnerabilities
in Internet of Things (IoT) networks and proposed an innovative strategic framework to tackle
the difficulty. The authors acknowledge that the proliferation of interconnected devices within
the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased cybersecurity risks. They emphasize the specific
susceptibility that zero-day threats present. The proposed framework utilizes a Distributed
Diagnosis System (DDS) and a context graph-based methodology. Comprising a central
diagnosis system (CDS), local diagnosis system (LDS), and semi-diagnosis system (SDS), these
components collectively manage updates and trust within the IoT network.
According to the findings, communication overheads (21%) and operational costs (33%)
are significantly reduced compared to a centralized diagnosis system. The research presents
significant findings regarding implementing a distributed and context-aware approach to mitigate
zero-day vulnerabilities. This highlights the critical role that strategic frameworks play in
fortifying the security of the Internet of Things. The article establishes a fundamental
comprehension of the difficulties presented by zero-day assaults. It creates a solid basis for
subsequent investigations and practical applications in this pivotal field of cybersecurity.
Sharma, V., Lee, K., Kwon, S., Kim, J., Park, H., Yim, K., & Lee, S. Y. (2017). A consensus
framework for reliability and mitigation of zero-day attacks in IoT. Security and
Communication Networks, 2017.
Sharma et al. (2017) examine the difficulties presented by zero-day attacks in Internet of
Things (IoT) networks, focusing on the growing susceptibility of these networks due to the
pervasive integration of IoT devices. The authors draw attention to the drawbacks of current
security solutions, which, although they can identify zero-day assaults, hinder communication
and consequently degrade network performance. In light of this concern, the article establishes a
consensus framework that guarantees the effective prevention of zero-day attacks in IoT
The framework enables early detection by leveraging the behavior context of IoT
devices. It employs an alert message protocol and a critical data-sharing protocol to facilitate
communication and information dissemination during attack mitigation. A numerical analysis is
conducted to validate the efficacy of the proposed method in detecting and eradicating zero-day
attacks while maintaining network performance. Given the exponential growth of IoT devices
and the critical need for comprehensive security solutions to protect against potential exploits,
the authors emphasize the importance of their work. In its conclusion, the paper provides
valuable insights regarding the ramifications of zero-day assaults. It underscores the criticality of
timely detection and mitigation strategies to safeguard IoT networks from ever-evolving threats.
Prakash, D. S. (n.d.) Zero-day vulnerabilities: An in-depth analysis.
In this article, Prakash (n.d.) delves into the complex realm of zero-day vulnerabilities,
emphasizing their critical implications on cybersecurity. The author researches the progression
and exploitation of these susceptibilities, explicitly focusing on prominent instances that impact
the public and private domains. The study underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity
protocols by comprehensively examining prevalent vulnerabilities and advocates adopting a
multifaceted security strategy.
The literature review investigates various zero-day vulnerability facets, such as detection
techniques, impact assessments, and mitigation approaches, explored in the literature review.
Significant importance is attributed to the implementation of proactive measures and machine
learning. The article underscores the extensive ramifications that zero-day vulnerabilities can
impose on entire sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and critical infrastructure. The study
identifies vulnerabilities in cybersecurity defenses and proposes viable remedies, such as
implementing sophisticated technological solutions, well-informed human intervention, and
ongoing cybersecurity research and innovation. The results emphasize the necessity of a
collaborative endeavor to confront the ever-changing threat environment and guarantee the
robustness of our digital infrastructure.
Ablon, L. & Bogart, A. (2017). Zero days, thousands of nights. RAND Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA.
This article provides valuable insights that can inform offensive and defensive
cybersecurity strategies. Through an examination of the exploits and the longevity and dynamics
of zero-day vulnerabilities, the article offers insightful analysis. Based on the research findings,
exploits and the fundamental vulnerabilities they exploit have an average lifespan of 6.9 years.
External entities identify around 5.7 percent of these vulnerabilities within a year. The article
argues against the overly simplistic categorization of vulnerabilities as active or inactive,
emphasizing the existence of quasi-dead states and the ever-changing characteristics of
vulnerabilities. It underscores the ramifications for defensive strategies, proposing that attention
should be directed towards every category of vulnerability and endorsing endeavors to examine
code bases for prior versions.
Regarding offensive strategies, the article posits that exploit developers ought to be aware
of the finite lifetime of their tools and may not require substantial inventories. Furthermore, the
article highlights that the median time needed to develop a completely functional exploit from
discovering an exploitable vulnerability is a comparatively short 22 days. The study emphasizes
the significance of adopting a nuanced strategy when managing vulnerabilities. It also defines the
difficulties and factors that defenders and offensive entities should consider.
Mahajan, J. S. (2023). Identification of zero-day exploits.
This article examines the increasing difficulties linked to exploits of software
vulnerabilities and emphasizes the critical importance of applying opportune patches to protect
against cyber threats. The primary objective of this study is to improve upon current approaches
utilized in predicting zero-day attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities. The author
demonstrates an understanding of the constraints inherent in previous machine learning-based
methodologies and uses an enhanced technique to attain precise forecasts of zero-day
By leveraging information obtained from various security repositories such as CVE Lists,
NVD, Zero Day Initiative, Exploitability Database, Darkweb Forum, and Symantec, the project
implements novel functionalities such as has_edb, has_zdi, and ∆t_patch_date. The research
attains an exceptional performance enhancement of 200 percent compared to prior endeavors by
correcting methodological errors and optimizing patch prioritization. The research significantly
contributes to the vulnerability prediction field by emphasizing the importance of precise
identification and prioritization to establish strong cybersecurity measures. The author also
delineates prospective advancements, including integrating supplementary data after 2017 and
applying TF-IDF to vectorize NVD and Darkweb information.
Ablon, L. & Bogart, A. (2017). Zero days, thousands of nights. RAND Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA.
Lamba, A., Singh, S., & Balvinder, S. (2016). Mitigating zero-day attacks in IoT using a
strategic framework. International Journal for Technological Research in
Engineering, 4(1).
Mahajan, J. S. (2023). Identification of zero-day exploits.
Prakash, D. S. (n.d.) Zero-day vulnerabilities: An in-depth analysis.
Sharma, V., Lee, K., Kwon, S., Kim, J., Park, H., Yim, K., & Lee, S. Y. (2017). A consensus
framework for reliability and mitigation of zero-day attacks in IoT. Security and
Communication Networks, 2017.
Williams, T. L. (2021). Cybersecurity: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Attack Vectors (Doctoral
dissertation, Northcentral University).
Literature Review on Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Detection, Exploitation, and Mitigation
Zero-day vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to contemporary cybersecurity, with
undisclosed software flaws exposing systems to exploitation. This literature review explores
detection, exploitation, and mitigation strategies related to zero-day vulnerabilities. As
technology interconnectedness grows, the challenge of defending against malicious actors
leveraging these vulnerabilities becomes increasingly severe. The review delves into various
detection techniques, including signature-based detection, behavioral analysis, heuristic analysis,
sandboxing, and threat intelligence feeds. Exploitation techniques employed by malicious actors,
such as exploit kits, payload crafting, social engineering, and their association with privilege
escalation and advanced persistent threats, are discussed. Mitigation strategies are then
examined, including distributed and context-aware approaches, network segmentation,
behavioral analysis, regular firmware and software updates, and secure boot mechanisms. These
strategies aim to proactively address zero-day vulnerabilities in the ever-evolving landscape of
The increasing reliance on interconnected technologies heightens the threat of zero-day
vulnerabilities and undisclosed software flaws that expose systems to exploitation. This literature
review explores the multifaceted aspects of zero-day vulnerabilities, focusing on detection,
exploitation, and mitigation strategies. As our digital infrastructure becomes more
interconnected, the specter of zero-day vulnerabilities poses a growing challenge to the security
of digital systems.
Literature Review
Detection of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
Detecting and mitigating zero-day vulnerabilities is crucial to maintaining the security of
computer systems and networks. Mahajan (2023) explains that one common approach is using
signature-based detection, which entails creating unique patterns or signatures that represent
known characteristics of exploits associated with zero-day vulnerabilities. Security tools, such as
antivirus programs and intrusion detection systems, use these signatures to identify and block
malicious activities. Olorunsola (2018) highlights this method has limitations as it relies on prior
knowledge of the threat, making it ineffective against truly novel zero-day exploits.
Behavioral analysis is another detection technique that focuses on monitoring the
behavior of software and systems for any abnormal or malicious activities (Vegesna, 2023).
Instead of relying on predefined signatures, this approach looks for deviations from abnormal
behavior. Anomalous patterns may indicate the presence of a zero-day exploit. Advanced
machine learning algorithms often detect unusual behavior and adapt to evolving threats,
providing a more proactive defense against unknown vulnerabilities.
According to (Bhadran & Kapadia, n.d.), heuristic analysis involves examining the code
and behavior of software to identify potential threats based on general rules and principles.
Security software uses heuristics to flag activities that match predefined criteria for suspicious
behavior. While heuristics can effectively identify previously unknown threats, they may also
generate false positives, requiring a balance between sensitivity and accuracy. Lamba et al.
(2016) also suggest that sandboxing is a technique that involves running potentially malicious
code in a controlled and isolated environment to observe its behavior without impacting the
overall system. If the code exhibits malicious characteristics, it is flagged as a potential zero-day
threat. Isolation mechanisms help contain and prevent the spread of successful attacks within the
sandboxed environment, protecting the larger system.
Threat intelligence feeds provide real-time information on emerging threats, including
potential zero-day vulnerabilities. Organizations subscribe to these feeds to stay informed about
the latest security risks and to update their defenses accordingly (Ablon & Bogart, 2017).
Collaborative sharing of threat intelligence within the cyber security community helps improve
awareness and response to zero-day vulnerabilities.
Exploitation Techniques
Understanding how malicious actors exploit zero-day vulnerabilities is vital. Exploitation
techniques are methods malicious actors employ to exploit computer systems or software
vulnerabilities to compromise security and gain unauthorized access (Blaise et al., 2020). These
techniques can range from exploiting software flaws to manipulating human behavior for
malicious purposes.
One particularly potent form of exploitation entails zero-day vulnerabilities. Zero-day
vulnerabilities are the security flaws in software or hardware that are unknown to the vendor and
consequently have no available patches or fixes. According to Anand et al. (2022), malicious
actors exploit these vulnerabilities before developers become aware of them, making it
challenging for organizations to defend against attacks.
To exploit a zero-day vulnerability, attackers typically follow a multistep process. First,
they discover the undisclosed flaw through extensive research, often involving reverse
engineering or analyzing software code (Kumar & Sinha, 2021). Once identified, the attacker
develops an exploit, a code specifically designed to exploit the vulnerability. This exploit is then
used to launch targeted attacks against invulnerable systems, and networks employ diverse,
sophisticated exploitation techniques to capitalize on zero-day vulnerabilities, aiming to
compromise systems and gain unauthorized access. Olorunsola (2018) highlights that attackers
use exploit kits, bundles of prepackaged malicious code designed to automate identifying and
exploiting vulnerabilities. These kits are often distributed through malicious websites or emails,
targeting users who may visit or interact with compromised content.
Another prevalent technique entails crafting specially designed payloads to exploit
specific weaknesses in a system (Williams, 2021). These payloads exploit the vulnerabilities by
injecting malicious code into targeted software, enabling attackers to gain control over the
affected system. This can lead to various consequences, from stealing sensitive data to
establishing persistent backdoors for future access. Social engineering is another effective tactic,
according to Vegesna (2023). Attackers manipulate human psychology to trick individuals into
actions that may expose vulnerabilities or provide access credentials. Phishing emails, for
instance, may lure users into clicking on seemingly innocuous links or downloading malicious
attachments, unknowingly facilitating the exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities.
Zero-day vulnerabilities are often leveraged with other techniques, such as privilege
escalation. Once initial access is achieved, attackers seek to elevate their privileges within a
system, granting them greater control and broader access to sensitive information (Soltani et al.,
2023). This can involve exploiting additional vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system’s
security architecture. Intrusion techniques, including advanced persistent threats, are also
frequently associated with zero-day exploits. Sharma et al. (2017) explain that PTs involve
prolonged and targeted attacks on specific entities, such as organizations or government
agencies, to compromise systems over an extended period.
Zero-day vulnerabilities provide APT actors a valuable advantage, allowing them to
maintain persistence and continue their operations undetected. Exploiting zero-day
vulnerabilities underscores the importance of timely patching and proactive security measures
(Mahajan, 2023). As defenders work to identify and address vulnerabilities, attackers constantly
seek new ways to exploit them.
Mitigation Strategies
According to Lamba et al. (2016), a distributed and context-aware approach to mitigating
zero-day vulnerabilities in IoT involves a decentralized security paradigm. In this strategy,
security measures are not concentrated in a single location but are rather dispersed across various
layers and devices within the IoT ecosystem. This approach ensures a more dynamic and
adaptive response to emerging threats by considering the specific context of each device and its
interactions. For example, a distributed firewall system can be implemented and strategically
placed at different points in the IoT network. This system dynamically analyzes and filters traffic
based on contextual information, adapting security policies. Anomaly detection algorithms can
also identify abnormal behavior, enabling swift responses to potential threats.
Sharma et al. (2017) also prove that network segmentation is a fundamental strategy that
involves dividing the IoT network into isolated segments, thereby restricting lateral movement
for potential attackers. By compartmentalizing the network, exploiting a zero-day vulnerability
in one segment does not automatically compromise the entire network. According to Kumar and
Sinha (2021), this strategy provides a containment mechanism, limiting the impact of a security
breach. VLANs or SDNs can create logical segments within the IoT infrastructure. In the event
of a compromise, the isolation of the affected segments ensures that the communication between
the segments is strictly controlled, effectively reducing the attack surface and mitigating the risk
of widespread damage.
Additionally, according to Lamba et al. (2016), behavioral analysis and anomaly
detection systems are essential components of a proactive defense against zero-day
vulnerabilities. These systems continuously monitor the normal behavior of devices and
networks, establishing baselines for expected activities. Deviations from these baselines trigger
alerts, enabling the identification and mitigation of zero-day threats. Machine learning
algorithms are often deployed to learn the normal behavior patterns for each IoT device (Blaise
et al., 2020). When unusual activities are detected, the system will likely respond by isolating the
affected device, limiting the potential damage caused by the zero-day exploit. This strategy
provides a dynamic and responsive defense capable of identifying threats that traditional
signature-based detection methods may not recognize.
Regular firmware and software updates are crucial for mitigating known vulnerabilities
and potential zero-day threats in IoT devices. Timely updates ensure devices have the latest
security patches and close existing vulnerabilities. An automated update mechanism can be
implemented to streamline the deployment of patches across the IoT infrastructure (Kumar &
Sinha, 2021). Additionally, secure boot mechanisms play a significant role in verifying the
integrity of firmware during startup, preventing malicious tampering. This strategy ensures that
the IoT devices are protected against known threats and equipped to handle potential zero-day
vulnerabilities through timely security patches.
The collective research underscores the critical significance of proactive defense
measures, incorporating advanced techniques such as behavioral analysis, threat intelligence
feeds, and anomaly detection systems. Behavioral analysis involves monitoring the behavior of
software and systems to identify abnormal or malicious activities, offering a dynamic and
adaptive defense mechanism. Threat intelligence feeds provide real-time information on
emerging threats, allowing organizations to stay informed and update their defenses accordingly.
Anomaly detection systems continuously monitor the normal behavior of devices and networks,
establishing baselines for expected activities.
Collaboration within the cybersecurity community emerges as crucial in enhancing
awareness and response to zero-day vulnerabilities. The research highlights the role of threat
intelligence feeds in facilitating the collaborative sharing of real-time information among
organizations. By subscribing to these feeds, cybersecurity professionals can stay informed about
the latest security risks, trends, and potential zero-day vulnerabilities. The collective awareness
generated through collaboration enables a more comprehensive understanding of the evolving
threat landscape, fostering a community-driven approach to addressing and mitigating zero-day
Mitigation strategies play a pivotal role in addressing the evolving challenge of zero-day
vulnerabilities. The research identifies key strategies, including a distributed and context-aware
approach, network segmentation, and regular updates. A distributed and context-aware approach
involves dispersing security measures across various layers and devices within the IoT
ecosystem, ensuring a dynamic and adaptive response to emerging threats. Network
segmentation, achieved through techniques like VLANs or SDNs, limits the impact of a security
breach by isolating affected segments. Regular updates, including firmware and software
updates, are crucial for mitigating known vulnerabilities and potential zero-day threats.
In conclusion, this literature review’s exploration of zero-day vulnerabilities underscores
the pressing challenges they pose to contemporary cybersecurity. As our reliance on
interconnected technologies grows, the threat of malicious actors exploiting undisclosed software
flaws becomes increasingly severe. The detection techniques discussed, ranging from signaturebased methods to behavioral analysis and threat intelligence feeds, highlight the evolving
strategies employed to identify and mitigate these vulnerabilities. Understanding exploitation
techniques is equally crucial, as attackers leverage sophisticated methods, including exploit kits
and social engineering, to compromise systems. Mitigation strategies, such as distributed and
context-aware approaches, network segmentation, and behavioral analysis systems, offer
proactive defense mechanisms against zero-day vulnerabilities.
Ablon, L. & Bogart, A. (2017). Zero days, thousands of nights. RAND Corporation, Santa
Monica, CA.
Anand, P., Singh, Y., & Selwal, A. (2022). Learning-based techniques for assessing zero-day
attacks and vulnerabilities in IoT. In Recent Innovations in Computing: Proceedings of
ICRIC 2021, Volume 1 (pp. 497-504). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Bhadran, B. & Kapadia, N. (n.d.). Zero-day vulnerability.
Blaise, A., Bouet, M., Conan, V., & Secci, S. (2020). Detection of zero-day attacks: An
unsupervised port-based approach. Computer Networks, 180, 107391.
Kumar, V. & Sinha, D. (2021). A robust intelligent zero-day cyber-attack detection
technique. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7(5), 2211-2234.
Lamba, A., Singh, S., & Balvinder, S. (2016). Mitigating zero-day attacks in IoT using a
strategic framework. International Journal for Technological Research in
Engineering, 4(1).
Mahajan, J. S. (2023). Identification of Zero-Day Exploits.
Olorunsola, F. A. (2018). Zero-Day Vulnerability In Software-Defined Networks: A Quantitative
Study (Doctoral dissertation, Colorado Technical University).
Sharma, V., Lee, K., Kwon, S., Kim, J., Park, H., Yim, K., & Lee, S. Y. (2017). A consensus
framework for reliability and mitigation of zero-day attacks in IoT. Security and
Communication Networks, 2017.
Soltani, M., Ousat, B., Siavoshani, M. J., & Jahangir, A. H. (2023). An adaptable deep learningbased Intrusion Detection System to zero-day attacks. Journal of Information Security
and Applications, 76, 103516.
Vegesna, V. V. (2023). Adopting a Conceptual Architecture to Mitigate an IoT Zero-Day Threat
that Might Result in a Zero-Day Attack with Regard to Operational Costs and
Communication Overheads. International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific
Research, 10, 9-17.
Williams, T. L. (2021). Cybersecurity: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Attack Vectors (Doctoral
dissertation, Northcentral University).
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Unveiling the Vulnerabilities: A Comprehensive Analysis of Emerging Threats in Internet
of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity
The widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has caused significant
changes to our lifestyles and work environments. However, the Internet of Things’ (IoT) rapid
expansion has created previously unheard-of cybersecurity challenges, which have resulted in a
glaring lack of understanding and risk mitigation for new threats. The negative effects of this
quickly getting worse are extensive and severe. Events like massive distributed denial-of-service
(DDoS) assaults, illegal access to private information, and manipulation of vital infrastructure
can have serious consequences for organizations, individuals, and governments (Bhardwaj et al.,
2021). This emphasizes how important it is to carry out a targeted investigation into the flaws in
these interrelated systems.
Recent studies highlight the economic repercussions, forecasting that by 2025,
cybercrime-related vulnerabilities on the Internet of Things will cost enterprises incredibly
(Husar, 2022). The current body of literature does not offer holistic solutions and lacks a
comprehensive comprehension of the dynamic landscape of IoT-related cyber threats despite
their increasing prevalence and impact. Present research frequently concentrates on facets of
security on the Internet of Things (IoT), resulting in a significant knowledge deficit concerning
the intricate relatio