Cyber Security Question


Project 1: Virtualization Assignment
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For this assignment, the Caduceus CTO, Eliza, has asked you to create a working proof of concept.

Step 1: Set Up and Log Into Your AWS Academy Account

CMIT 495 requires you to complete hands-on assignments in a virtual environment. We will be using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our virtual environment. Amazon offers a free account for those that register. UMGC will automatically add you to an AWS Academy Learner Lab. However, you still need to set up and log into your AWS Academy account to get started.

Review the following AWS Academy (Student Guide) to set up and log into your AWS Academy Account, then access and use your Learner Lab. Be sure to read the guide carefully before proceeding:

AWS Academy Learner Lab – Student Guide

Note: The AWS Academy Learner Lab (Student Guide) provides students with instructions for using AWS Academy Learner Labs. The Learner Lab offers a lab environment suitable for student projects over a period designated by the department.

Step 2: Download the Week 1 Project Template

Download the template you will use to submit your project. (Virtualization Assignment Template.docx)

Step 3: Install and Configure an AWS EC2 Instance (Virtual Machine)

Using the newly created AWS free account, install and configure an Ubuntu Server virtual machine (VM) using the most recent version of the 64-bit operating system.

You will need to provide a detailed overview of the steps required to install the Ubuntu server operating system on the virtual machine, including screenshots of each step in the process in the Week 1 Assignment Template.

Review the following documentation detailing an overview and step-by-step procedure on how to install and configure an AWS EC2 instance.

Getting Started with Amazon EC2
Create an EC2 instance and install a web server
Get started with Amazon EC2 Linux instances

Step 4: Complete the Week 1 Project and Upload to the Assignment Folder

Answer the questions and embed the appropriate screenshots of your Ubuntu server installation. When providing a detailed overview of the steps required to install the Ubuntu server operating system on the virtual machine, make sure to include screenshots of each step in the process. Further details and instructions are included within the Week 1 Assignment Template.

How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports communication.
2.3.1: State conclusions or solutions clearly and precisely.
11.1.3: Install the software.
11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.
11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.
13.2.1: Evaluate vendor recommendations in the context of organization requirements.

When complete, export your file as a PDF and upload it to the LEO Assignments folder (e.g., Project 1 – Virtualization Assignment).

Step 5: Stop and Terminate Your Amazon Instance

After you complete the Week 1 Assignment, stop and terminate your Amazon deployment/instance so that you are not charged.

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Week 1 Project Template
CMIT 495 Current Trends and Projects in Computer Networks and Security
Week 1 – Virtualization
1. Log in to your newly created AWS account and take a screen capture of the AWS Console
(Dashboard) and embed it below.
2. Provide a detailed overview of the steps required to provision (create) and launch an AWS
Ubuntu-based server virtual instance. The steps may be listed in bullet points or complete
sentences. Use as much space as required.
3. What are the benefits of virtualization in a cloud environment? Discuss a minimum of three
benefits in detail.
4. Based on your experience, what was the most challenging aspect of provisioning and
launching the AWS Ubuntu-based server instance in the AWS virtual environment?
5. Configure your local host computer to use an SSH client application to interact with the newly
created and running AWS Ubuntu virtual instance. If using a Windows-based local computer,
read over the AWS document, “Connect to your Linux instance from Windows using PuTTY”,
download and install PuTTY1 or use Windows 10 built-in OpenSSH client.
6. From the local computer establish an SSH connection to the AWS Ubuntu Server virtual
instance, login, and update the Ubuntu Server using sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get
upgrade. Perform a screen capture after having each command successfully run.
7. Next, describe in depth what the update and upgrade commands are doing (explain why it is
important to run these commands, how often should these commands be run, where do the
commands pull the updates).
8. After successfully deploying the Ubuntu Server operating system updates and upgrades,
reconnect to the AWS EC2 console, and if needed login again via an SSH client (Note: SSH
session inactivity timeout is short). Instructions to SSH are provided by Amazon on how to do
so. When connected, run the following commands to obtain information about the host and
network settings (perform a screen capture of the results and embed below):
echo ” && echo ‘CMIT 495 ‘ && date (section is a
4-digit number like 6380 and semester is a 4-digit number like 2215 or 2218)
ping -c 4
Example Screenshot:
Export/print your completed file as a PDF and upload to your LEO/Assignments folder.
Week 1 Project Template
9. What kind of account did you discover when you ran the whoami command? How do you
10. Note the difference between IP addresses—specifically, when you perform the ip a show or
ipconfig on your personal system, versus the ip a show command within the EC2 instance VM
command prompt. Describe the network settings of each system. Why are the IP addresses
different? Are the IP addresses private or public? What is the difference between a public and
private IP address? Explain in detail.
11. Virtualization allows us to place the functionality of many servers into a single host while
maintaining configurable levels of separation between all virtual machines. How do you
believe virtualization could help in data center consolidation? What would you be leery about
during and after any transition?
12. Does virtualization increase the cybersecurity posture of the organization? If so, describe how
and why. If not, describe how and why not.
13. There are various virtualization options: bare-metal (Type 1) in which the hypervisors run
directly on the hardware as their own operating systems, and user-space (Type 2) hypervisors
that run within the conventional operating systems. Which of these options is more secure?
Export/print your completed file as a PDF and upload to your LEO/Assignments folder.
Week 1 Project Template
Describe the vulnerabilities you believe exist in either Type 1, Type 2, or both configurations.
What do you believe can be done to mitigate these vulnerabilities?
14. Confirm that you have stopped and terminated your AWS Linux server instance. To confirm,
simply type your name below.
Click or tap here to enter your name.
Export/print your completed file as a PDF and upload to your LEO/Assignments folder.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
This guide provides you with instructions on how to use AWS Academy Learner Labs. These instructions
apply to both AWS Academy Learner Lab – Foundational Services and AWS Academy Learner Lab –
Association Services. This guide covers setting up and logging into your AWS Academy Account,
accessing your Learner Lab, and using your Learner Lab.
Setting Up and Logging Into Your AWS Academy Account
1. Set up your AWS Academy account by responding to your email invitation and clicking Get
Started. The email invitation will come from AWS Academy . If
you do not see the email, check your junk, spam, or promotional mail folder. Here is a sample
invitation email.
2. Go to to login.
a. Press Student Login.
b. Use the email address that received the email invitation for the email field.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
Accessing your Learner Lab
1. In the AWS Academy Dashboard, click on the Learner Lab you wish to use. Students invited to
more than one course/learner lab will see multiple tiles on the dashboard.
2. Select Modules.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
3. Select the Learner Lab item.
Using Your Learner Lab
1. The instructions for using the lab environment are to the right of the console window.
You can return to the instructions by pressing the Readme button. The instructions
include important details about how to access and use your AWS account, the AWS
Services available to you, and the restrictions placed on some AWS Services.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
2. Start the lab by selecting Start Lab.
3. When the dot next to AWS turns green, your lab environment is ready to use. Click
AWS to launch the AWS Console in a new tab. Alternatively, you can use the terminal
window to the left of the instructions to use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) to
interact with your account.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
4. A new tab will open the AWS Management Console when you click on AWS. The system logged
you into a temporary AWS account and the lab session will automatically end when the session
timer expires. The system will save your work when you end the session or the session timer
expires. Note: The system will suspend your EC2 instances at the end of a session and they will
restart when you start the lab again. Press Start if you need to start up a new lab session.
5. Return to the AWS Academy LMS tab to view the lab instructions or to control your
lab session.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
6. You can monitor your spend using the information at the top of the lab. Note: This is an
approximate view of your available budget. AWS Budgets reports this information, and the data
refreshes periodically (up to 8 hours after spending occurs).
7. You can monitor your remaining session time at the top of the lab. Note: If you are actively
working and you need more time, you can reset your session timer by pressing Start Lab again.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
8. If you need to wipe out all the resources that you configured to start a fresh AWS Account,
press the Reset button. This option will not reset your budget. Any spending you have incurred
9. Press the End Lab button to end your lab session. This will stop any running EC2 instances.
When you return to your lab and restart it, the EC2 instance will restart and any other
resources you configured will still be available. NOTE: If you have configured and started
other AWS resources such as NAT gateways and RDS services, those will continue to run in
the background and will continue to incur charges even outside of your lab session time.
10. If you spend your entire budget, you will lose all of your work, and the system will deactivate
your AWS Account. Your $100 budget is sufficient for most academic projects, as long as you
take care to stay within the budget guidelines.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
Next Steps
AWS Academy Learner Labs provides a long-running sandbox environment for ad hoc exploration of
AWS services. Your instructor may have provided you with a specific assignment or you may work on a
project of your own. If you have questions about how to use AWS Services, please use Ask Your
Instructor a Question on the Help menu.
AWS Academy Learner Lab
Student Guide
If the lab environment is not working as you expect, use Contact AWS Academy Support on the Help

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