Structure and Content of the Monthly Updates:
I require that your project proposal contain the following:
1. An unaltered copy of your project proposal.
2. A copy of any feedback that I provided to you.
3. Revised Introduction and Related Work sections.
4. I should also start to see draft Design and Evaluation sections.
5. A Revisions section where you tell me how you addressed my feedback.
6. A Status Report section where you tell me the current status of your project. Be sure
to identify if you are behind schedule or ahead of schedule. Also, your status report
should include specific details of the progress you have made. Lastly, identify any
concerns or problems you are having with your project.
7. You must follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science template (see the ‘Required
Format’ section below).Required Format
I require that you use the standard proceedings template provided by Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (see link below) for all papers. MS Word and Latex templates are