Cyber Incidents


Crimes can be committed not only physically, but virtually as well. There are numerous types of incidents that threaten the security of computing systems and networks. Common incidents include repudiation, harassment, extortion, hoaxes, subversion, and organized crime activity (such as drug trafficking, illegal passport creation, and online gambling).

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Cyber Incidents
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Discussion Topic

For this discussion, you have been assigned one (1) of three categories below in the table containing low, medium, and high-level incidents. For your initial post, select one (1) incident in the category that you are assigned. Use the ECPI Online Library or the Internet to research a specific case or a report in the news about that type of incident.

In your original post, answer the following:

Define the category of incident you were assigned and identify the type of incident you selected.
Summarize the case or news article that you selected.
Describe the procedures that were followed for this incident. Were the correct protocols followed? If there were no procedures specifically identified, discuss the procedures that should have been followed to address the incident.
List and describe two steps that should be taken to prevent this type of incident from occurring in the future.
Discuss your thoughts on why some organizations do not publicly disclose their computer-related incidents.

Category of Mid-Level Incidents:

Unfriendly employee termination.