CYB 220 Packet Tracer Setup Activity


CYB 220 Packet Tracer Setup Activity Guidelines and Rubric

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In this assignment, you will set up Packet Tracer by installing it on your computer either natively or within a virtual environment. The Packet Tracer software is provided by Cisco. The software allows for easy virtualization of network configuration and communication. You will be required to open a Packet Tracer file and modify it to complete assignments. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the Packet Tracer interface and that you become comfortable working in the environment. We recommend that you attempt some of the tutorials that Cisco provides, but they are not a requirement of the course. You will be required to submit appropriate screenshots of your work in Packet Tracer throughout this course. If you have any issues, reach out to your instructor.

Note: All the supporting documents you will need for this assignment can be found in the Packet Tracer Setup Activity task in Module One of your course.

It is highly recommended that you work in the SNHU Virtual Lab, as it is properly configured and easier to use than software you download yourself. However, if you would like to download the software, you can find instructions for that in the Cisco Packet Tracer Setup document. This document also provides details of access to the Cisco tutorials mentioned above. To standardize the work you will see and produce in Packet Tracer, we have created a Network Diagram Naming Conventions document. You will be required to follow these naming conventions in this course, so review this document now.


Follow these steps to complete this activity:

Access Packet Tracer
Install Packet Tracer per the instructions for installation.
Open the provided Packet Tracer file and modify it by inserting a label with your name, course code, and section number. Submit a screenshot of the modified file to your instructor.

Specifically, you must address the following critical element:

Modify the provided Packet Tracer file based on the prompt, and submit a screenshot of the modified file

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Network Diagram Naming Conventions
Packet Tracer Settings
Ensure that the Show device model labels and Show device name labels boxes are checked (checked by
default). This can be found in Options, then Preferences.
Naming Conventions for Asset Types
Follow these conventions in your network diagram:

The network name (e.g., Subnet1, Subnet2) should be at the top.
PC naming should follow this example: “PC#_network name.”
Network switches should be labeled with “network_name#_switch.”
Network routers should be labeled with “network_name#_router.”
Network cables should be labeled with the network IP address.
Network servers should be labeled with “ServerName_Network.”
Network asset devices connecting networks should have meaningful names and follow existing
conventions when applicable.
Titling Conventions for Students
Include your name, course code, and section number as a label in the box provided in the top left

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