cultural management : 2000 words


Instructions:Students should answer ONE of the following three questions.What do you understand by the term “Neo-Taylorism”? Drawing on cases analysed in this module, discuss the practical and moral implications of neo-Taylorist approaches to work organisation?Why is McGregor’s Theory X/Theory Y defined as an example of Human Relations theory? Considering the case of Dave and Val in John Roberts’ (1984) article, what are the practical and moral advantages of a human relations approach to management?Define post-bureaucracy. To what extent is Google a post-bureaucratic organisation, and what other approaches to organisation and management are evident in Google? Use examples from the course to support your answer.Be presented with 2.5cm margins all roundUse Times New Roman or Arial, 11 or 12 point for the main body textUse 1.5 line spacing

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