CRJ 553: Terrorism/Weapons of Mass Destruction


This week, students will respond via written or video post. If you have any questions about how to post a video, please email the instructor. Respond to each of these prompts, giving equal weight to each in your reply. Describe the differences between radiological and nuclear weapons,Identify which type of weapon would be more realistic for a violent extremist group to obtain and use in a terrorist attack, andExplore the policies and programs that have been put in place to ensure violent extremist organizations and individuals cannot pursue or acquire radiological or nuclear weapons.

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CRJ 553: Mod 3 Discussion
This week, students will respond via written or video post. If you have any questions
about how to post a video, please email the instructor.
Respond to each of these prompts, giving equal weight to each in your reply.

Describe the differences between radiological and nuclear
Identify which type of weapon would be more realistic for a violent
extremist group to obtain and use in a terrorist attack, and
Explore the policies and programs that have been put in place to
ensure violent extremist organizations and individuals cannot
pursue or acquire radiological or nuclear weapons.
Building on the previous module’s overview of biological and chemical WMDs, in this
module students will explore two additional types of WMDs: radiological and nuclear.
The module will provide a historical overview of these types of weapons. The module
will also focus on essential considerations when preparing to prevent or respond to a
radiological or nuclear attack. The module considers the policies and programs aimed
at preventing the use of these types of weapons.
By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Identify types of radiological and nuclear weapons and the dangers they
Examine the differences between radiological and nuclear weapons.
Assess relevant considerations when planning for the prevention of or
responding to an attack using radiological or nuclear attack.
For this learning module, please study the following materials. You will need to
understand the concepts presented here to complete the assignments.
Required Reading

TEXTBOOK: Chapter 6 & 7: Terrorist Organizations and Weapons of Mass Destruction;
pp. 141 – 167 & pp. 171 – 195. Cook, Alethia. 2017. Rowman & Littlefield.

PUBLICATION: Bunn, Matthew & Wier, Anthony. (April 2005) “The Seven Myths of Nuclear
TerrorismLinks to an external site.”. Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center. Pp. 153 –
PUBLICATION: Iliopulos, Ionna & Boyd, Christopher. 2019. Preventing a Dirty Bomb: Case
Studies and Lessons LearnedLinks to an external site.. Nuclear Threat Initiative. Pp. 1 –
PUBLICATION: Maerli, Morten Bremer, Schaper, Annette & Branaby, Frank. February
2003. The Characteristics of Nuclear Terrorist Weapons. American Behavioral Scientist.
Vol 46(6), pp.727-744
FACT SHEET: National Academies & U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (04 April
2019) “Fact Sheet: Dirty Bombs and Other DevicesLinks to an external site..” Pp. 1 – 4
FACT SHEET: National Academies & U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (13 March
2019). “Fact Sheet: Nuclear AttackLinks to an external site..” Pp. 1 – 4
MODULE: Module 3 Content
Required Watching

“The Inevitability of Dirty Bombs”Links to an external site. The Atlantic (9 September
2016). Atlantic. Length: 4 minutes, 6 seconds.
“How Tough Is it to Build a Dirty Bomb?”Links to an external site.

Required Listening
“Experts Weigh Whether Terrorists Will Go NuclearLinks to an external site.” – NPR (22
September 2008). Length: 9 minutes, 40 seconds
Assignment Discussion
Module 3 Discussion: Radiological & Nuclear Weapons
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This week, students will respond via written or video post. If you have any questions
about how to post a video, please email the instructor.
Respond to each of these prompts, giving equal weight to each in your reply.

Describe the differences between radiological and nuclear
Identify which type of weapon would be more realistic for a violent
extremist group to obtain and use in a terrorist attack, and
Explore the policies and programs that have been put in place to
ensure violent extremist organizations and individuals cannot
pursue or acquire radiological or nuclear weapons.

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