crj 430


Review the attached Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control Manual. Sacramento Police Department Crowd & Riot Control ManualWrite a written response (no less than 2000 words) to the following prompts:1. Identify and discuss what strengths and limitations the policy manual has regarding community and media relations. Propose corrections, additional definitions, and/or directives that can better ensure a positive relationship with the community during Sacramento Crowd and Riot Control efforts.2. Identify and discuss what strengths and limitations the policy manual has regarding limiting the challenges on other components and agencies of the justice system. Propose corrections, additional definitions, and/or directives that can better reduce strain on other justice system components and agencies during Sacramento Crowd and Riot Control efforts.3. Identify and discuss what strengths and limitations the policy manual have with navigating political and government issues. Propose corrections, additional definitions, and/or directives that can better navigate and positively impact political and legislative reactions.

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