critical thinking


please respond. to Jose. with 150. words Emotions can either strengthen or weaken the persuasiveness of a case when it comes to argumentation. In the context of a debate, for instance, expressing love and compassion will frequently humanize the speaker, which will, in turn, establish a relationship with the listener. Just for a moment, try to picture a request for additional financing for a children’s hospital that highlights the love and care that society has for its youngest members. Empathy can be evoked through the use of such feelings, which can make the argument more convincing. On the other hand, if left unchecked, feelings of rage or hatred have the potential to hinder logical thought. Take, for example, a heated political debate, in which extreme fury may obscure the issues at hand and prevent conversation from progressing in a healthy direction. Furthermore, dishonesty destroys the foundation of any argument that is being presented. Imagine a sales pitch that is based on misleading claims about the benefits of a product; while it may initially be persuasive, the lack of honesty will eventually erode trust, which will influence the overall effectiveness of the persuade. It is for this reason that feelings such as love, compassion, and honesty have the potential to strengthen both reasoning and persuasion, whereas feelings such as rage, hatred, and dishonesty that are not controlled may have the opposite effect. The ability to navigate the emotional terrain in order to develop messages that are compelling and genuine is the key.

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