Critical Thinking.


please respond to Amanda with. 200. words. Sometimes emotions can be important, for they can convey a stronger message from the emotional individual. However, usually emotions tend to get in the way during arguments. I’ve had many friends who have been in arguments with me or someone else who have then told me the next day “I’m sorry, I was too emotional and lashing out, I didn’t mean some of the things I said”. With that response from peers and also having been someone who reacted to a situation/dispute emotionally, I would say emotions are a detriment when it comes to logic, because it causes one to not logically think things through before responding or acting.I believe love, compassion, and honesty would make an argument better, for when someone is responding with love or compassion or honesty, they are showing their peer that they mean it not in a way to cause harm to whoever they may be arguing with, but that they want to have a warm conversation over something that the two do not see eye to eye on. Or maybe, someone was hurt by another’s actions. Instead of arguing in a hatred filled, angry way, they could respond in an honest way saying “I didn’t like what you said/did, this is how it made me feel”. This way an argument can be kept more as a civil discussion rather than an aggressive one and there’s more room to get honest answers rather than defensive ones. When it comes to persuasion, someone who comes across kind and gentle, in my opinion, would be able to win anyone over. When using emotions for persuading, it can either be more effective or less effective in that the person receiving the persuading could take it as either deceitful or truthful.

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