

a. Briefly summarize 2 of the videos in the Module’s Video Playlist in Canvas and share with your classmates why you found those videos interesting or important for this weeks chapter lecture.

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b. Select and respond to 2 of the discussion questions below. Write one to two paragraphs for your response to the question that you select. Provide examples of research findings, legal cases, or other evidence to support your responses. You can find research articles on Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) Each paragraph should have 4 to 5 sentences.

c. Provide APA formatted in-text citations and references to support your responses. Also, feel free to share links to videos from documentaries, news footage, or research articles that you used to support your discussion responses.


1. What is crime? What is the difference between crime and deviance? How might the notion of crime change over time? What impact does the changing nature of crime hold for criminology?

2. Do you think that policymakers should address crime as a matter of individual responsibility and accountability, or do you think that crime is truly a symptom of a dysfunctional society? Why?

3. Why is the sociological perspective especially important in studying crime? What other perspectives might be relevant? Why?

4. What do criminologists do? Do you think you it is important for Criminal Justice Practitioners to study and understand criminology? Why or why not?

5. What are the central features of biological theories of crime? How do such theories differ from other perspectives that attempt to explain the same phenomena?

6. What do the twin studies report regarding the impact of genetic factors on criminal behavior? Be specific.

7. Evaluate the impact of alcohol and drugs on criminal behavior. Can drugs and alcohol effect brain development or functioning?

8. Assess the importance of neurophysiological factors on criminal behavior. What is the effect of a brain injury on human behavior?

9. What were the central concepts that defined the Classical School of criminological thought? Which of those concepts are still alive? Where do you see evidence for the survival of those concepts?

10. Define recidivism. What is a recidivism rate? Why are recidivism rates so high today? What can be done to lower them?

11. Do you believe that people have free will and make a choice to commit or not commit a crime? Explain your answer.

12. Describe the main theoretical assumptions and principles of deterrence theory and rational choice theory.

13. Should prisons be designed to Deter, Rehabilitate, or Incapacitate prisoners? Which philosophy of punishment do you think reduces recidivism and improves public safety the most?