Criminal Profiling Research


1. Opening/Introduction: Topic selected on serial Killer Richard Ramirez

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Describe the incidents (i.e., crimes, what occurred – assume the reader does not

know) – Cite your sources in APA Style

Set the stage:
Provide background on the case.
What is your goal(s) as the profiler?
What evidence are you reviewing?

2. Methodology(ies): Cite your sources in APA Style

Describe which methods you have used to create the profile.
Geographic Profiling, Organized crime /Disorganized crime, 5-Factor Model, GBM (Physical Modus Operandi/Psych Modus Operandi),


3. Behavioral Profile:

Write up the profile, backing up your assessments with examples and data
Include at least one chart, graph, photo, etc. that is relevant and reflects your data.
Summarize your findings
Provide concluding comments

5. Future Research/Investigation:

If an unsolved case, what would you suggest to re-open the case?
If a solved case, how can the information from this case help future cases?
If applicable, how can understanding this case assist in prevention?

6. References – in full APA Style at the end of your paper

7. At least one visual must be included in the paper

NOTE: If you choose to use multiple photos, charts – those will not be substitutes

for the 10 page minimum.