Criminal Justice Question


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CJUS 730
This assignment provides you with the opportunity to analyze a present organization where
sound leadership principles are necessary for the organization to operate ethically and most
effectively. This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to apply leadership concepts
we have learned about in our course to this organization.
While this organization may be any criminal justice organization, you should select an
organization that you are able to research to gain a deeper understanding of the functions of its
management and its management philosophies. Once you have selected an organization, analyze
the organization for evidence of the path-goal theory and assess how the path-goal theory can be
used to strengthen the organization from a management perspective. In addition, analyze the
organization for evidences of Kouzes and Posner’s Steps One and Two and discuss how they are
implemented. If evidence does not exist, then explain how Steps One and Two can be used to
improve the organization and its leadership effectiveness. Also, please examine the organization
for evidences of LMX. Be sure to assess how the “Inspire a Shared Vision” or the “Model the
Way” concepts exist within the organization through the lens of a Christian Worldview. This
assignment is derived from the subject matter in your weekly assigned reading, the overall
construct of leadership, and organizational leadership. To gain insight into the leadership
practices of this organization, you may conduct internet research on the organization or
interviews of higher-level management.

The length of the assignment is required to be a minimum of 6 pages.
o The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any
extra material.
The paper must follow current APA guidelines.
There is not a minimum required number of references for this assignment.
Acceptable sources include scholarly sources from the past 5 years.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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