Criminal Justice Question



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Criminal Justice Question
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In this assignment, you will explore the juvenile justice system as a separate jurisdiction.


Jurisdictions provide the courts with authority to make legal decisions or administer justices within a certain area. Often, these jurisdictions are determined based on geographic location, but sometimes there are other factors that go into determining jurisdiction. For example, the United States recognizes that juveniles involved with the criminal justice system have different needs and as such fall under the juvenile justice jurisdiction.

In this assignment, you will explore the juvenile justice system as a separate jurisdiction. Using the Module Two Assignment template, in 50–150 words for each question, explore the juvenile court’s jurisdiction and answer each of the following:

Why does this court exist?
What is the importance of its jurisdictional difference?
What are some of the issues that can arise from this jurisdiction?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

Explain why this court exists.
Describe the importance of its jurisdictional difference.
Describe some of the issues that can arise from this jurisdiction.

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CJ-207 Assignment 2-2 Template: Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
Complete the following template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses
Why this court jurisdiction exists
[Insert text here]
Importance of this court jurisdiction
[Insert text here]
Issues that can arise from this court
[Insert text here]

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