Creative Writing Question


Read and follow the directions for writing Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3 – which includes sections (E), (F) & (G).

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Directions: Preschool Observation Paper – PART “3” FALL 2023

Written Paper: Part “3” DUE: SATURDAY, December 16th

Students must have submitted Preschool Observation Part I and Part II prior to submitting Preschool Observation Part III.

SUBMITTING THE Preschool Observation Paper

I will ONLY accept papers submitted in CANVAS
Be sure it is in one of these formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf (FYI: DO NOT SUBMIT in .pages or .gdoc)

Direction Reminders:

Writing the Paper:

PLAGIARISM: “0” on your paper!

Copying the exact words from the text, or other source, is plagiarism. TO AVOID PLAGIARISM: ALWAYS use quotations marks around the words/sentences that you copy from the text. Quotation marks indicate the words are not yours. ALWAYS use a citation to indicate the source of the words in quotation marks. The citation MUST include the source (Berger,12th ed.) and the page number. (FYI: I do check!)

Example: The definition of theory of mind is: “A person’s theory of what other people might be thinking. In order to have a theory of mind, children must realize that other people are not necessarily thinking the same thoughts that they themselves are.” (Berger, 12thed, p.000 )

CHEATING: This assignment is required in many CD 125 sections at Grossmont College. I have included this assignment for many years. However, I have CHANGED the assignment. If you include sections that were required previous years, or in other instructor’s assignments, this is an indication that you have copied another student’s paper and you will receive a “0.” If you include topics that were previous required, but are not longer required, this indicates you have copied another students paper and you will receive a “0.”

Writing the paper:

1.Have your textbook available open to the section on “Early Childhood”while writing the paper. I will ONLY accept citations from Berger, 12th Edition,(E-book citations are acceptable).

Format for citations: (Berger,12th ed, p.000) or for the E-book: (Berger, E-Book, 12th ed, p.000)

NO CITATIONS FROM THE WEB will be accepted. If you have an earlier text, you can go to the Portal and use the 12th Edition of the e-book.

2.Review the directions for the full assignment.

3.REQUIRED to use the labels of the sections in your paper. For Preschool Observation Paper Part III you will be writing about (E) Psychosocial Development, (F) Play and (G) responding to questions.

ALL definitions and norms MUST be from the textbook. Definitions may be found in the Chapters or in the Glossary in the back of the book.The citation is the location in the text that you located the information.The observation example is from you notes on the child you observed.If information is not included in your paper for each of the topics listed in each section, you will loose points.If you did not observe a specific behavior, in order to receive points: you MUST include the definition, norm, and citation and the statement that you did not observe this specific behavior.

Format for Citations: (Berger, 12th ed, p. 000)

You MUST follow the format below in the same order. Write in a paragraph format. Information must be included in your paper for each of the sections below. Papers written using bullet points will receive a “0” Points are given on the completeness and thoroughness of your work. Points are taken away for information not included.

For ALL of the Remaining Sections YOU MUST INCLUDE:

The definition of the topic/theory and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition.
and a citation identifying the source.
An example from your observation. If the child did not engage in the type of behavior needed to illustration the topic or theory, you MUST include the statement that you did not observe this specific behavior. A student should have very few “I didn’t see” examples in the paper.
The norm. A statement of what is typical from a research based source, generally your textbook. You will not receive points for broad, general statements such as “From what I saw, most children three are able to do this.” .” ALL NORMS must include the age or age-range that children may develop the behavior or skill.
Citation : source of your definition and the norm.


WRITING NORMS — IMPORTANT:When giving the norm, it is not enough to say “he seems to be doing fine” or “he is at the norm”. You need to be specific. I suggest you quote the text. Sometimes the text will state “Between the ages of 2 and 4….” —-copy this and cite the page. Sometimes the text is not as specific, “In the preschool years most children are ….” This is also a norm, but you need to copy the words from the text (quoting) and then cite the page. If you are using a chart, then copy the part of the chart that is your specific reference, and site the page. Norms MUST be from the textbook
ALL NORMS must include the age or age-range
that children may develop the behavior or skill.

Directions for WRITING Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3

(E) Psychosocial Development: Have Chapter 10 of your textbook open. (15 points)


Emotional Regulation: For this section write about one example of emotional regulation.

Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for emotional regulation
And the citation for the norm.

Moral Development: Select one topic from the topics related to the moral development from the text: empathy, antipathy, prosocial or antisocial behaviors.

Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.

Aggression: Select one of the topics related to the development of aggression listed in the textbook: instrumental, reactive, relational, bullying.

Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.

(F) PLAY! Have Chapter 10 of your textbook open. (15 points)

Include information about:

Parten’s Stages of Play: Select one of the types of play described by Parten.

Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of one of Parten’s stages of play that you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the for topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.

Sociodramatic Play

Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of sociodramatic play.
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for sociodramatic play
And the citation for the norm.

(G) REFLECTION: Significance and Application(15 points)

This is the section that allows you to state your opinions based on the information you have learned in the course. Be sure to explain your perspective and refer to information learned in this course. Points are given on the completeness and thoroughness of your work.You must include responses to all three questions.

PLEASE NUMBER YOUR RESPONES. Write your responses in sentences and paragraphs.

G1. Give three examples of how the teacher supported the learning and development of the children from the videos.

G2. Give three examples of how this observation expanded your understanding of how children develop and learn.

G3. From your perspective, how can you apply what you have learned from this assignment?

Some of you are parents, some of you have younger brothers and sisters, and all of you have a voice through your vote to influence how monies go to schools, health care for children, food for families, etc


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