Directions for Health Issues “Fact Sheet” – a (short) Research Paper
There are many topics of concern in health and health education today. Information expands and at incredible rate and it’s impossible to include all important issues in this one-unit course. For this assignment, follow the steps outlined below:
Step 1: Choose a topic – any current issue that relates to health. Here is a partial list of ideas, but you may have another topic idea:
Sleep deprivation
Depression and/or anxiety
Eating disorders
Obesity, or
Anorexia or Bulimia nervosa
Bing Eating
Drug use
Alcoholism among children/adolescents
Tobacco use (smoking, vaping, or chewing) among children/adolescents
Depression or social anxiety
Mental health disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD…)
Cancer (especially types that affect children such as lukemia), Influenza, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis
Step 2: Investigate your selected topic. Find at least 3 resources. While you may read a Wiki and use links attached to it, do NOT stop there and reference a Wiki in your final paper!
Step 3: Write a one-page “Fact Sheet” about your topic. This should be something that you could share at a school staff meeting OR with a concerned parent during a teacher/parent conference. A fact sheet is NOT an essay or research paper. It is a brief page with lots of information on it. Alternatively, you may be more creative and make a brochure in a 3-column format (one side is fine). Use graphics to make your page/brochure appealing. You want your students, parents, and colleagues to want to pause and read the information, so make it “short, sweet, an to the point” while making the reader feel informed – it’s a balance! You need to include the 3+ resources you used to write your “Fact Sheet” – listed in MLA format. In a fact sheet or brochure, this is a section called “For More Information,” not “work cited.” All papers should be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font (just like this direction page) and single-spaced. Your information should include the words in bold an you may address the questions that follow (meant to give you a general idea of what types of information to include):
1. Introduction to your topic (identify your topic, define it, tell ready why it’s important to know about it – why is it a health concern)
2. Background (when was this disorder first identified as a “concern” for children or adolescents? Who has done key research on it? How many people does it affect?)
3. Affect on social health (How does it come about – is it hereditary or influenced by environment? How does it manifest itself – what behaviors/symptoms might one observe in an individual who has this health concern?
4. Proposed Solution (How might parents, friends, teachers, or medical staff help someone who is struggling with this health concern? – therapy, pharmaceutical treatment)
5. For more Information – this is your “work cited” section (if you were writing an essay). In a fact sheet or brochure, you write “for more information” and list your sources.
I am sharing some examples of what your final product may look like.
Step 4: Proofread your work!
Again – you may choose a format that works for you. Some prefer the essay presentation, others prefer more graphic design. Just make sure that the key information is included.
Rubric: Rubric for Fact Sheet Assignment
the link above will not open, so I will upload it for you, below are 2 samples
An important note
1. Send me two colored health fact sheets, with pictures like the 2 samples above
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About 21 million Americans are already battling at least one type
of drug and substance addiction. Each passing day there are 1600
new smokers. Shockingly,, about 30 Americans die every day due
to alcohol related disorders.
Persistent drug use results in both
short-term and long-term
psychological, behavioral, and social
consequences such as anxiety,
paranoia, hallucinations, aggression,
depression, etc.
A number of health conditions are
also caused by drug and substance
Social and family background
Mental health disorders
2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, showed that
about 3.3% of adults in the u.s had a dual diagnosis in 2014.
A number of drugs and addictive
substances are legal, this makes substance
use and addiction even more aggravated.
About 15% men and 13% women smoke
Persons of low socio-economic status
are likely to smoke.
Underage or adolescent (persons
below 21 years) alcohol use results in
about 3500 deaths every year in the
Underage drinking has costed the United
States healthcare system billions of money.
For example, it costed it $24 billion in
2010 alone.
40-60% results from genetic vulnerability
Run, White. “Statistics On Addiction In America”. Addiction Center, 2021,
NIDA. “National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA)”. National Institutes Of Health (NIH), 2022,
Mayo Clinic. “Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) – Symptoms And Causes”. Mayo Clinic, 2022,
What Causes Anxiety Disorders?
Experts believe anxiety disorders are caused by a combination of biological and
environmental factors, similar to allergies and diabetes. Stressful events such as
starting school, moving, or the loss of a parent or grandparent can trigger the onset
of an anxiety disorder However, stress itself does not cause an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders tend to run in families, but not everyone who has one passes it on
to their children. Neither you nor your child is at fault, and an anxiety disorder
diagnosis is not a sign of weakness or poor parenting.
Children & Anxiety
Anxiety disorders cause children to feel excessively frightened, distressed, or uneasy
during situations in which most students would not feel that way. Left untreated,
anxiety disorders can impair students’ ability to work or study and may affect their
personal relationships. In most severe cases, anxiety disorders can make going to
school incredibly difficult.
Students with an anxiety disorder may:
Having trouble concentrating in class or completing classwork.
Feel self-conscious and avoid certain situations.
Have physical symptoms, such as racing heart, fast breathing, tense
muscles, sweaty palms, a queasy stomach, and trembling hands or legs.
Miss class time due to problems coping at school, needing to talk to a
counselor, or taking their medication.
Most Common Anxiety-Related Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)- With this common anxiety disorder,
children worry excessively about many things, such a school, the
health or safety of family members, or the future in general. These
students also may have physical symptoms, such as headaches,
stomach aches, muscle tension, or tiredness. Their worries might
cause them to miss school or avoid social activities.
Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD)- Children with OCD have excessive
preoccupying thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive actions done to try
to relieve their anxiety (compulsions).
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)- This anxiety is triggered by social
situations or speaking in front of others. It is an intense fear of being
judged in social situations or performance. A less common form,
called Selective Mutism, causes some students to be too fearful to
talk at all in certain situations.
Panic Disorder – A panic attack can happen for no apparent reason.
With a panic attack, a person has sudden and intense physical
symptoms that can include a pounding heart, shortness of breath, or
dizziness caused by the body’s normal fear.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder- This results from a past traumatic
Separation Anxiety Disorder- High level of distress when separated from
their caregiver.
Several scientifically proven and effective treatment options are available for
children with anxiety disorders. The two treatments that most help children
overcome anxiety disorder or cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. Doctors
may recommend one or a combination of both to serve as treatment.
No one treatment works best for every child; one child may respond better, or
sooner, to a particular method then another child with the same diagnosis. That’s
why it’s important for parents to discuss with their doctors, teachers, and therapist
on how to decide which treatment works best for that child and their family lifestyle.
It may take a while to find the best treatment, and your child’s response to
treatment may change over time. But it’s important for parents to assemble a team
of educated adults to guide the student and family to a positive outcome.
7.1% of children aged 3 to 17 years (approximately 4.4 million) have
diagnosed anxiety.(CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Work Cited
Anxiety Disorders Association of America. “Anxiety Disorders in Children., 10 Jul. 2017,
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “Children’s Mental Health.”, 30 Mar. 2020,
Hasan MD, Shirin. “Anxiety Disorders Factsheet (for Schools).”, May. 2019,
Ghandour RM, Sherman LJ, Vladutiu CJ, Ali MM, Lynch SE, Bitsko RH, Blumberg SJ. “Prevalence and treatment of depression, anxiety, and
conduct problems in U.S. children.” The Journal of Pediatrics Mar. 2019,
3/3/24, 7:37 PM
Rubric for Fact Sheet Assignment: TE280-01: Health Education for Teachers
Rubric for Fact Sheet Assignment
Controlling idea
2. Selection and
synthesis of resources
Critical textual
Meets Standards
Approaching Standard
Below Standard
The health concern is clear and
appropriately placed in the
The topic is slightly unfocused There is no clear health
and difficult to distinguish from concern defined or described in
the rest of the introduction.
the introduction. Why worry?
There are at least three
There are fewer than three
Student synthesizes at least
sources, but the paper does
sources. Synthesis is not
three well-chosen sources,
showing how their claims modify, not synthesize them
complicate, or qualify one
another, creating a significant
Each piece of information
relationship between these
stands alone, making the whole
a bit choppy.
The paper explains key terms,
The paper does not adequately Key terms, concepts and
definitions and concepts made by explain key terms, definitions definitions are not addressed.
a text while avoiding
and concepts within texts;
The essay does not reflect
oversimplifying the text.
some oversimplified analyses. critical analysis.
4. Fact Sheet is written in The paper is college-level, using The paper has college-level
The paper is below collegea formal, academic tone
advanced vocabulary, addressing components, but it needs work. level; there is no advanced
a specific audience by
The essay is too informal.
vocabulary, and it is written too
responding to a particular
There is no real specific
informally for a teacher to hand
to a parent.
3/3/24, 7:37 PM
Rubric for Fact Sheet Assignment: TE280-01: Health Education for Teachers
context, community or culture,
audience or purpose.
There are significant grammar
Mechanics of writing
The essay is free of grammar
There are some minor
and/or punctuation mistakes.
and punctuation mistakes.
grammar and/or punctuation
Sources are missing or cited
inconsistently. There are
and appropriate citation of
errors. Consistently cites
Consistently cites sources (MLA) sources with minor formatting
and uses specified format
substantial formatting issues,
does not meet criteria for an
academic paper.
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