Creating an Original Chemistry Procedure


I have attached the assignment instructions and the lab book reference for the original experiment. Research problem: Separate a mixture of I2(s), potassium bromide(s), iron powder, and aluminum oxide powder, and determine the percent by mass of each component of the mixture. This should involve only physical (not chemical) processes. It is not practical to using melting to separate any of the above solids. Give careful thought in designing the procedure so that the mass of eachcomponent will be obtained with the highest degree of accuracy possible.Tell the student each time he or she needs to weigh the sample so the percent of each component can be determined. What is needed in the experiment: Objective paragraph, materials list (including exact chemical names), procedures. The procedure steps need to be full sentences with proper physical separation techniques to achieve the percent by mass and separate each component. The actual compound names are needed.

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Creating an Original Chemistry Procedure
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CHEM Original Procedure Instructions
You will be choosing one lab experiment to write a lab procedure for a hypothetical CHEM
1411 student to follow. (Note: you are only writing the procedure; this experiment will not
actually be performed in our lab.) The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate your
understanding of the lab skills you have developed this semester and to analyze what steps
must be taken to solve a research problem. This practice of experimental design is carried out
daily by researchers. Taking existing knowledge of various concepts and piecing them together
in new ways is a highly sought-after critical thinking skill that employers and universities
desire in virtually any field.
• See lab ICR calendar for due date.
• Late Original Procedures will be graded with a penalty of 10 points per 24-hour period
• The procedure must follow all safety regulations, and you should write into your
procedure any specific safety considerations (ie if a portion of the experiment should be
performed in the fume hood). Consult and separately cite the SDS for each chemical in
your experiment for assistance.
• The procedure must be the student’s own work. If you are using your lab manual or an
outside source(s) for assistance in developing your procedure, you must cite your
source(s) in the Works Cited section, and the steps in your procedure need to be in
your own words. If multiple students’ procedures have identical/extremely similar
wording or if your wording is too similar to any source as deemed by your instructor,
points will be deducted from each such procedure at the instructor’s discretion.
• Your procedure should be written to fit in one three-hour lab period (unless drying for
one or more days is necessary, in which case only drying instructions can be written for
the following lab period).
• Your procedure should use only equipment available in our general chemistry lab. Ask
your instructor if you are unsure whether a piece of equipment or chemical is available
in our lab.
• The steps of your procedure should tell the student how to fully complete the research
problem with as much convenience to the hypothetical student performing the
experiment as possible.
• Please take the time to review the comments after your assignment grade has been
posted in Canvas as this can help you improve your writing skills for the future. To view
your feedback, go to “Grades” in Canvas. Click the assignment title. Click “View
Research problem: Separate a mixture of I2(s), potassium bromide(s), iron
powder, and aluminum oxide powder, and determine the percent by mass of
each component of the mixture.
• This should involve only physical (not chemical) processes.
• It is not practical to using melting to separate any of the above solids.
• Give careful thought in designing the procedure so that the mass of each
component will be obtained with the highest degree of accuracy possible.
• Tell the student each time he or she needs to weigh the sample so the percent of
each component can be determined.
Grading rubric: Original Procedure Sections and Percent of Assignment Grade:
Grammar and Formatting………………………………………………………………………………………………8%
Do not include the text from any of the instructions from this document (except the section
labels, “Heading,” “Objectives,” “Materials,” etc) in your Original Procedure. Proofread and
utilize the Writing Center to ensure that:
1. Your entire assignment is free of:
o grammar errors
o spelling errors
o punctuation errors
o sentence structure errors (such as sentence fragments and run-ons)
2. The entire assignment is typed with:
o 12-pt reader-friendly font of your choice
o 1.5 line spacing
o 1-inch margins
o Left-justified
3. You have used formal writing (ie no contractions, slang, etc) throughout.
4. Do not omit words that are part of formal writing, such as “the”, “a”, etc.
5. You have properly formatted subscripts and superscripts using the x 2 and x2 buttons
Heading ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4%
Include a heading with:
The sections of the Original Procedure must be labeled and appear in the order given in these
instructions. (Heading, Objectives, etc).
Objectives.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10%
In 3-5 complete sentences:
1. Summarize the primary goal(s) of this experiment.
2. Explain (not just list) each of the primary methods used to accomplish the goal(s) of
this specific experiment.
This section must be in your own words, not copied directly from the lab manual or another
Materials ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10%
Include a list of all equipment and chemicals the hypothetical student performing the
experiment will need. Consider whether the student will need to arrange some of the
equipment into a more complex setup. For example, if you are having the student heat with a
Bunsen burner, he or she will need a ring stand, ring clamp, wire gauze, etc. If you mention
water, specify whether tap water or DI should be used. If you use a solution, include its
molarity. Chemicals should be listed as neutral compounds, not as ions.
Formatted with a numbered list of steps, the procedure should be written in enough detail so
that the hypothetical student can perform the experiment using your procedure, while
accomplishing the research goal as efficiently and accurately as possible. Do not skip steps
and assume the student will know to perform them. Each step should be short (one or two
sentences). When deciding on quantities of chemicals for the student to measure, you may
wish to refer to the most similar experiment in our lab manual as a guide. Tell the reader
when they need to record observations and/or data. You do not need to design a blank report
sheet where the hypothetical student would record data; assume the hypothetical student will
make his or her own report sheet from the data you tell him or her to record. You are only
writing the steps for him or her to follow. Use complete sentences.
Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4%
You should use the American Chemical Society (ACS) format for citing your source(s). For
each substance you include in your experiment, there should be an equal number of SDS
citations in your Works Cited section (ie if you have seven separate substances in your
experiment, you should have seven unique SDS citations). Each SDS citation should refer
specifically to one single substance in your experiment and should be appropriately labelled in
the citation list to indicate which substance it describes. Your Works Cited section should also
include your lab manual and any other sources that assisted you in writing your Original

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