Create a new app in C#. Use all your VB standards for naming variables, objects, controls. Need visual studios 2022


Open Visual studio and put the code into into the place i put the screenshot. get the form then take a picture of the form you get. When you are doing the code and the forms put my name which is Maxwell Njinjoh. After that the picture of the 3 submissions (that’s has the final projet) is what I should get back with my name on it (Maxwell Njinjoh) the final exam is the rubric and that’s the explanation. The proposal and the project, (I will put in a picture of how the proposal should look) The code is already converted to C sharp below. I added the rubric for the final exam and I added my classmates submissions. That’s what my submissions should look like with my name on it. it should only take an hour minutes, IF U CANT DO IT IN THET TIME DONT ACCEPT THE QUESTION, let me know if you have further questions. The DIY lab is already done. The picture of the submissions is what I need sent back to me with my name on it. THE RUBRIC OF THE PROBLEM IS ON THE VB RECAP LABELED FINAL EXAM.

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Create a new app in C#. Use all your VB standards for naming variables, objects, controls. Need visual studios 2022
From as Little as $13/Page

using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

public partial class frmMain : Form


public frmMain()




private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)














cmbAge.SelectedIndex = 0;

cmbGender.SelectedIndex = -1;


private void cmdCheckEligibility_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


string eligibilityMessage = “”;

if (!chkAvailability.Checked)


eligibilityMessage += “Unchecked availability: ineligible” + Environment.NewLine;


if (cmbAge.Text.Trim() == “”)


eligibilityMessage += “Blank age: display error” + Environment.NewLine;


else if (cmbAge.Text.Trim() == “Other”)


eligibilityMessage += “Age as Other: ineligible” + Environment.NewLine;


if (cmbGender.Text.Trim() == “”)


eligibilityMessage += “Blank gender: display error” + Environment.NewLine;


else if (cmbGender.Text.Trim() != “Male”)


eligibilityMessage += “Checked availability, age in range, gender selected as Male: ineligible” + Environment.NewLine;




eligibilityMessage += “Checked availability, age in range, gender selected as Male: eligible; congratulations message” + Environment.NewLine;


MessageBox.Show(eligibilityMessage, “Eligibility Status”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


private void cmdReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


chkAvailability.Checked = false;

cmbAge.SelectedIndex = 0;

cmbGender.SelectedIndex = -1;


private void cmdExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)





Unformatted Attachment Preview

Recap Tue 12/05/2023
Almost done!!
To-Do and Announcements
1. Second exam: Great job across the board, and impressive with the creative solution and use of techniques I
never covered. Also, extremely well-worded “explainer” question. See stats in Blackboard Announcements.
Covered it in class.
2. Lab 11 (last lab):
a. Due by Thursday; only one problem.
b. Prep: Watched the video which is almost like the lab: Computer Science Intermediate Lesson 6: Working
with Text Files
c. Code reviews: To be determined Thursday.
3. Final “exam”
a. It will be an app in lieu of an exam and count for 50 points. Most everyone should get at least 40-50; just
watch out for the same “gotchas” as Visual Basic.
b. Choose ONE of your DIY problems from Lab 3 through Lab 11.
c. Create a new app in C#. Use all your VB standards for naming variables, objects, controls. I will provide a
“cheat sheet” separately based on common divergences on the last exam.
d. Use all your resources: Web searches take you to things like this which we looked at today (search for
Visual to C# transition, conversion, etc.):
e. A dropbox will be provided to upload a screenshot of the app interface and your C# code file; more on
that Thursday.
Due Saturday 12/16 by noon.
g. This is great resume material, “Interface design and coding in C# in the Visual Studio environment”
(along with “Proficient in Visual Basic.NET, UX design and implementation, and other visual application
development fundamentals”).
4. Making sure you have all your earned points:
a. We did this before, but this is last call.
b. Check your points in Blackboard, update your grade estimating spreadsheet (or start from scratch with
the attached)t, and report any errors, omissions, or questions NO LATER THAN THIS Friday 11:59 p.m.
After that, books are closed and what you have stands.
You are missing a score in Blackboard for a lab, quiz, or exam THAT YOU KNOW YOU DID
A score is less than you thought you had
You know you reviewed and submitted a code review for a partner, but it doesn’t look like
they did one for you
You have a blank score for something that I agreed to exempt you from (find the email or
refresh my memory)
Page 1 of 3
You missed an exam, quiz, or lab AND no score is posted AND you had valid written
documentation (find it or refresh my memory)
You enrolled late and I exempted you from one or more things AND we agreed on that
(refresh my memory)
Other discrepancies or omissions
Fill in ALL your graded points using your EXISTING grade estimating spreadsheet OR use the
attached one and start from scratch.
For anything you want to have me examine, write the details in the column next to the blue
one. Be clear so we don’t start a game of 20 questions. If you already have a spreadsheet
started, just add a column in Excel.
Email me the spreadsheet as an attachment with the subject line “265 request for point
review” (as written…an Inbox rule will route it to a special folder).
If you need to explain more about your grade or points that’s not apparent in the spreadsheet,
elaborate in the email body.
5. Plan for Thursday, 12/7:
a. Announcements and introduction
b. Code for Lab 11; review process to be determined
c. Work on final project
d. Course evaluations
1. Final grading scale, updated from syllabus. Total 296 points:
a. Exams (2 at 50 points, 100 total)
b. App in lieu of 3rd exam (1 at 50 points)
c. Quizzes (2 at 10 points, 20 total)
d. Labs (11 at 10 points, 110 total)
e. Participation (10 points if you mostly came)
Selfie (3 points)
g. Integrity and collaboration agreement (3 points)
2. We examined the code in Lab Grader (attached).
3. I stressed why standards matter and went through these things:
a. Cooking
Page 2 of 3
b. 2nd Amendment comma:
c. Mike Pence’s missing comma:
d. Life takeaway from this course: precision matters, as does language.
Page 3 of 3

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