Create a Final Project in Production and operation management


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This assignment is designed to help you get an idea of the importance of
sleep to the developing brain. Although none of you are infants, I’m sure
all of you have been overly tired at one point or another in your life!
——————————————-The following questionnaire is designed to determine whether you have
a sleep deficit. Answer each question “yes” or “no.”
___No__ 1. Do you usually need a loud alarm clock to wake you up in the
___No__ 2. Do you usually hit the snooze control to get a few more
minutes of sleep when the alarm goes off in the morning (or simply turn
off the alarm and try to catch a bit more sleep)?
___Yes__ 3. Do you find that getting out of bed in the morning is usually a
___No__ 4. Do you sometimes sleep through the alarm?
___Yes__ 5. Do you usually find that a single beer, glass of wine, or other
alcoholic drink seems to have a noticeable effect on you?
___Yes__ 6. Do you sleep longer on weekends than you normally do
during the week?
___Yes__ 7. On vacations and holidays do you sleep longer than you
normally do on regular weekends?
___Yes__ 8. Do you often feel that you “get up and go” has gotten up and
___No__ 9. Do you find that it is more difficult to attend to details on
routine chores than it used to be?
___Yes__ 10. Do you sometimes fall asleep when you had not intended
___Yes__ 11. Do you sometimes find yourself getting very sleepy while
you are sitting and reading?
___Yes__ 12. Do you sometimes find yourself getting very sleepy or
dozing off when you are watching t.v.?
___No__ 13. When you are a passenger in an airplane, car, bus, or train
and the trip lasts over an hour without a break, do you commonly find
yourself getting very sleeping or dozing off?
___Yes__ 14. Do you usually feel extremely sleepy or doze off when you
are sitting quietly after a large lunch without alcohol?
___Yes__ 15. Do you tend to get sleep when you are sitting quietly at a
public meeting, lecture, or in a theater?
___Yes__ 16. Have you sometimes found yourself getting extremely
sleepy with hte urge to doze when you drive and are stopped for a few
minutes in traffic?
___No__ 17. Do you drink more than four cups of coffee or tea
(containing) caffeine during the day? (Remember ot count refills; also
count extra large take-out cups as two cups, This also includes pop
11 yes counts. According to the scale, I have large slept debt and work
is likely from large, random error. Even small errors may be the work is
reviewed a second time. When I feel overly tired, I like to sleep or take
a nap. I usually socialize with my friends going to the movies, skating,
cycling, dinner and gym.
Final Project: Management of Production & Operations | Points Possible: 60
Objective: Design a supply chain and demonstrate critical thinking and proficiency in the application of key
operations concepts.
Output: A research paper that demonstrates your ability to implement terminology, concepts, techniques, and
tools to a business setting.

The expectation is that your paper includes details to support your choices and decisions, and that you
do research to help support your recommendations.
o Paper Length: approximately 13-20 pages of content (Double spaced, APA format). Plus a
reference page/ bibliography.
o Minimum 10 sources, 3 must be scholarly. (11 sources for full credit)
o No abstract or title page is needed.
o Be succinct but ensure you demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts and explain your
Options for the basis of the supply chain you design:
 the company you work for if you have access to enough information. You may also “fill in the gaps” for
missing data with logic-based recommendations.
 an existing entrepreneurial idea/ plan
 an existing company
 Create a new business or product concept & design a supply chain (for goods or services) to support it.
 If you have ideas that extend beyond my suggestions, reach out and if it’s a fit, I’ll work with you.
The framework to help support you through this project is from “Operations & Supply Chain Management 3E,
Collier & Evans (2024). Naturally, the content for your paper draws from the broader text, outside research, and
your perspectives.

Key Text Overview: Exhibit 6.1, page 156. Chapter 6 provides pretty solid explanations.
Chapter 6 (p.153-177)
AI is acceptable to help enhance your ideas or wordsmith; however, a paper derived through AI will result in
a “0”.
Key Content to address in detail:
Exhibit 6.1, page 156 is a summary of questions to aid in building out your sections.
Option 1: Goods Supply Chain Design.
1. Company overview: Organizational strategy, mission, and competitive priorities.
2. Describe the customer benefit package.
3. Include a diagram of the value chain network.
4. Control (Centralized or Decentralized)
5. Location, including selection criteria
6. Sustainability
7. Technology & Digital Content
8. Trade-Offs
a. Sourcing / Outsourcing (focus on approach taken, risks & reasoning)
b. Efficient/ Responsive Supply Chain
c. Push / Pull System
9. Logistics and Transportation
10. Managing Risks
11. Measuring Performance
12. Supply Chain Resilience: Identify at least two areas that could experience disruption, explain the
disruption and the implications, and suggest potential options/ solutions to overcome the challenge.
If you are seeking maximum points, you will need to do 3 areas.
Option 2: Service Design:
1. Company overview: Organizational strategy, mission, and competitive priorities.
2. Describe the customer benefit package.
3. Include a diagram of the value chain network.
4. Service Delivery System Design
a. location
b. layout
c. Servicescape
d. process
5. Service Encounter Design
a. Include: Guarantees and Recovery
6. Sustainability (people, planet, profit)
7. Technology & Information Support Systems to support speed, accuracy, customization & Flexibility.
8. Trade-Offs
9. Managing Risks
10. Measuring Performance
11. Resilience: Identify at least two areas that could experience disruption, explain the disruption and
the implications, and suggest potential options/ solutions to overcome the challenge. If you are
seeking maximum points, you will need to do 3 areas.
*You may do a combination of a goods/ service design if it is appropriate for the business you have chosen.
Example for layout of paper:
Paper Title Under 50 Characters
Provide a brief introduction to your paper here. The introduction should be between one and two paragraphs, at
the maximum. For example, please see page 61 of APA manual.
Company Overview
Company Mission and Strategy
For each point of your paper, you will provide separate headers. You will only use section headers if you have
more than one point to make within each main point. If you do not have more than one point, you will delete the
section header 1 and continue with your paragraph. If you have additional sub-thoughts that you want to highlight, you
will also include sub section headers that are indented one tab, bolded, capitalizing only the first word, followed by a
Competitive Priorities (p.54)
What competitive priorities is your chosen company focusing on and how is it demonstrated? Page 54 in the
text lists out the competitive priorities. Identify the ones that apply to your business, and explain their priorities. Of
note, competitive priorities should be consistent with and support the firms mission. Make comments related to the tie.
Customer Benefit Package (p.84 in text), including digital content (p.109)
McDonalds customer benefit package is comprised of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This benefit package is based on their
understanding of their customers’ needs and includes a focus on the attribute of time, as shown with their offering of
online ordering as well as fast preparation of food. Etc.
Supply Chain Strategy and Value Chain Network
In support of the competitive priorities and customer benefit package, the supply chain strategy is to xxxxxx
[you are answering what the supply chain will do to support the broader company objectives and strategies].
The value chain involves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
You likely will include the value chain map in the appendix.
Operational Structure of the Supply Chain and Location of Facilities
Also for proper APA formatting, you will double space your paragraphs, being sure to delete the extra space
Microsoft Office includes at the end of the paragraph. If you miss deleting the extra space, you will see points deducted.
Within this section you will identify if your supply chain is centralized or decentralized. For example, Walmart’s
global supply chain is centrally located in Bentonville, AR. Through this location they manage their global operations for
all purchasing and distribution of products. Centralized purchasing enables Walmart to purchase for global operations
and receive economy of scale discounts…..
Location of Facilities (p. 93, 119-122)
In alignment with providing customers the best service at the lowest cost, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Sustainability (p.21, 93)
McDonalds position on sustainablity is that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The steps taken includexxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This
influences their supply chain decisions through xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Technology and Digital Content (Ch.4)
Supply Chain Design Trade-offs (p.109-112)
Efficient / Responsive Supply Chain (select the one that applies) (p.110)
Push / Pull System (use the title for what they use) (p.110)
Sourcing / Outsourcing
The approach to sourcing involves…..
If they leverage any types of integration, include that here also. (E.g. vertical integration)
Logistics and Transportation
Logistics primarily involves leveraging trucks to transport the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The company has a fleet of
Managing Risks and Measuring Performance
Risk Management
Measuring Performance (Chapter 2, starting with p.28. See exhibit 2.1)
Supply Chain Resilience and Potential Solutions (include 2-3)
After a thorough review of the company, it is apparent a potential disruption would be a cyber security breach. This
breach could negatively impact the privacy of customer information, shipment of products, etc. Given the risk to the
company, I have multiple options I would recommend to overcome this disruption. Naturally the first line of defense
would be investing in protection prior to the event occurring; this could involve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Provide a powerful conclusion to your paper. Conclusions should consist of at least five solid sentences. The
purpose here is to recap your points of the paper and finish strong.
You will have a separate page of references.
Minimum 10 sources with 3 from scholarly sources, such as a trade publication.
Reference Page Guidance on formatting:
Reference entry
Smith, T. (2020). The citation manual for students: A quick guide (2nd ed.). Wiley.
In-text citation
Parenthetical: (Smith, 2020)
Narrative: Smith (2020)

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