crcj 1000b long answer question


Throughout this course, you undoubtedly thought, “If I was in charge, I would do this or that to solve/ curb/ decrease crime” (or perhaps you didn’t think that, so now is the time!). For this exam question, you are tasked with providing well-thought out and well-supported recommendations for dealing with the problem of crime (either at a national level or a community level). For example, some of you might focus on law-making while others may focus on community solutions (or you could focus on both, but make sure you justify / explain why you’re focusing on that particular area).Some of you will centre your recommendations about ‘what to do about crime’ around more traditional criminological approaches, while others will take a more radical /new/ ‘out of the box’ approach, so to speak. Regardless of which approach you take, your recommendations have to be supported by evidence. For example, you cannot argue we need to re-introduce the death penalty to curb crime, since research does not support this as a viable solution to crime. Make sure you reference at least TWO theories, ONE documentary (this includes video clips; TedTalks, or news stories), that we watched during the course, as well as research studies we discussed, and other concepts we covered. For example, if you argue that we should focus on interventions with young people, you should be referring to the correlates of crime (that age is one of the correlates; explain what a correlate of crime is; explain that age – be specific – is correlated, etc.,). However, keep in mind that correlates of crime is NOT a theory of crime.Theories refer to the following, although this is not an extensive list: labelling theory, conflict theories, strain theory, general strain theory, social bond theory, routine activities theory, penal abolition, etc. (If you’re unsure, email me). Additional information that may be useful in formulating your answer: You will be marked on your ability to mobilize course material and show that you have engaged with the course content for this question. This question is worth 10 points, so make sure that you include enough information, and organize your answer properly.Suggested length: 1250 – 1500 words;Please note that you should NOT use an essay format (this means you do not need an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion). If you want to have an introduction and conclusion, make it brief. Your grade will be based on the content of your answer, not on the format you use.topic selected: social services (abuse) link for article:…

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