cq project/packback/budget part 2


Packback Topic for Module 9

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The topic for this module’s Packback Topic for your Questions is Investing.

To complete Packback, click on the How to Use Packback button on the left. Select the Packback that you are completing. A guide post with the topic for this Module is located at the top of the feed for this Packback assignment.

Your question is worth up to 3 points and your answer to the question of one other student is worth up to a total of 3 points. (Refer to the syllabus for the breakdown of points that can be earned on Packback based on your curiosity scores on your question and your response to 1 other student).

Budget Part 2

Attached Files:

Budget Project Part 2.docx (14.661 KB)
Budget Project Part 2.pdf (95.675 KB)

The following assignment is the second part of the Budget Project that you will be completing over the session.

Click on the link Budget Project Part 2 to read the directions for the assignment.

Follow the directions to complete the assignment. Type your assignment in Word or as a PDF.

When you create your document, remove the directions from the assignment so that they are not compared to the database and identified as plagiarized.

When you are finished click on the underlined words “Budget Part 2” above to open the submission area.

This assignment is worth up to 5 points.

CQ Project, Part A
Attached Files:
Part A grading rubric.pdf (57.109 KB)
Tips for Choosing Areas of Interest in CQ Project.pdf (50.949 KB)
Please attach Part of of your paper in the assignment link below.NOTE: Google Docs are not always compatible with Blackboard – please use a .pdf.
CQ Part A
Assignment: Part A of the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Plan

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Tips for Choosing Areas of Interest in CQ Project
In the past, I have gotten some projects where the areas of interest start out much too
narrow or difficult to operationalize: e.g., “groupthink,” “confirmation bias,” or “being
more culturally aware.” These things could be part of your overall plan, but they will
come into the project in later sections (or possibly as part of your future endeavors).
As you determine your three areas of interest, think in terms of the following contexts:

Countries you’d like to visit
Languages you’d like to learn
Groups with whom you feel uncomfortable or about whom you hold prejudices
Occupational choice and the need for CQ in your field
Almost everyone gave me places that they would like to travel, languages that they
would like to learn, and how CQ might play a role in their occupation of choice as part of
the sign in assignment. Consider these as your areas of interest. Issues such as
“groupthink” and other specific biases might come into play in these general categories,
but by generalizing within a specific context will give you more options in later sections.
In later sections, you will need to provide searching questions “digging into layers” of
information related to each area of interest, and these types of categories give plenty of
depth. You will also be asked to complete activities in three categories: self-awareness,
other-awareness, and research-based. Again, these areas of interest can be easily
divided into these types of activities and knowledge. You won’t be asked to complete all
three activities for all three areas of interest, but all should be possible: i.e., a selfawareness project for all three areas of interest, an other-awareness for all three, and a
research-based for all three.
If you were very inspired by our discussions of biases and the fact that you might hold
more than you had thought and you want to delve into this type of exploration, you can
do this but it still needs a broader context. Three specific biases that are not linked to
any context would be very difficult to pursue in the project; however, noting that all three
seem linked to your occupational choice or a particular group of people would be a way
of delving into these through the broader context.
I will provide feedback after your Part A sections, and if any areas of interest would be
problematic I will let you know. It is my hope that providing these tips before you write
the section will alleviate me having to ask several of you to broaden your areas later.
Keep in mind that the project is progressive, so even though the point value of Part A is
low, you cannot complete the next sections without it and the overall value of the project
is significant.
Looking forward to reading your Part As!
Grading Rubric for Part A of Final Project
Section of
Part A
Criteria to be evaluated
Quality/ detail of information
Introduction, definition
Definition of CQ, include source
Personal statement of importance
Discussion of personal
motivation level
Inclusion of elements such as
intrinsic, extrinsic, and selfefficacy
Inclusion of content covered
from course (can include biases,
results of CQS, or some other
form of self-assessment), must
include a minimum of one source
Areas of interest
A minimum of three areas that
you would like to explore as they
relate to CQ (e.g., specific biases
or groups that are challenging for
you, specific contexts such as
career choice, or other areas of
personal interest)
Grammar, spelling, level of detail
& specificity, written in first or
third person (no use of secondperson “you”), minimum of 4
paragraphs, meeting the deadline,
At minimum two references Listed on reference page, but also
cited in text of the paper
The expectation is that the paper for a 4000-level course will be well-written, detailed, well-supported,
and provide a level of analysis that goes beyond basic description. Please write for the uninformed
reader (i.e., for someone who has not read the text, has not taken the course, and has not heard the
assignment guidelines). You should be able to simply hand the paper to someone who is not in the class,
have them read it, and be fully able to understand your project without additional explanation. Five
points will be deducted from late papers, and no credit will be given at all if the paper is not in before
the deadline for Part B.

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