coun 5239


For this assignment, you will submit the second half of the Theories of Counseling Chart [DOC] Download Theories of Counseling Chart [DOC]covering theories studied in Weeks 6–8. You will add to your Personal Model of Counseling statement from u05a1 identifying a counseling theory explored during Weeks 6–8 of clinical interest. Continue the statement of how the counseling theory aligns with your worldview and current view of the nature of people, and also how the counseling theory can support the client in working through challenges.

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You will be able to refer to this chart throughout your program courses, site-based learning, and later as a studying tool for the licensure exams.

Please refer to the assigned readings and videos in each week to assist you in completing your Theories of Counseling Chart. From your own internet and library search, you will add web links for credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. You may refer to the Counseling Master’s Research Guide: Theory ResearchLinks to an external site. page for help searching the library.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate concepts, principles, and assumptions within major theories of counseling.
Complete the required components for each theory included in the chart.
Competency 4: Incorporate evidence-based theories in a personal philosophy of counseling.
Provide a Personal Model of Counseling identifying the preferred counseling theory and alignment to your current view of the nature of people.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively through the consistent use of APA guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a counseling professional.
Identify credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent for counseling professionals, and use APA writing style.

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Personal Model of Counseling Statement
Felicia Christie
Dr. Kevin Feisthamel
As a counselor, my therapeutic approach is firmly anchored in an integrative perspective that
draws on a synthesis of numerous counseling theories, each of which adds vital insights to my
work. Person-Centered Theory stands out among the theories I’ve studied in counseling because of
its emphasis on everyone’s inherent worth and capacity for improvement.
Person-Centered Theory, pioneered by Carl Rogers, stands out among counseling theories for
me because of its highly humanistic approach and significant emphasis on everyone’s inherent
value and capacity for improvement. As a counselor, my therapeutic approach is based on an
integrated perspective that incorporates a variety of counseling theories. Throughout my
counseling studies, I’ve investigated a wide range of theoretical frameworks, each of which
provides unique insights into the intricacies of human behavior and the therapeutic process.
However, it is the core concepts of Person-Centered Theory that have had the greatest impact on
my counseling practice.
Carl Rogers’ Person-Centered Theory aligns closely with my worldview and current
understanding of human nature. It includes ideas that emphasize the belief in people’s ability to
navigate their own life journeys and discover answers to their problems when given a supportive
and empathetic therapeutic environment. The concept of unconditional positive regard is central to
Person-Centered Theory, reflecting my strongly held belief in each person’s intrinsic value and
This approach maintains that clients are the experts on their own lives, with intrinsic wisdom
and resources that can steer their personal progress and self-discovery. It emphasizes the
significance of providing a safe and nonjudgmental therapy environment in which clients can
openly express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of criticism or evaluation
(Brownell, 2016). As a counselor, my role is to help this process by providing empathy, sincerity,
and real acceptance, so fostering the client’s road to greater self-awareness and acceptance.
Furthermore, Person-Centered Therapy values the therapeutic relationship as a means of healing
and transformation. This speaks to my deep confidence in the power of human connection and the
transformational possibilities of real empathy and unconditional positive regard. The therapeutic
connection provides clients with a loving and supportive setting in which to explore their deepest
thoughts and feelings, creating deeper self-understanding and facilitating personal progress.
In addition to Person-Centered Theory, I use ideas from other counseling theories like Adlerian
Theory, Existential Theory, and Gestalt Theory into my work (Murphy & Joseph, 2016). Each of
these ideas provides distinct insights on human behavior and therapeutic strategies to supplement
the person-centered approach.
Adlerian Theory emphasizes the importance of investigating clients’ early experiences and
family dynamics, acknowledging that these elements have a considerable impact on people’s
beliefs, behaviors, and worldviews. Existential Theory enables clients to confront existential
questions like as freedom, responsibility, meaning, and mortality, resulting in in-depth reflection
on the fundamental components of human existence. Gestalt Theory emphasizes awareness and
personal responsibility, encouraging clients to fully participate in the present moment and take
control of their ideas, feelings, and actions.
By incorporating components of these ideas into my work, I hope to create a comprehensive and
client-centered approach that addresses each individual’s various requirements. This integrated
approach allows me to draw from a diverse set of therapeutic techniques and interventions,
adapting therapy to each client’s personal goals, preferences, and unique circumstances. By
embracing the diversity of human experience and acknowledging the intricate interplay of
variables that shape people’s lives, I seek to create a therapeutic atmosphere that is inclusive,
affirming, and attentive to the needs of clients from many backgrounds. In doing so, I hope to
create deeper awareness, assist personal growth, and promote genuine and long-term healing for
each client.
Finally, my therapy method is based on an integrated perspective that incorporates several
counseling theories, with Person-Centered Theory serving as the foundation of my practice. By
incorporating ideas from various counseling theories, I hope to build a comprehensive and clientcentered approach that addresses everyone’s multifaceted needs, ultimately leading to deeper
awareness, growth, and healing (Bazzano, 2016). Clients can start on a journey of self-discovery
and personal empowerment through the therapeutic relationship, which is founded on empathy,
authenticity, and unconditional positive respect, eventually leading to greater self-awareness, selfacceptance, and general well-being.
Bazzano, M. (2016). The conservative turn in person-centered therapy. Person-Centered &
Experiential Psychotherapies, 15(4), 339-355.
Brownell, P. (2016). Contemporary Gestalt therapy.
Murphy, D., & Joseph, S. (2016). Person-centered therapy: Past, present, and future orientations.
Theories of Counseling Chart
As you progress through this course, you will create a Theories of Counseling Chart summarizing key aspects
of each theory. As you review the theories each week in COUN 5239 – Theories for the Counseling
Profession, respond to each theory’s corresponding questions in the document below. There is also a section
for you to draft a statement reflecting your personal model of counseling.
You will be able to refer to this personalized chart throughout your classes, into your practicum and internship,
and as you prepare for your licensure exam.
List of Theories

Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Theory.
Adlerian Theory.
Existential Theory.
Gestalt Theory.
Person-Centered Theory.
Behavioral Theory.
Cognitive Theory.
Cognitive Behavior Theory.
Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT).
Reality Theory.
Feminist Theory.
Narrative Theory.
Solution-Focused Theory.
Family Systems Therapies.
Integrative Theory.
Personal Model of Counseling
For u05a1, you will identify the counseling theory discussed in Weeks 2–5 that resonates with you the most. As
counselors may gravitate towards theoretical integration in professional practice, you will add to this section for
the Week 8 assignment identifying one counseling theory covered during units 6–8 of clinical interest. Include a
statement in both u05a1 and u08a1 of how the identified theory aligns with your worldview and belief on the
nature of people and how the counseling theory can support the client in working through challenges.
Week 2: Psychanalytic and Psychodynamic Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theory? What
are the philosophical assumptions and key concepts of these theories, including how and why people develop
Theory of Change
How can psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theories help a person overcome problems? What must a person
do to improve mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting these counseling
theories and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for their effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 2: Adlerian Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of Adlerian theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can Adlerian theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental health,
wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 3: Existential Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of existential theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can existential theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental
health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 3: Gestalt Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of gestalt theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can gestalt help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental health,
wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 4: Person-Centered Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of person-centered theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can person-centered theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve
mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 5: Behavioral Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of behavioral theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can behavioral theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental
health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 5: Cognitive Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of cognitive theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can cognitive theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental
health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 5: Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT)
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of cognitive behavior theory? What are the
philosophical assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can cognitive behavior theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve
mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 5: Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT)
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of rational emotive behavior theory? What are the
philosophical assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can rational emotive behavior theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to
improve mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 6: Reality Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of reality theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can reality theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental health,
wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 7: Feminist Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of feminist theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can feminist theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental health,
wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 8: Narrative Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of narrative theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can narrative help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental health,
wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 8: Solution-Focused Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of solution-focused theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can solution-focused theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve
mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 8: Family Systems Therapies
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of family systems therapy? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this therapy, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can family systems therapy help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve
mental health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
therapy and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.
Week 9: Integrative Theory
Key Concepts
Who is primarily considered the proponent(s) or creator of integrative theory? What are the philosophical
assumptions and key concepts of this theory, including how and why people develop problems?
Theory of Change
How can integrative theory help a person overcome problems? What must a person do to improve mental
health, wellness, and functioning?
What interventions or techniques does the counselor use to help bring about change?
Who Is in Charge? What Is the Role of the Client and the Counselor?
What is the counselor responsible for in sessions? What is the client expected to do? Who takes the leading
role in the interaction?
Appropriateness for Diverse Populations
Based on research, what is the appropriateness of the counseling theory for diverse populations (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability)? Be sure to format your sources in APA style.
Scholarly Articles, Books, and Web Resources on the Theory
From your own internet and library search, list web links for credible organizations supporting this counseling
theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. Be sure to
format your sources in APA style.

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