Correct codes (ROC curve doesn’t run) knit the codes in html (Supervised and unsupervised learning)


Hi, I need someone to help me correct some issues in my codes for a project presentation.I want all the codes to run properly, then you to knit the file and send me the pdf and all the tables.You can add a model evaluation table of all supervised models listing all the models and their ROC values.This an eample:Model <- c('Decision Tree-C5.0','Random Forest','kNN','SVM-vanilladot') Accuracy_percent <- c(88.57,88.32,88.29,88.00) mytable<- data.frame(Model, Accuracy_percent) qplot(1:10, 1:10, geom = "blank") + theme(line = element_blank(), text = element_blank()) + annotation_custom(grob = tableGrob(mytable))

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Correct codes (ROC curve doesn’t run) knit the codes in html (Supervised and unsupervised learning)
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