corporate social responsibility


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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: From a
Corporate Governance Perspective
Lijuan Wu 1 and Shanyue Jin 2, *
School of Accounting, Zibo Vocational Institute, Zibo 255300, China
College of Business, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Republic of Korea
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Sustainable corporate development has become essential for many enterprises in the context
of economic globalization and fierce technological competition. In fact, it is being tackled at a strategic
level by most companies. The fulfillment of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is significant in
building a corporate image, improving brand competitiveness, and promoting sustainable corporate
development. Simultaneously, the level of corporate governance is a crucial factor in an enterprise’s
long-term development. Therefore, this study clarifies whether CSR has a positive impact on the
sustainable development of enterprises through empirical analysis; it also analyzes the effects of
internal governance factors on the relationship between the two, from the perspective of corporate
governance. A fixed-effects regression analysis was conducted on a sample of Chinese A-share
listed companies from 2015 to 2019. According to the results, active CSR can promote sustainable
development. Furthermore, corporate governance factors such as internal control, management
capabilities, and accounting information quality have a moderating role in the CSR process on
sustainable corporate development. This study provides a theoretical basis for future research on
CSR and sustainable development, and its findings can inspire governments and enterprises from the
perspective of corporate governance.
Citation: Wu, L.; Jin, S. Corporate
Social Responsibility and
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; sustainable development; internal control; management
capability; accounting information quality
Sustainability: From a Corporate
Governance Perspective.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 15457.
Academic Editor: Donato Morea
Received: 2 October 2022
Accepted: 16 November 2022
Published: 21 November 2022
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1. Introduction
Global economic recovery is expected to remain weak for a long time, due to slow
economic growth and a profound restructuring of the economy from incremental expansion
to stock adjustment, with enterprises having no option but to optimize this gradual transition [1]. With changes in the macroeconomic environment and the continuous adjustment
of the industrial structure, problems related to the sustainable development of enterprises,
such as environmental pollution, ecological destruction, food safety, labor disputes, low
production efficiency, and so on [2], have become increasingly prominent, which shows
that many listed companies have a weak sense of social responsibility. In recent years,
several large companies have collapsed, owing to a lack of social responsibility [3]. Poor
internal control has resulted in huge losses and even bankruptcy in some cases.
Today, social responsibility and sustainable development are attracting a great deal
of attention from all sectors of society, with active implementation of social responsibility
becoming an inevitable choice for companies seeking sustainable development [4]. Furthermore, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no longer about “if” but about “how” [5].
How to fulfill CSR to promote sustainable development is a question that needs to be
answered by every company. Therefore, CSR is crucial for achieving sustainable development [6,7]. CSR implies the need for companies to protect and enhance the present and
future welfare of society and organizations through various business and social actions,
and to guarantee just and sustainable benefits to multiple stakeholders [8]. Most of the
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existing literature studies the sustainable development of enterprises from the perspective
of entrepreneurship and macroeconomic factors, but few consider the impact of social
responsibility. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore whether corporate
social responsibility will promote the sustainable development of enterprises.
In modern corporate governance, introducing CSR significantly enhances the integrity
and effectiveness of internal controls [9]. Internal control, as an essential part of corporate
governance, creates a favorable environment and provides the necessary safeguards for the
implementation of CSR. Simultaneously, by actively fulfilling their CSR, enterprises can gain
the trust and support and enhance the resources of their stakeholders, as well as improve
their reputation and social influence and contribute to sustainable development [10].
The ownership and management rights of an enterprise are separate. Management
plays an important role in an enterprise’s daily operations and activities, as well as its future
development. Based on the explicit factors of neoclassical economic theories, Jensen (1993)
first found that executive power can significantly impact business performance [11]. However, neoclassical economic theories assume that management is homogeneous. Studies in
later years introduced broad characteristic variables, measured in terms of age and education, and replaced management heterogeneity with demographic characteristics, thereby
addressing this issue. It was not until Aghion et al. (2001) proposed the management
improvement hypothesis that it was pointed out that the competencies of management
teams differ across firms, which could affect the effectiveness of management decisions to
some extent and alter the firm’s prospects [12].
Simultaneously, corporate and academic communities consider the quality of accounting
information as an essential basis for management to make business decisions and investors
to select target companies for investments. As governments continue to improve their accounting standard systems and increase supervision of the capital market, the quality of
accounting information has continuously improved and has nearly been perfected. Regarding
the economic consequences of accounting information quality, previous studies have found
that it can reduce enterprises’ equity capital costs [13,14], improve the efficiency of corporate
investment [15,16], and optimize capital allocation efficiency [17], among other benefits.
To sum up, few pieces of literature consider the impact of social responsibility on
the sustainable development ability of enterprises, and even fewer comprehensively examine the moderating effect of corporate governance on the relationship between social
responsibility and sustainable development. In a complex economic environment, it is of
great significance to study the relationship between corporate social responsibility and
sustainable development, as well as the moderating effects of internal control, management
capabilities, and accounting information quality on social responsibility and sustainable
development from corporate governance. The study will clarify the mechanism between
them, enrich the literature on social responsibility’s economic consequences, and promote
enterprises’ sustainable and stable development.
The contributions of this study are as follows. First, it empirically verifies the impact
of CSR on corporate sustainable development and broadens the research area of CSR.
Second, it examines the moderating effects that internal control, management capabilities,
and accounting information quality have on the relationship between CSR and corporate
sustainable development, providing a theoretical basis for promoting corporate governance.
Third, it explores the impact mechanism and realization path of corporate sustainable
development, providing a theoretical basis for promoting the sustainable development of
listed companies.
The structure of this study is arranged as follows. Section 2 offers the literature
review and hypotheses. Section 3 presents the research design of this paper, including
sample selection, definition of the variables, and model design. In Section 4, the empirical
results are presented, reporting the main test and robustness tests. The conclusions and
implications of this study are discussed in Section 5.
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2. Literature Review and Hypotheses
The theory of corporate sustainability, though it emerged relatively recently, has developed rather quickly. The theory points out that it is difficult for companies to adapt
to a rapidly changing social environment. With many businesses failing, it is becoming
increasingly essential for companies to gain momentum despite the crisis [18]. Corporate
sustainability is not only about speed but also about quality of growth [19,20]. The theory
of corporate sustainable development advocates energy conservation, environmental protection, and improved operational efficiency, and requires corporate development to be in
harmony with resources and the carrying capacity of the environment, matching the needs
of society and human development.
2.1. Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Based on stakeholder theory, CSR is a multidimensional measurement concept [21,22].
From a new institutional economics perspective, CSR is the monitoring and constraint
of profit-seeking behavior by stakeholders in a market economy situation. In addition to
considering its business situation, a business must also consider its impact on society and
the natural environment, and fulfill its responsibilities and obligations to its stakeholders
(shareholders, employees, consumers, partners, government, and the public) [23,24]. The
impact of CSR on sustainable development is mainly reflected in two aspects. First, actively
fulfilling CSR is an effective way to enhance the soft power of enterprises and establish a
favorable social image. Pavla Vrabcová et al. (2021) find that fulfilling CSR is a process of
accumulating and integrating human, social, and other resources, which is conducive to
enhancing the sustainable competitiveness of enterprises [25]. Lopez Belen et al. (2022) argued
that corporate development should not only focus on short-term profit maximization but also
on CSR, as it plays an increasingly important role in promoting corporate success and social
progress [26]. Second, companies can gain an early advantage with regard to sustainable
development through social responsibility performance [27]. Doukas John A. et al. (2021)
argued that in building and developing corporate culture, the integration of CSR should be
fully considered to make it unique and effective [28]. The efficient integration of the two
relationships can bring about innovation in culture, products, and processes, and enable
enterprises to obtain unique competitive advantages, thereby enhancing economic returns.
According to Samet Marwa et al. (2022), social responsibility is not only an inevitable act of
responding to the times, but also an essential driver of competitiveness [29]. As a critical
strategic resource, it can help companies maintain long-term relationships, conducive to
maintaining sustainable competitive advantage in the long run. This shows that CSR is
a “win-win strategy”, which can help introduce innovative ways and provide an early
advantage in terms of sustainable development. In summary, the following hypothesis
is proposed.
Hypothesis 1. CSR contributes positively to corporate sustainable development.
2.2. The Moderating Effect of Internal Control
According to the principal–agent theory, the objectives of the principal and agent are
not aligned. There is information asymmetry; therefore, it is impossible to expect the agent
to act in full accordance with the risk preferences of the principal, and the principal can only
take measures to maximize the interests of both parties, resulting in agency costs [30,31].
The essence of internal control is the principal–agent problem, which must be resolved to
maintain a balance between the interests of all parties in the firm, reduce transaction costs,
mitigate agency conflicts, and reduce opportunistic behavior of the management, thereby
improving the quality of corporate surplus [32]. As a necessary institutional arrangement
for enterprises, internal control plays an active role in the interplay between CSR and
sustainable development. For all enterprise activities, internal control plays a process
monitoring and institutional guidance role. The better the quality of internal control, the
more compliant is the enterprise’s behavior in fulfilling its social responsibility [33,34].
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As a corporate activity, CSR is inevitably monitored and guided by internal controls at
the implementation stage [35], thus affecting the performance output of CSR. A sound
internal control system can play a major role in optimizing and controlling the implementation of CSR, thereby ensuring that the activities have been conducted in an orderly and
efficient manner, and thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises [36]. When, in
the process of fulfilling social responsibility, companies are subjected to internal control,
they can conduct effective social responsibility risk management, reduce CSR risks, and
promote the achievement of their strategic goals [37]. A sound internal control system
can coordinate and optimize the path of information exchange between enterprises and
governments, thereby improving the transparency of information between them. This can
facilitate governments’ understanding of CSR compliance and make it easier for enterprises to obtain government support, thus helping them achieve long-term development.
In fulfilling their social responsibility, enterprises can help prevent CSR risks and promote
sustainable development by standardizing and improving their internal control systems
and operations [38]. Therefore, the more robust the internal control system of the enterprise,
the more significant the role of CSR in promoting sustainable development. Therefore, this
study also proposes the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. An improved internal control system of enterprises entails a greater role of corporate
social responsibility in promoting their sustainable development.
2.3. The Moderating Effect of Management Capacity
Hambrick and Mason (1984) proposed the upper echelon theory, which argues that
a firm’s management cannot have a comprehensive understanding of all aspects, and
that the management’s cognitive structure and values determine their understanding and
judgement of information [39]. Management traits influence decision making and affect
corporate performance [40]. As the central force in corporate decision making, the management is directly responsible for all production, operation, investment, and financial
decisions, as well as development strategies. They are also responsible for fulfilling CSR, the
implementation of which has a long-term economic impact and is strongly constrained by
management capacity [41]. Therefore, management capacity will significantly impact CSR
performance and thus affect the enterprises’ long-term development [42]. Some previous
studies have proved that CSR performance is in line with management’s internal decision
making, primarily determined by management’s capacity [43]. The management actively
performs social responsibility, which positively promotes enterprise development [44].
Some scholars have argued that competent managers can better align corporate investment decisions with CSR strategies, which helps to manage resources effectively, reduce
costs, maximize the benefits of CSR, and promote sustainable corporate development [45].
Simultaneously, management capability can effectively reduce the degree of information
asymmetry [46]. The more robust the management capability is, the more effective its
decision making will be, and therefore, information released will be easily recognized by
the outside world, better balancing the interests among stakeholders and promoting the
fulfillment of CSR and sustainable development of the enterprise. Based on the above
analysis, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 3. A more robust management capacity entails a more significant role of CSR in
promoting corporate sustainable development.
2.4. The Moderating Effects of Accounting Information Quality
The theory of information asymmetry refers to the idea that some individuals in an
economy have access to information that others do not, and that the degree of asymmetry
is influenced by the behavior of firms and individuals [47]. Information asymmetry and
the principal–agent problem caused by it generate huge transaction costs for enterprises,
creating obstacles in fulfilling social responsibilities and improving their sustainable development ability [48]. Accounting information is an essential part of the information
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provided by enterprises to the outside world and its governance mechanisms. This is the
most common way to transmit information to enterprises’ capital markets. The disclosure
behavior and contents of enterprise accounting information play an essential role in signal
transmission. At the same time, according to the upper echelon theory, managements influence and even determine accounting behaviors and policies such as corporate disclosure
and surplus management [49]. Numerous studies confirm the influence of management
on the quality of accounting information [50,51]. Selectively disclosing self-serving information and manipulating data and their presentation in financial reports often undermine
the reliability of information, thereby influencing users’ perceptions of the company’s
performance and growth prospects. Thus, though low-quality accounting information can
benefit management, it increases the agency costs of the company. CSR can reduce the
need for vigilance and the concern of stakeholders in terms of surplus management and
indemnify them against surplus management that cannot be sustained in the long term.
Amiran M. et al. (2022) conducted an empirical analysis of listed companies in different countries: the poorer the quality of accounting information, the higher the degree
of corporate manipulation of surplus management [52]. They argued that the higher the
degree of surplus management, the more actively a company fulfills its social responsibility. This is because fulfillment of social responsibility by an enterprise can improve its
social image, and stakeholders will not be suspicious of its accounting information, thus
providing room for sustainable development. The quality of accounting information has
been shown to positively contribute to enterprises’ sustainability [53]. The social responsibility performance of enterprises also forms a specific substitution effect. The quality of
accounting information weakens the positive impact of CSR on enterprises’ sustainable
development abilities [54]. Burke Q. et al. (2020) conducted an in-depth study on the
motivation of enterprises to fulfill social responsibility [55]. This research clearly shows
that enterprises whose accounting information is less authentic and reliable often actively
perform their social responsibilities to make external stakeholders or auditors believe in
the financial data and increase the credibility of accounting information, thus promoting
the sustainable development of enterprises. Therefore, last but not least, this study also
proposes the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 4. Poorer quality of accounting information entails a more significant contribution of
CSR to corporate sustainable development.
3. Research Design
3.1. Data and Samples
The sample consisted of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2015 to 2019. Data
on internal control were obtained from the internal control index of listed companies,
published by Shenzhen Dibo Enterprise Risk Management Technology Co. Ltd. (DIB)
(Shenzhen, China). Data on social responsibility were obtained from the CSR rating
scores in Hexun’s social responsibility measurement system, and other data were obtained
from the WIND and the China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) database
(, accessed on 25 October 2021;,
accessed on 25 October 2021). The following treatments were applied to the data: companies
in the ST and *ST sectors, and those in the financial sector were excluded. To eliminate the
influence of outliers on the regression results, we Winsorized all continuous variables at
the 1% and 99% levels.
3.2. Definition of the Variables
3.2.1. Dependent Variable
Corporate sustainability was chosen as the dependent variable in this study. Corporate
sustainability is a firm’s ability to continue to grow profitably and robustly in its existing
competitive field and future business development environment, in the pursuit of survival
and growth. This study draws on Liao et al. (2022) and uses Van Horne’s static model
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to measure corporate sustainability [56]. This model was chosen to study the sustainable
development of a firm in terms of its profitability and competitiveness.
3.2.2. Independent Variables
This study selected CSR as an independent variable. Previous studies have developed
various evaluation measures for CSR; however, no unified standard has been established.
Hexun (Beingjing, China), as an international authoritative, independent third-party rating
agency, has been committed to providing the public with the most scientific and professional social responsibility evaluation information. After the release of annual and social
responsibility reports, (accessed on 25 October 2021) uses the expert scoring
method to comprehensively evaluate the social responsibility of enterprises from multiple
perspectives. From the stakeholder perspective, different weights are set for each stakeholder’s social responsibility from each of the five dimensions. The higher the score, the
better the enterprise’s social responsibility performance. This study adopted the social
responsibility score released by Hexun to measure the fulfillment of CSR, which is also the
current method adopted by many previous studies [57].
3.2.3. Moderating Variables
Internal Control
The internal control index, based on the five internal control objectives, is the first
indicator system released by the DIB to measure the quality of internal control of all listed
companies in China. The release of the index marks an era of quantifiable assessment
of these indicators, and fills a research gap in the quantitative measurement of internal
controls in China. The index system fully reflects the actual situation of internal control
in China, dividing the five objectives of the internal control index system into three levels:
basic, operational, and strategic. Therefore, considering the authority and completeness of
the data, this study followed Li X. (2022) and selected the DIB internal control index to rate
the level of internal control of listed companies in China [58].
Management Capability
Management capability refers to the ability to manage various resources of the business
effectively. Firms with higher management capabilities can achieve higher output for a given
level of production factor input. This study draws on Dermerjian et al.’s study (2012) to
account for management capabilities using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and building
a corresponding model, assuming that both firm and management capability influence a
firm’s efficiency [59].
In the model, operating cost, selling and administrative expenses, net fixed assets,
intangible assets, goodwill, and research and development expenditure were selected as
input variables. Operating revenue was selected as the output variable, and production
efficiency was estimated as follows:
Maxv θ = Sales/(v1 Cost + v2 SG&A + v3 PPE + v4 Intangible + v5 Goodwill + v6 R&D)
The production efficiency calculated in the above formula ranges from 0 to 1 and
includes the influence of enterprise level and management capabilities. Measuring management capability directly by size leads to overestimated risk. Based on this, a Tobit
regression model was constructed. Assets, market share, free cash flow, age, and business
complexity were selected as factors influencing enterprise production efficiency. Excluding
the influence of enterprise level, the residual of the regression model is managers’ ability.
θ = α1 + α2 InAssets + α3 Ms + α4 Fcf + α5 Age + α6 BHHI + ∑ Yeari + ε i
Quality of Accounting Information
The better a listed company’s surplus management, the worse the quality of accounting
information. In this study, the modified Jones model [60] was used to calculate the surplus
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management level of controllable accrued profits to measure the quality of accounting
information. The larger the manipulable accrued profits, the greater the propensity for
surplus management and the poorer the quality of accounting information. The formulas
are shown in Equations (3) and (4).

= α + β1
+ β2
+ β3
+ ε i,t
DA =

∆REVi,t − ∆RECi,t
− β1
+ β2
+ β3
TAi ,t represents the total accrued profit of company i in period t, the calculation
method is operating profit minus net cash flow from operating activities; Ai,t−1 represents
the total assets of company i at the end of period t−1; ∆REVi ,t is the increase in revenue
from the main business of company i in period t; ∆RECi ,t is the increase in the book value
of accounts receivable for company i in period t; and PPEi ,t is the book value of fixed assets
of company i at the end of period t. This study first regresses Equation (3) to obtain the
estimated values of the coefficients β1 , β2 , β3 and the residual absolute value ε, inputting
β1 , β2 , β3 into Equation (4) to calculate and take the absolute value to obtain DA.
3.2.4. Control Variables
In order to exclude other factors from interfering with the research results and to
combine the findings of previous studies [45,61], the control variables selected in this study
were enterprise size (SIZE), asset–liability ratio (LEV), firm growth (Growth), executive
shareholding ratio (MH), independent director ratio (IDR), ownership concentration (Top1),
year (Year), and industry (Ind). Table 1 presents the variables.
Table 1. Variables definition.
Variables Type
Variable Name
Variable Symbol
Meaning and Description
Net profit margin on sales × total
asset turnover × income retention rate × equity
multiplier/(1—net profit margin on sales × total asset
turnover × income retention rate × equity multiplier)
Corporate social
Hexun scoring
Internal control
Dib Index
Calculated using Equations (1) and (2)
Quality of
Calculated using Equations (3) and (4)
Enterprise size
Natural logarithm of total assets at the end of the year
Total liabilities/total assets
Firm growth
Operating income growth rate
shareholding ratio
Value of shares held by executives/total share capital
director ratio
Number of independent directors/number of
board of directors
Percentage of shareholding of the largest shareholder
Annual dummy variables
Industry dummy variables
Control variables
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3.3. The Model Design
To test Hypothesis 1, that CSR has a positive contribution to corporate sustainability,
fixed-effects regression Model (5) was constructed [62,63].
SGR = β 0 + β 1 CSR + β 2 SIZE + β 3 LEV + β 4 GROWTH + β 5 MH + β 6 IDR
+ β 7 TOP1 + ∑ YEAR + ∑ Ind + ε
If β1 in model (5) is greater than 0 and significant, then the better the CSR fulfillment,
the more sustainable the company.
To test Hypothesis 2, which states that the better the internal control, the more significant the contribution of CSR to corporate sustainability, Model (6) was constructed.
SGR = β 0 + β 1 CSR + β 2 ICQ + β 3 CSR × ICQ + β 4 SIZE + β 5 LEV
+ β 6 GROWTH + β 7 MH + β 8 IDR + β 9 TOP1
+ ∑ YEAR + ∑ Ind + ε
If β3 is positive and significant in Model (6), it indicates that internal control has a
positive moderating effect on CSR and sustainability.
To test Hypothesis 3, which states that the better the management capability, the more
significant the contribution of CSR to corporate sustainability, Model (7) was constructed.
SGR = β 0 + β 1 CSR + β 2 MA + β 3 CSR × MA + β 4 SIZE + β 5 LEV
+ β 6 GROWTH + β 7 MH + β 8 IDR + β 9 TOP1
+ ∑ YEAR + ∑ Ind + ε
If β3 in Model (7) is positive and significant, it indicates that management capability
has a positive moderating effect on CSR and sustainability.
To test Hypothesis 4, namely, the moderating effect of accounting information quality
on CSR and corporate sustainability, Model (8) was constructed.
SGR = β 0 + β 1 CSR + β 2 DA + β 3 CSR × DA + β 4 SIZE + β 5 LEV
+ β 6 GROWTH + β 7 MH + β 8 IDR + β 9 TOP1
+ ∑ YEAR + ∑ Ind + ε
In Model (8), the moderating variable DA is the quality of accounting information. In
this study, the modified Jones model was used to calculate the manipulable accrued profit,
with larger values indicating poorer accounting information quality and smaller values
indicating better quality. If β3 in Model (8) is positive and significant, it indicates that the
poorer the quality of accounting information, the more significant the contribution of CSR
to the sustainable development of the enterprise.
4. Empirical Results
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
Table 2 presents the results of the descriptive statistics of the variables. The table
shows that the maximum value of corporate sustainability is 0.3375, the minimum value
is −0.0230, the mean value is 0.0669, and the standard deviation is 0.0596, indicating that
the overall sustainability of the sample companies is poor and varies significantly between
different companies. The maximum value of CSR is 68.6000, the minimum value is 3.4600,
the mean value is 23.4503, and the standard deviation is 10.4551, indicating that the sample
companies’ overall fulfillment of social responsibility is poor.
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Table 2. Descriptive statistics.
Std. Dev.
4.2. Correlation Analysis
Table 3 lists the correlation coefficients of the variables. The correlation coefficient
between CSR and sustainable development is 0.3294 and significant at the 1% level, indicating a positive relationship between CSR and sustainable development. The mean value
of VIF for the regression model is less than 10, and the maximum VIF value is 1.84, which
allows us to ignore the impact of multicollinearity on the main results of this study.
Table 3. Correlation analysis.
0.3294 ***
0.2518 ***
0.0869 ***
0.1238 ***
0.1099 ***
0.2034 ***
0.0298 ***
0.0551 ***
0.2406 ***
0.0691 ***
−0.0553 ***
0.1914 ***
0.0476 ***
−0.0318 ***
0.1085 ***
0.0622 ***
−0.0358 ***
0.1241 ***
0.0334 ***
0.1414 ***
0.0318 ***
0.0303 ***
0.0740 ***
−0.0327 ***
0.1450 ***
0.0820 ***
0.0187 *
−0.0412 ***
0.0369 ***
−0.0484 ***
0.0322 ***
0.0611 ***
0.0283 ***
−0.0205 **
0.5756 ***
0.0357 ***
−0.4015 ***
−0.0643 ***
0.1895 ***
0.0714 ***
−0.2677 ***
−0.0573 ***
0.0848 ***
0.0576 ***
−0.0301 ***
0.1257 ***