Need Corporate Finance expert tutor who can work on 7 discussions, 500 words each discussion and deliver on time before the deadline.
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Subject: Corporate Finance
Write 500 words in length, each discussion should be 500 words.
Discussion 1
In our capital budgeting examples, we assumed that a firm would recover all of the working capital it
invested in a project. Is this a reasonable assumption? When might it not be valid?
Discussion 2
How does a bond issuer decide on the appropriate coupon rate to set on its bonds? Explain the di昀昀erence
between the coupon rate and the required return on a bond.
Discussion 3
Evaluate the following statement: Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will
lead to an overemphasis on short-term pro昀椀ts at the expense of long-term pro昀椀ts.
Discussion 4
We have seen that over long periods stock investments have tended to substan琀椀ally outperform bond
investments. However, it is not at all uncommon to observe investors with long horizons holding their
investments en琀椀rely in bonds. Are such investors irra琀椀onal?
Discussion 5
In broad terms, why is some risk diversi昀椀able? Why are some risks non-diversi昀椀able? Does it follow that an
investor can control the level of unsystema琀椀c risk in a por琀昀olio, but not the level of systema琀椀c risk?
Discussion 6
Describe the di昀昀erence between systema琀椀c risk and unsystema琀椀c risk.
Discussion 7
What is the most relevant topic learned in the corporate 昀椀nance course and how will it personally
bene昀椀t you.
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APA 7 Style Cite References
If you use outside references, please cite them, and use references in APA style 7th.
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