Contrasting Normative Arguments in Standard Form


Scenario: In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic; thus, at least one of the arguments will contradict your personal opinion. You will compose the arguments in standard form, as a series of statements that end with your conclusion. Do not write your arguments as an essay.

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Contrasting Normative Arguments in Standard Form
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Assignment: Download the submission template below, which further breaks down the steps involved in this assignment. You will return the completed template as your Touchstone submission.


Step 1. Choose one topic from the following list:

Should people eat meat?
Should marijuana be legal?
Should pet cats be kept indoors?
Should zoos exist?
Should customers leave a tip in a coffee shop?
Should seat belt wearing be mandatory?
Should children be required to take gym/physical education?
Should public roads be used for private car parking?

Step 2. Develop two logically contradictory normative conclusions on this topic.

The conclusions need not be phrased exactly the same as they are phrased in the topic list, but they do need to be logically contradictory to one another. For example, if you selected the topic “Should people eat meat?”, your conclusions might be:

People should not eat meat./People should eat meat.

But it would also be acceptable to choose:

People should reduce their meat consumption./People need not reduce their meat consumption.
It is morally permissible to eat fish./It is not morally permissible to eat fish.

Note that you need not indicate which conclusion you actually agree with. An omnivore might write an excellent logical argument for veganism, or vice versa!

Step 3. Choose your first conclusion and write a normative argument in standard form to reach that conclusion. This requires knowledge of the standard form of logical arguments, which you can find in 2.1.1 What Is an Argument?, and understanding of normative arguments, which you can find in 2.1.2 Identifying Arguments and Statements. Because normative arguments rely on standards of human behavior, you should also review 4.3.3 Moral Frameworks. The directions in the template will give you further instructions.

Step 4. Complete Step 3 for your second conclusion.

Step 5. Answer the reflection questions about your reasoning behind the arguments you wrote. One question asks to identify one rule of inference used. You can find these in 3.3.2 Valid Rules of Inference From Conditional Statements, 3.3.3 Valid Rules of Inference From Conjunction and Disjunction, and the 4.1.4 Inference to the Best Explanation.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the Touchstone process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Argument Preparation

❒ Is each argument in standard form, not paragraph form?

❒ Do your two arguments have logically contradictory conclusions?

❒ Is each argument at least seven declarative sentences, ending in a conclusion?

❒ Does each argument have a normative conclusion (saying what people ought to do)?

❒ Is there at least one normative premise that supports each conclusion?

2. Annotating Your Argument

❒ Did you place an asterisk (*) on the normative premise(s) that support your conclusion?

❒ Did you underline any subconclusions in your argument?

❒ Are there sources for any assertions that are fact-based and not well known/accepted?

3. Reflection Questions

❒ Did you answer all four of the reflection questions satisfactorily?

❒ Do your answers meet the length requirement and fully answer the question