Contract Law- Independant Contractor Agreement


For this assignment, you will be preparing an independent contractor agreement. An independent

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contractor agreement for the purposes of this assignment will be a contract between two
companies. The University of South Florida will be hiring a company for a specific project. You
will create the project. It can be for anything you select, such as development of a website, to
provide legal or accounting services, or to provide some other important service. The only
limitation on this is to make sure that it is not for something that would constitute employment
and it must require some type of confidential material being shared. To be an independent
contractor agreement, the services cannot be controlled by the University of South Florida such
as what will be done and how it will be done. If the time place and manner for the provision of
the services is controlled, it is employment and that will be improper for this assignment. You
will need to make sure the independent contractor agreement is a complete agreement.
Make sure you clearly provide the following information:
1. The identity of the contracted company
2. The date of the agreement
3. The experience of the contracted company to provide the services, include licensing if
required to provide the service
4. The relationship of the parties to show that the agreement is not one for employment
5. The term of the agreement
6. Method of termination of the agreement
7. A detailed listing of the service to be provided
8. Compensation and payment details
9. Requirements to provide such as licensing
10. Confidentiality and non-competition protections
11. Indemnification
12. Alternative dispute resolution
13. Representations and warranties that may be needed by one company to the other
14. Assignability
15. Notice requirements
16. Ramifications for breach, such as liquidated damages
17. Choice of law and venue
18. Other provisions that you think may be beneficial

I want you to take a strong stand for one side. The agreement should be very one sided in favor

of the party that you are representing. You want to show your ability to make a custom contract
and not show the ability to fill in the blanks to a form. Again, please be detailed with the rights
and obligations of each party as well as the consequence if it is not complied with.