Content Analysis


1) Choose four episodes/shows (22 -60 mins).

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a) they should be the same show/series, but don’t have to if you have a reason.

b) create your code sheet (use the attached sheet as a model)

c) qualitative (themes) or quantitative (words/actions)

d) define themes or actions

2) Count the (this is up to you) images, stories,clothing, ages, gender, race, class, income, violence, sex, drugs, etc.

3) Explain why chose to watch for this purpose (a) how did you decide what to count and (b) what criteria did you use to make sure you counted what you said you counted

4) Analyze your findings, what did you find and what does it mean

5) Discuss all of this in your 800-1200 word memo (not including your code sheet)

Unformatted Attachment Preview

This sheet is to help you keep track of what and how you’re measuring. This is not your memo/paper.
Content Title: Black Cake
# of episodes: 1-4
length in minutes of each_____
1) Definition of theme/word/action that is to be counted (if relevant include what is not counted).
2) How we are measuring (scenes, seconds, etc.) (ex. 15:02-15:27)
3) Tally
Time (during episode)
Episode 1
Social Relationships
Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode 2
Eleanor is given the
diagnosis of a brain
tumor with her son
Byron at her side and
After being estranged
for some time, Benny
meets with Byron after
their mother’s death
Byron is angry that
Benny never reached
out to check on their
mother after her surfing
Eleanor reveals that she
was never an orphan
and that her name isn’t
really Eleanor
Byron was in contention
to become director of
the Institute where we
works but lost to his
white colleague.
“Covey” escapes to
another country and
hides her identity
Covey struggles to cope
with her new life and
misses her life back on
the island
Covey and her
roommate Eleanor are
in a deadly train
accident to Scotland.
Her roommate Eleanor
Episode 3
Episode 3
Emotional/ Well-being
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 4
Wakes up in the
hospitala after train
wreck. Nurse addresses
Covey as “Eleanor.” She
embarks the start of a
new journey as she
takes on the identity of
Covey is raped by her
boss at the textile
company in Scotland.
Lin (Covey’s father)
attempts to drown
himself in the ocean. He
is struggling with feeling
abandoned by his wife
years earlier and now
his daughter Covey.
It is revealed that
daughter Benny never
comes out to her
parents as Bi-sexual
Benny is physically
attacked by her
boyfriend for wanting
to go to her father’s
4) Analysis
There are numerous themes explored in the story, many which are faced in everyday lives
including identity, family dynamics, resilience, and societal challenges. As Eleanor unveils her true
identity, she narrates her discovery of the consequences of deception and the meaningful nature
of personal transformation. There is an interconnection between strained relationships,
professional struggles, and traumatic events. The story illustrates the interconnectedness of
human experiences by intertwining these themes together. In addition to each character’s own
struggles and resilience, each of their story contributes to the larger tapestry of shared struggles.

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