Contemporary World Theatre Final


In general, students must use a variety of plays to answer the questions, as opposed to just

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using a few plays repeatedly. The exam should take students no more than two hours of
writing time. Better answers will provide well-written, thoughtful responses that avoid the
use of 1st and 2nd person references. Answering more than the required number of questions
will not help grades.
Answer the following (1-2) 30 points each. Each answer must be a minimum of 500 words
(include a word count).
1. Write a concise 1 to 2-page response to an international play exploring the connections
between your local community and the communities represented in the play. What are the
differences in experiences/expectations between your local community and the communities
in the play? What connections can you make between yourself and the play that suggest
global connections?
2. Compare and contrast the local/global connections in contemporary society in terms of
the cultural, political, economic and environmental issues represented in three plays from
different countries read for this class. In what ways do different communities respond to
these issues? In what ways do the various communities respond in similar manners? How do
the plays use notions of truth and reality, theatrical convention, language, and design in
addressing issues of culture, politics, economic, and environmental issues?
Answer two of the following (1-5) 20 points each. The answer should be a minimum of 200
1. In a broad sense, many of the plays read this semester deal with the impact of the
failure of the American Dream. Using three plays, discuss the impact of the failure of the
American Dream on the characters and their relationships. How did the play’s settings
illustrate failures of the dream? Do the plays indicate any hope for the future of the characters?
If so, what, if not why not?
2. Compare and contrast two relationships from two different plays assigned for the class.
What are the forces that keep these people together, what drives them apart, and how do their
relationships shape them as characters and affect the decisions they make? What outside
forces, if any effect their relationships?
3. Pick a character from a play read for class (besides one used in the character
biographies) that impressed you the most or that you connected with the closest. Describe the
character and the obstacles they encountered and the choices they made in dealing with these
obstacles. Do you agree with the choices they made or would you do things differently? Explain
your reasoning

4. After reading the various plays for this class, what do you believe is the main purpose of theater? For example is it to describe the play writer’s point of view on a specific event that may have happened in one’s life of history? Or is it open the audience’s mind to change a view point? Use any play to support your answer.

5. Every experience has a chance to change the way we view things. We have read many plays that present underlying social and political issues. Describe how this class has/or has not changed your view on any of the social/political issues presented in the plays