Conduct a review of scholarly literature/research on Phonemic Awareness


Candidates will first conduct a review of scholarly literature and, drawing from this as well as our course content, generate ideas for interventions or strategies aimed at supporting learners with and without disabilities in the inclusive learning environment observed. There are two parts to this assignment. Please do this paper on Phonemic Awareness

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Conduct a review of scholarly literature/research on Phonemic Awareness
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Montclair State University
College of Education and Human Services
Department of Teaching and Learning
Candidates will demonstrate the ability to draw from scholarly literature in order to generate
strategies for supporting positive developmental outcomes among all students in inclusive
learning environments.
Learning Objectives
Candidates will be evaluated on the following concepts:
1. Review of scholarly literature (NJPST 9, NJ Special Topic Area 1)
2. Foundational concepts and disciplinary content (INJPST 1 & 11, NJ Special Topic Area 1) 3.
Strategies in support plan based in theory and research (NJPST 8, NJ Special Topic Area 1) 4.
Apply content to practice (NJPST 5)
5. Support plan aimed at inclusivity (NJPST 2, NJ Special Topic Area 5)
6. The teacher makes appropriate and timely provisions for individual students with particular
learning differences or needs (NJPST Standard 2 i (2))
7. Identification and use of resources (NJPST 10, NJ Special Topic Area 6)
8. Collaboration and responsiveness (NJPST 2 & 10, Special Topic Area 5)
This assignment builds on your service learning project by providing an opportunity for practical
applications of the course content. Candidates will first conduct a review of scholarly literature
and, drawing from this as well as our course content, generate ideas for interventions or
strategies aimed at supporting learners with and without disabilities in the inclusive learning
environment observed. There are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1
Based on experiences in your service learning project, you should identify a specific domain, or
subdomain, within which to provide support for all students. As examples, you may focus on:
communication, physio-motor development, perspective-taking, self-regulation, prosocial
behavior, creativity/divergent thinking, etc. Conduct a review of scholarly literature/research on
your chosen topic, including our course readings and content. Based on your review of the
literature, you will submit a written paper (5-6 pages). Your written paper should include the
following components (see the posted rubric for scoring information):
● Introduction and background of developmental domain (or subdomain): Discuss
relevance of the topic for learning and broad outcomes for children; identify critical
issues or concerns with regard to supporting students with disabilities in this domain
within inclusive settings.
● Review of developmental theories and current scholarly literature: You should present
critical viewpoints and a range of perspective/issues related to your topic. Discuss
research on various approaches, programs, or strategies for supporting children. Also,
discuss the ways in which children’s development in this domain is situated in
sociocultural contexts, and how educators should be culturally responsive when
working with families to support children.
● Implications and critical thinking: How does the literature extend your thinking further?
What questions/concerns are raised? Discuss implications for inclusive education, etc.
Use at least 6 relevant scholarly sources (articles from academic journals or scholarly texts).
Make connections and references to course readings and texts throughout. You may also use
news articles, websites, etc.; however, at least 6 sources must be from scholarly sources (not
including the textbook). Do not use Wikipedia as one of your sources.
You must cite your sources within your paper using APA format and include a references page.
Part 2
Generate a developmental support plan aimed at fostering growth in your chosen domain for the
children in the learning environment you observed. Overall, your support plan should be:
● Responsive to the conversation you had with the professional and should reflect a
collaborative effort by taking into account the strengths and interests of students, or
needs for support identified by the professional(s).
● Framed in an inclusive context, i.e. implementable in an inclusive setting for all students,
including learners with complex needs for support.
● Demonstrate your understanding of the coursework, i.e. your strategies, activities, and
resources should be connected to theory and research.
Your support plan should include the following components:
1. A list of objectives that you wish to achieve through this support plan.
2. A brief description of your ideas/plan for support. As examples, this may include: an
activity or game designed by you to support children’s socio-emotional development; a
learning center for fostering creativity/divergent thinking; strategies for fostering social
interaction; activities/games which enhance critical thinking or moral development; etc.
3. Activities should include modifications which meaningfully include students who
experience visual, hearing, and sensory impairments (e.g., auditory under or
4. An outline and logistics of your proposed plan, including how, when, and where these
interventions, supports, and/or activities should take place. Identify the resources needed.
How will all children be included in this activity? Describe accommodations or
technology aids that can be used.
5. A brief discussion of the theoretical/research connections. How is your support plan
informed by research literature or connected to developmental and learning theories?
6. All of the “products” and resources you’ve identified or developed (e.g. strategies,
activities, games, lessons, resource guides, technology aides, etc.). You will also
display/demonstrate these at the “Developmental Supports Fair” on the assigned date.
7. Some “giveaways” to share with colleagues (e.g. copies of activities, games, resources).
Your products should be accessible, engaging, informative, and inclusive. Giveaways
WILL include the resource list which you have carefully designed to support the needs
of students and their families.
8. Your resource list will include a wide and extensive range of resources (e.g., book titles,
podcasts, organizations, technology applications, websites, etc.). Your carefully curated
resource list will clearly explain for users the relevance of each resource (i.e., in a
sentence or two explain the usefulness of each resource you’ve listed to make it easier for
users to engage with the information you’ve provided).
Example: Language and Communication Resource List
● Podcast: The Cult of Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez
Episode: 132: How to Spot Dyslexia, and What to Do Next
● In this episode, Jennifer Gonzalez speaks with special educator, Lisa Brooks, about
how teachers can better identify and support students who are experiencing
learning differences. While this podcast is designed for educators, parents may
find it useful in helping them understand strategies to use both at home with their
child and to assist them in their discussions with their children’s teachers and
school support staff (to help them know what supports to ask for or strategies to

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