Concept Illustration


This assignment encourages creative expressions and integration of course concepts, ideas, and themes with your experiences and lived realities.

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Concept Illustration
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Method: The key to this assignment is using the following texts from Week 1—Moraga,

Yamada, and Cameron—to produce an illustration that clearly and convincingly

conveys how you filter your understanding of these texts through your experiences and

lived realities.

There are two parts to this assignment:

Part 1 – Illustrate : You can work with any concepts, ideas, and
themes from the abovementioned texts to construct your illustration. For
example, you can use the themes of social class, rebellion, and invisibility in
Moraga, Yamada, and Cameron and connect your analysis of how each author
struggles with those concepts. You can then relate it to your struggle with
such concepts. Please refer to the sample illustrations provided; activate your
imagination and create! Make beautiful art!
b. Part 11 – Narrate: Write a concise essay between 400-500 words
to explain your illustration. Please also ensure that your word count is within
the requirement.
3. Submission: You can scan, screen capture, or photograph your mapping with your
phone and combine with explain words.