Concept Analysis Discussion board


Please complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:Go to the library nursing database CINAHL and search for a “Concept Analysis” article on a concept of interest and discuss the following:Briefly, describe the method of Concept Analysis used for this article (ex. Walker and Avant, Rodgers, Meleis, etc.)Discuss the author’s aim and purpose for doing the concept analysis on this topic.Describe the defining attributes of the concept examined.What are the benefits of completing a Concept Analysis for nursing theory development, research, and nursing practice? How can defining nursing concepts strengthen nursing as a profession?Attach the Concept Analysis article to your initial discussion post.

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Effective communication
between nurses and patients: ​
an evolutionary concept analysis
Dorothy Afriyie
Student Nurse, University of West London, Brentford
[email protected]
Communication can be considered as the basis of the nurse-patient
relationship and is an essential element in building trust and comfort in
nursing care. Effective communication is a fundamental but complex
concept in nursing practice. This concept analysis aims to clarify effective
communication and its impact on patient care using Rodgers’s (1989)
evolutionary framework of concept analysis. Effective communication
between nurses and patients is presented along with surrogate terms,
attributes, antecedents, consequences, related concepts and a model case.
Effective communication was identified to be a multifactorial concept and
defines as a mutual agreement between nurses and patients. This influences
the nursing process, clinical reasoning and decision-making. Consequently,
promotes high-quality nursing care, positive patient outcome and patient’s
and nurse’s satisfaction of care.
w Communication w Nurse-patient relationship w Concept analysis
w Nursing traits w Trust
communication (Reader et al, 2014). The aim of the present
concept analysis is to explore and clarify the complexity of
establishing effective communication between nurses and
patients in practice.
Concept analysis
Concept analysis is the foundation and preparatory phase of
nursing research (Walker and Avant, 2011). Concept analysis
aids in clarifying concepts in nursing by using simpler
elements to reduce ambiguity and identify all aspects of a
concept (Nuopponen, 2010; Foley and Davis, 2017). Draper
(2014) criticised concept analysis as being methodologically
weak and philosophically dubious, further arguing that there
is no evidence of its contribution to patient care. However,
concept analysis facilitates the review of literature on a
concept of interest, thereby enabling a thorough examination
of the concept (Bergdahl and Berterö, 2016). This helps
in understanding the concept and, therefore, applying it
appropriately. Correspondingly, understanding key concepts
in nursing practice enables the nurse to identify strategic
interventions that could benefit patients. Although McKenna
(1997) argued that there is no definite meaning of a concept
because they are experienced and perceived differently by
people, Walker and Avant (2011) highlighted that the ability
of the nurse to describe concepts in an exploratory way is an
important means to demonstrate evidence base in practice.
Nursing is an evidence-based practice; hence it is the
responsibility of the nurse to keep up-to-date with quality
evidence and demonstrate it in practice (Thompson, 2017).
Therefore, it is paramount for nurses to understand concept
analysis and be able to analyse key concepts in nursing.
This concept analysis aims to clarify the concept of effective
communication and address the gap in knowledge using
Rodgers’s (1989) theoretical framework. The evolutionary
method of concept analysis was chosen because it adopts
a systematic approach with focused phases (Tofthagen and
Fagerstrøm, 2010). Rodgers’s (1989) method is perceived as a
simultaneous task approach, which does not seek boundaries
to restrict a concept and considers its application within
British Journal of Community Nursing September 2020 Vol 25, No 9
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd
ommunication is an essential element of building
trust and comfort in nursing, and it is the basis
of the nurse–patient relationship (Dithole et
al, 2017). Communication is a complex phenomenon
in nursing and is influenced by multiple factors, such as
relationship, mood, time, space, culture, facial expression,
gestures, personal understanding and perception (McCarthy
et al, 2013; Kourkouta and Papathanasiou, 2014). Effective
communication has been linked to improved quality of care,
patient satisfaction and adherence to care, leading to positive
health outcomes (Burley, 2011; Kelton and Davis, 2013; Ali,
2017; Skär and Söderberg, 2018). It is an important part of
nursing practice and is associated with health promotion and
prevention, health education, therapy and treatment as well
as rehabilitation (Fakhr-Movahedi et al, 2011). The Nursing
and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018) emphasised effective
communication as one of the most important professional
and ethical nursing traits. Nonetheless, communication
remains a complicated phenomenon in nursing, and most
patient-reported complaints in healthcare are around failed
multiple contexts (Gallagher, 2007). However, the framework
will be used because it facilitates an exploration and deep
comprehension of a concept (McCuster, 2015). Additionally,
the framework offers an alternative to a positivist approach
to concepts, allowing different findings depending on the
situation (Ghafouri et al, 2016). Moreover, the framework
provides an opportunity to identify attributes and related
features in a manner that minimises bias (McCuster, 2015).
Effective communication between patients and nurses
was analysed using the seven phases of Rodgers’s (1989)
evolutionary method (Box 1A). Further, the following four
questions were addressed (Box 1B).
w What is effective communication?
w What are the surrogate terms and related use of the concept
of effective communication?
w What attributes, antecedents and consequences apply to the
concept of effective communication?
w Who benefits from effective communication between
nurses and patients?
Box 1A. Rodgers’s method of analysis (1989)
Stage 1: Identify and name the concept of interest
Stage 2: Identify surrogate terms and relevant uses of the concept
Stage 3: Identify and select an appropriate realm (sample) for data collection
Stage 4: Identify the attributes of the concept
Stage 5: Identify the references, antecedents, and consequences of the
concept, if possible
Stage 6: Identify concepts that are related to the concept of interest
Stage 7: Identify a model case of the concept
Box 1B. Rationale for the four focused questions
The focus questions were driven by the Rodgers’s (1989) framework of
concept analysis; the four questions are aimed at analysing the concept
of effective communication using the seven stages of the framework in a
systematic manner to engender an understanding of effective communication
Identifying the appropriate realm for
data collection
As endorsed by Brown (2005), a comprehensive review of the
literature was conducted for this analysis. Explicit inclusion
and exclusion criteria were used to select relevant articles,
as recommended by Tofthagen and Fagerstrøm (2010). Two
electronic databases-Cumulative Index for Nursing and
Allied Health (CINAHL) and MEDLINE (Ovid)-were
searched using the keywords ‘effective communication’ and
‘nurses’ and ‘patients’.The inclusion criteria allowed selection
of only peer-reviewed academic journals written in the
English language. Studies exploring or analysing effective
communication among nurses and patients with underlying
communication difficulties and cognitive disabilities were
excluded, because it is likely that such patients or nurses
represent a special challenge in communicating. Only articles
exploring effective communication and factors that influence
communication between nurses and patients were considered.
A total of 2086 articles were retrieved from the databases,
and these articles were screened for relevance by reading
the abstract. Finally, 30 articles were determined to meet
the inclusion criteria for the analysis (Figure 1). The articles
selected were published between 1965 and 2019.
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd
Defining effective communication
The Cambridge English dictionary defines ‘effective’ as
‘successful or achieving the results that you want’ (Cambridge
University Press, 2018). According to the Oxford English
Dictionary, communication is ‘imparting or exchanging
information by speaking, writing or using some other
medium’ (Oxford University Press, 2018). The Department
of Health and Social Care (2010) described communication
as the meaningful exchange of facts, needs, opinions, thoughts,
feelings or other information between two or more people.
Further, communication can be face-to-face, over the
phone or by written words. McCabe and Timmins (2013)
also described communication as a cyclical and dynamic
process, involving transmission, receiving and interpretation
of information between people using verbal or non-verbal
means. Rani (2016) simply described communication as
‘sharing meaning’.
Interestingly, Hazzard et al (2013) described communication
as a primary condition of human consciousness. They
further explained that people always identify themselves in a
communicative state.This would imply that people are always
exchanging information. The authors, however, described
communication as the actions taken after speaking to someone;
this highlights communication as responsive.This may be the
action and reaction people adopt after a communicated request
or statement. Nonetheless, Gadamer (1976), a twentiethcentury philosopher, highlighted communication as what we
are and not just what we do. Kourkouta and Papathanasiou
(2014) defined communication as the use of speech or other
means to exchange information, thoughts and feelings among
people. Therefore, effective communication may be classified
as exchanging information, thoughts and feelings using either
verbal or non-verbal expressions to successfully produce a
desired or intended result.
Effective communication between nurses and patients may
be analysed from both the nurse’s and the patient’s perspective.
McCabe (2004) identified that the patients’ perspective of
effective communication entails patient-centred interaction.
On the other hand, O’Hagan et al (2013) found that nurses’
perspective of effective communication revolves around
time, task, rapport and patients’ agreement on what has
been communicated. Although both perspectives appear
to differ, they are both driven by the expectations of the
patient and nurse. A nurse may ultimately identify effective
communication as the ability to engage with patients and to
achieve clinical goals. Similarly, patients may be influenced
by their expectation regarding their management outcome
(Schirmer et al, 2005). Therefore, effective communication
British Journal of Community Nursing September 2020 Vol 25, No 9
mutual agreement through negotiation and shared decisionmaking suggests concordance (Mckinnon, 2013; Snowden et
al, 2014).Abdolrahimi et al (2017) pointed out that therapeutic
communication is the basis for effective communication.They
highlighted therapeutic communication as an important
means for establishing interpersonal relationships. These
concepts are different from effective communication; however,
these notions express an idea of the concept of effective
communication and highlight an understanding of effective
communication as emphasised by Rodgers (1989).
Potentially relevant articles retrieved from
CINAHL (n=140), MEDLINE (n=1946)
Total number of articles (n=2086)
Title and abstract reviewed of potential relevance;
(n= 2000) were excluded since they did not meet
the inclusion criteria
Full-length articles reviewed
Articles excluded because they were duplicated
in the databases (n=6)
Articles excluded because of relevance to study
Article included in the concept
analysis (n=30)
Figure 1. Search criteria and results
between nurses and patients may be defined as mutual
agreement and satisfaction with care (provided and received).
Surrogate terms and relevant uses
The terms most commonly serving a manifestation of
effective communication include: therapeutic communication,
interpersonal relationship, intercommunication, interpersonal
communication and concordance. From a literature search,
these terms appear frequently, highlighting their close usage
with the concept of effective communication (Fleischer et
al, 2009; Casey and Wallis, 2011; Jones, 2012; Bloomfield
and Pegram, 2015; Daly, 2017). For example, through
intercommunication or interpersonal communication, a nurse
can encourage a patient to participate in their care decisionmaking. However, a patient’s acceptance to engage in shared
decision-making regarding care and agree with a negotiated
care plan could reflect effective communication. This act of
Daly (2017) described communication as dynamic and
cyclical, because it involves a process of transmission, receiving
and interpretation through verbal or non-verbal means. This
reflects the complexity of communication, which involves
speaking, being heard, listening, understanding or being
accepted, as well as being seen and acknowledged. Hence,
assessing factors that could affect communication, such as noise
or interference, is always crucial for effective communication
(McCabe and Timmins, 2013; Webb, 2018). Daly (2017)
explained that other skills for effective communication, which
are consciousness, compassion, competence, professionalism
and person-centredness, are all important concepts in nursing
studies and practice. This indicates that communication
is intentional in nature, so the purpose and perspective of
individuals involved should be valued and respected (Jones,
2012). In the case of the nurse–patient relationship, a nurse
must consider a patient’s perspective, background and
concerns when communicating. It is important for a nurse
to be competent, ethical and professional and exhibit an
individualised approach in communicating with patients
(Bramhall, 2014; Bloomfield and Pegram, 2015). For example,
when communicating with a patient with no medical
background, medical terms should be explained further
or avoided. This promotes person-centredness, which is a
determinant for effective communication for patients.
A nurse must respect human rights and be professional
(NMC, 2018). However, it can be challenging when
communicating with a patient who does not want to
communicate about their health, which reflects their right
to autonomy. Nonetheless, it is paramount for a nurse to
identify the purpose of communication and the difficulties,
so that they can mitigate them as part of their professional and
ethical duties (Royal College of Nursing, 2015; NMC, 2018).
This can be done by reassuring and encouraging patients.
Correspondingly, this act of communication features in Duldt
et al’s (1983) theory of humanistic nursing communication.
This theory is reflected in Bramhall (2014) and Kourkouta
and Papathanasiou’s (2014) exploration on communication
in nursing. The theory explains the need for comprehensive
and exclusive communication among nurses and clients as
well as colleagues.The focus of the theory is on interpersonal
communication and emphasises the need for humanistic
approaches to help improve professional communication.These
approaches include empathy, deeper respect, encouragement
and interpersonal relationship. For example, listening to
people, providing privacy when communicating, giving
British Journal of Community Nursing September 2020 Vol 25, No 9
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd
patients ample time, using kind and courteous words such
as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, as well as being frank and honest
when communicating. All these approaches may promote
effective communication between nurses and patients (Jevon,
2009; Bramhall, 2014; Bloomfield and Pegram, 2015).
Further, Miller (2002), Burley (2011), Casey and Wallis
(2011), Jones (2012) Bloomfield and Pegram (2015) and Daly
(2017) demonstrated how effective communication is key in
the assessment, planning and implementation of personalised
nursing care. Holistic assessment in nursing includes historytaking, general appearance, physical examination, vital signs
and documentation (Toney-Butler and Unison-Pace, 2018).
Patient assessment aids in identifying the communication
needs of a patient in order to promote person-centred care
(Toney-Butler and Unison-Pace, 2018). Moreover, nonverbal cues such as general appearance or posture are vital
in communication, and understanding them could help in
the assessment process. General appearance such as facial
expressions, dressing, hair or skin integrity may convey
information that may be helpful in the nursing assessment
process. Although not ideal, however, appearance can be a
powerful transmitter of intentional or unintentional messages
(Ali, 2018). For instance, a nurse may sense neglect or abuse
when a patient appears physically unkempt, with bruises or
sores.This may inform the nurse on appropriate questions to
ask during history-taking in order to ascertain the patient’s
situation and safeguard, signpost or refer them for support if
necessary. Nurses’ ability to identify these concerns may aid
in providing the best necessary care for their patients. This
promotes person-centredness, which is perceived as a means
of effective communication by patients (McCabe, 2004).
Effective communication promotes comprehensive historytaking. History-taking involves communicating with patients to
collect subjective data and using this information to determine
management plans (Jevon, 2009). In history-taking, inaccurate
information may be collected when communication is not
effective (Burley, 2011; Jones, 2012; Daly, 2017). However, it
is important for nurses to establish good personal relationships
with patients, so the latter can feel comfortable in sharing their
complaints (Casey and Wallis, 2011). It needs to be noted that,
since patients are experts in their own lives, the nurse’s ability
to make patients feel comfortable may encourage patients
to share valuable information, as well as their expectations,
concerns and fears. Effective communication is important if
nurses are to implement their roles effectively with regard
to holistic assessment, considering the subjective experience
and characteristics of their patient. Further, a well-informed
collaborative assessment through effective communication
may contribute to positive patient management outcomes
(Kourkouta and Papathanasiou, 2014). For instance, a patient
may convey all necessary information to a nurse during
assessment, and this may inform the nurse and patient of the
necessary examination and investigations to aid in evidencebased nursing diagnosis and a collaborative management plan.
The ability to establish a mutual agreement for the nursing
process suggests effective communication for both parties.
Effective communication aids in planning and implementing
personalised care. It helps patients to set realistic goals and choose
preferred management for better outcomes. Communication
is a bidirectional process in which a sender becomes a
receiver and vice versa (Kourkouta and Papathanasiou, 2014).
Therefore, there is a need for both patients and nurses to
realise that they are partners in communicating care planning
and implementation (Bloomfield and Pegram, 2015). This
realisation may promote the patient’s dignity and may also
influence patients’ desire to adhere to their plan when they
feel involved in decision-making (Casey and Wallis, 2011).
Conversely, patients may be reluctant and unhappy if they feel
dictated to or patronised. Most importantly, involving patients
through effective communication can empower them to have
full control over their health and wellbeing.This is reflected in
the self-care theory proposed by Orem (1991) and the theory
of self-efficacy proposed by Bandura (1977). These theories
focus on the role of the individual in initiating and sustaining
change and healthy behaviours. Orem (1991) reinforced the
importance of communication, as self-care is learned through
communication and interpersonal relationships.
Attributes of effective communication
Certain attributes can be used to develop a definition of
effective communication that is more realistically reflective
of how patients and nurses use the term in healthcare settings
(Rodgers and Knafi, 2000). The most common attributes
identified in the literature include: effective communication
as ‘a building foundation for interpersonal-relationship’, ‘a
determinant of promoting respect and dignity’, ‘a precedent
of achieving concordance’,‘an important tool in empowering
self-care in patient’, ‘a significant tool in planning and
implementing person-centred care’ and ‘a determinant of
clinical reasoning and the nursing process’ (Casey and Wallis,
2011; Jones, 2012; McCabe and Timmins, 2013; Bramhall,
2014; Bloomfield and Pegram, 2015; Daly, 2017;Webb, 2018;
Barratt, 2019). These attributes make it possible to identify
situations that can be categorised under the concept of
effective communication.
Antecedents of effective communication
According to the literature, antecedents to effective
communication include: personality trait, perceived
communication competence and level of education
on communication. Personality traits were linked with
communication in early research. Carment et al (1965)
demonstrated that people who are introverts are less likely to
communicate well compared with extroverts. McCroskey and
Richmond (1990) also indicated that people with low selfesteem are less willing to communicate.This is because they are
more sensitive to environmental cues (Campbell and Lavallee,
1993).Additionally, McCroskey and Richmond (1990) asserted
that people who perceived themselves as poor communicators
may be less willing to communicate. Nonetheless, people who
may be very capable of communicating may not be willing
to, due to low self-esteem, anxiety or fear. As a result, such
people may have low communication efficacy despite having
high actual competence (McCroskey and Richmond, 1990).
Therefore, it is important for nurses to consider these factors
when communicating with patients in order to identify their
British Journal of Community Nursing September 2020 Vol 25, No 9
communication needs and manage them accordingly (Daly,
2017). Furthermore, Dithole et al (2017) and Norouzinia et
al (2016) highlighted that the nurse’s level of education on
communication may influence the ability to communicate
effectively. Thus, incorporation of targeted communication
skills education in the training curriculum and on-the-job
training will empower nurses to communicate effectively with
their patients.
of the information will determine their action. Therefore,
how the message is understood determines the action taken
(Kourkouta and Papathanasiou, 2014). Additionally, through
effective communication, a patient may be empowered to
have full control over their health and wellbeing (Newell
and Jordan, 2015) and may not require extended care. Clearly,
effective communication can lead to positive and cost-saving
consequences for patients, nurses and the healthcare system.
Consequences of
effective communication
Model case
The consequences of effective communication can be
classified into patient–nurse-related and healthcare systemrelated outcomes. Skär and Söderberg (2018) mentioned
that effective communication ensures a good healthcare
encounter for patients. In the community settings, effective
communication empowers patients to talk about their
concerns and expectations (Griffiths, 2017). Further, effective
communication promotes a pleasant and comfortable hospital
experience for patients as well as their families; this can also
be reflected in the community settings, where patients may
report pleasant and comfortable nursing care (Newell and
Jordan, 2015; Barratt, 2019). Kourkouta and Papathanasiou
(2014) and Wikström and Svidén (2011) pointed out that the
success of a nurse mostly depends on how effectively they
can communicate with their patient. Conversely, ineffective
communication may lead to unsuccessful outcomes. For
example, a patient may convey their fears, signs and symptoms
to a nurse and how the nurse decodes and applies the
information may influence the intervention given (Kourkouta
and Papathanasiou, 2014). Likewise, a nurse may convey a piece
of information to a patient, but the patient’s understanding
The final phase of Rodgers’s (1989) method of analysis
highlights an application of the concept in an exploratory
case scenario. A model case for effective communication
between a nurse and a patient is given in Box 2. This case
portrays effective communication between a nurse and a
patient, revealing some surrogate terms, defining attributes,
antecedents and consequences of the concept. The case
model highlighted Audrey’s positive engagement in her
care decision-making when the nurse Dani communicated
effectively. Dani visited Audrey in her home, where Audrey
had spatial and environmental control, but she was reluctant
to engage in her own care. Audrey perceived that other
nurses did not involve her in her care decision-making. This
indicates ineffective communication and may be attributed
to factors such as age difference, generational gap, gender and
culture and ethnic differences between Audrey and the other
nurses (Tay et al, 2011; Norouzinia et al, 2016).
Another important factor that can affect effective
communication is the environmental factor. Norouzinia et
al (2016) revealed that the hospital environment is a barrier to
effective communication for patients. Additionally, Tay et al.
(2011) indicated the possibility of unilateral communication
Audrey, a 90-year-old housebound patient with bilateral leg ulcers was visited by Dani, a 45-year-old community staff nurse working in a
diverse multicultural district nursing team. On arrival, Dani introduced herself in a suitable tone, maintaining eye contact. Audrey responded
in a low tone, without maintaining eye contact. Audrey appeared to be quiet and in a low mood; Dani identified this nonverbal cue and was
determined to engage Audrey in conversation. Dani knew from her experience that leg ulcer treatment can affect a person’s mental health,
causing low self-esteem, fear and anxiety. Dani asked how Audrey felt and if there was something she could help her with. Audrey mentioned
she was fine; her carers had visited and supported her with personal care, breakfast and medication, she had been waiting for the nurse’s
visit. Dani asked Audrey about her ulcers and how she felt about her dressings; Audrey mentioned she was fine, but expressed concerns about
the ulcers not healing. Dani reassured Audrey, explained leg ulcers to her and advised Audrey about some effective practice to promote the
healing process.
Dani asked Audrey ‘How best can I help you, and how do you want your care to be delivered?’. Audrey responded, ‘You are the nurse, you
know better’. Dani took ample time to explain to Audrey how she understands her own body better than any other person. Dani also reassured
and encouraged Audrey that her opinions mattered, as this helped empower her, promoted her dignity and informed the nurse on how to care
for her. Audrey then expressed to Dani that her other nurses, who are much younger than Dani, never ask her opinion regarding the ulcer
management; hence, she was not willing to speak. Audrey mentioned that those nurses came in to re-dress her ulcers and they spoke to her
about the care plan, but she did not feel involved in decision-making about her care. Audrey then mentioned that she did not mean to create
problems or report anyone. Dani reassured Audrey that there would be no trouble, so she should not be afraid to speak up. Audrey thought
that having an honest communication about her needs and views could create problems for her or for the nurses if it seemed that she had
reported them.
Dani then reassured and encouraged Audrey that the situation will be addressed in a professional manner, and none of the other nurses
would feel they had been reported; however, they would involve her in her care and decision-making, which is the expectation. Audrey was
then comfortable, communicated in a suitable tone and maintained eye contact with Dani. She asked Dani if she could bandage her right leg
first, as she tends to be in pain for a long time when the left one is dressed first. Dani gained consent from Audrey, explained the procedure
and advised Audrey to stop her whenever she experienced pain. Dani also asked Audrey a bit more about her pain and her analgesia. Dani
identified that Audrey’s analgesia had not been reviewed for over 3 years. Dani explained to Audrey that she would be making a referral to her
GP about this matter. Audrey was very pleased and indicated she was happy with how Dani had communicated with her; she felt she could
trust her. Dani was also pleased, because she could provide the best care for Audrey.
British Journal of Community Nursing September 2020 Vol 25, No 9
© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd
Box 2. Model case
concept to prioritise in nursing education and practice. For
this reason, engaging nurses in communication skills and
on-the-job training will empower them to communicate
effectively with their patients. As endorsed by Rodgers’s
(1989), the outcome of this analysis is not the endpoint
of the concept but should direct the future exploration of
effective communication. Therefore, a systematic study of
effective communication between nurses and patients as well
as a systematic review considering effective communication
among nurses and patients with underlying communication
difficulties, cognitive disabilities and intercultural perspectives
can ultimately enhance nursing science. BJCN
w Effective communication is a key component of nursing practice
w Effective communication is intentional in nature and can be improved
through direct actions taken by the nurse
w Communication is a complex phenomenon and is an essential element of
building trust and comfort in nursing
w Concept analysis is the basic way of understanding complex concepts
and developing different meanings and perceptions
w How might concept analysis be relevant in nursing studies or practice?
Accepted for publication: July 2020
w What does effective communication mean to you?
Conflicts of interest: none
w What are some challenges nurses face in communicating effectively?
w How can an interpersonal relationship between nurses and patients
influence effective communication?
due to the hierarchical structure of the hospital environment.
Conversely, although nurses may feel quite comfortable in
the hospital or inpatient setting, they might feel relatively
intimidated when visiting a patient’s home. Therefore, an
awareness of the contextual discomfort and how it may affect
communication is important and should be considered when
planning for effective two-way communication between the
nurse and patient during home visits. Although all these
factors are important in communication, a full discussion of
these is beyond the scope of this paper and should be the
focus of another complete work.
In the model case described in Box 2, the nurse
acknowledged that she was privileged to be a guest in
Audrey’s home, and she tailored her strategy to gain Audrey’s
perspective. The nurse’s aim was to get Audrey involved in
her care decision-making since Audrey knows herself best.
Additionally, Audrey’s participation in the decision-making
made it possible for her to receive her preferred care. This
shows that effective communication is bidirectional, and both
partners (nurse and patient) must work together to achieve
their desired outcomes, in this case, the patient’s satisfaction
with care and the nurse’s ability to provide the best care.
Effective communication in nursing is clearly a complex,
multidimensional and multifactorial concept. Factors such
as emotions, general appearance, personality trait, mood and
level of education on communication may influence the
practice and outcome of effective communication. However,
effective communication is an ultimate determinant of
success for a nurse. Effective communication was defined as
a mutual agreement and satisfaction of care for both patients
and nurses. It has been linked to precede the achievement of
concordance in patients, and in nurses, it influences clinical
reasoning and the nursing process.This aids in implementing
compassionate person-centred care and, when successful, it
promotes positive patient outcomes and satisfaction with
nursing care. Thus, effective communication is an important
Abdolrahimi M, Ghiyasvandian S, Zakerimoghadam M, Ebadi A. Therapeutic
communication in nursing student: a Walker and Avant concept analysis. Electron
Physician. 2017; 9(8):4968–4977.
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