Computer Science Question


Choose one of the following eight topics:

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Computer Science Question
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Computer Forensics
Parallel Computing
Big Data Analytics
Machine learning
Artificial Intelligence

The Assignment

Write a 5 paragraph essay on your chosen topic. The paper must meet the following requirements:

1,000 words or more
5 paragraphs: introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion
Must cite at least 5 sources
All sources should be online publications (web pages, articles, blog posts, etc) accessible via a URL
All sources should be credible (when in doubt use the CARS system)
Must use inline citations
Must include a Works Cited section on the last page
Use a formal citation format such as APA, MLA, etc

If you are not sure a source you found is credible, use the CARS system to evaluate it.

You can use the CARS QuestionnaireLinks to an external site. to determine relevancy score of each source
Only use sources with relevancy score greater than 0
Sources with relevancy scores less than 0 are likely not credible and should not be used

This guide shows you how to format citations in MLA, APA and Chicago stylesLinks to an external site..

Save the paper as a PDF file and submit it via Canvas.