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I need to continue the research THE IMPACT OF HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEES COMMITMENT,ADAPTATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION with the completion of the attached research by adding recommendations, results, and discussion to the study about 4 pagesSee the attached

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Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Chapter 1: Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.1 Background of the Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.2 Problem Statement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
1.3 Research Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
1.4 Research Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1.5 Definition of Key Terms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.6 Justification of the Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.7 Scope of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.0 Literature Review …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.2 Understanding of Human capital …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.3 Understanding of developing the company employees performance………………………………………………… 10
2.4 Human capital development ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
2.5 Employee commitment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
2.6 Adaptation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
2.7 Employee development ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
2.8 Research Framework …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
2.9 Research Hypotheses …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
3.0 Chapter Three: Methodology, Results, and
3.1 Methodology………….……………………………………………………………….34
3.2 Data Collection…………………………………………………………………………………………..34
3.3 Quantitative Data Collection Methods …………………………………………………………34
3.4 Sample Size ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
3.5 Results and Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35
3.6 Ethical Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
3.7 conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 40
Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42
This study examines the intricate relationship between employee growth, adaptability, commitment, and
human capital development. It centers on the organizational structure of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom’s JAL
Human Resources Company. The study examines the complex effects of human capital—the independent
variable under investigation—on workers’ commitment, adaptability, and personal and professional
development opportunities.
The investigation’s purview is expanded to encompass different HR companies functioning within the
dynamic socioeconomic landscape of Saudi Arabia. Given the current era of rapid economic expansion and
change, it is critical to fully understand how human capital development programs contribute to the success
of organizations.
What sets this study apart is its examination of the intricate connections between employee outcomes and
human capital within the dynamic framework of Saudi Arabia’s human resources sector. The study’s
distinguishing feature is its deft handling of the intricate dynamics of this sector, which enables it to make
sense of the nuanced relationships that dictate how human capital influences employee commitment,
development, and adaptability.
This comprehensive study systematically elucidates, throughout several chapters, the complex dynamics
inherent in human capital and its profound influence on employee commitment, adaptation, and
development within the unique context of Saudi Arabia’s human resources sector.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This study represents the beginning of an investigation into the complex field of human capital
development and its significant consequences for employees inside the organizational structure. This study
highlights the intricate connections between employee development, commitment, adaptability, and human
capital. It is situated within the specific framework of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom’s JAL Human Resources
1.1 Background of the Study
The dynamic field of contemporary human resources management, as viewed through the unique lens of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s JAL Human Resources Company, provides the study’s contextual backdrop.
The study’s background situates these broader developments within the context of HR practices,
particularly in Saudi Arabia.
Businesses worldwide are fighting to stay competitive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment, which
has led to an increased focus on human resources. Businesses know that effective staff management and
strategic development are critical to their survival and growth in the present business climate.
JAL Human Resources Company is a well-known player in developing human capital in Saudi Arabia. As a
company navigates the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment, understanding its approach
to human capital becomes increasingly important. The backdrop of this study aims to illuminate the distinct
opportunities and challenges that JAL Human Resources Company has faced in cultivating and employing
its human resources.
Given this, the study intends to advance understanding by investigating the intricate connection between the
growth of human capital and three crucial employee outcomes: development, commitment, and adaptation.
By focusing on a specific organizational situation—JAL Human Resources Company—the research aims to
provide detailed insights into how human capital policies are implemented and how they impact the
workforce within the unique socio-cultural and economic environment of Saudi Arabia. Scholarly
understanding of the dynamics of human capital and the development of corporate strategies that foster
employee engagement, growth, and adaptation depend heavily on this inquiry.
1.2 Problem Statement
The problem statement captures the primary challenge of the research, which is to bridge a significant
knowledge gap regarding the consequences of human capital growth inside the organizational structure.
The study’s subject is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s JAL Human Resources Company.
In the contemporary discipline of human resources management, organizations are becoming increasingly
aware of how critical human capital is to their long-term success. However, as the demand for developing
human capital grows, more research is required to understand how organizational strategies genuinely help
workers. This discrepancy is particularly apparent in Saudi Arabia, where JAL Human Resources Company
operates in a rapidly evolving socio-economic environment.
The primary issue that needs to be addressed in this research is sorting through the intricate connections
between HRD practices and significant employee outcomes like commitment, development, and
adaptability. Even though businesses like JAL Human Resources Company invest in a range of programs to
enhance the skills and well-being of their personnel, the relationship between the efforts and the observable
changes in employee behaviors and goods still needs to be understood entirely.
The business environment in Saudi Arabia is complex because of a multitude of unique cultural and
economic factors, which further complicate problems. To effectively tailor culturally sensitive and
successful techniques that enhance organizational performance, it is critical to understand how human
capital development strategies function in this specific setting.
In addition to giving the study a clear direction, the problem statement highlights the significance and
urgency of the research in figuring out how JAL Human Resources Company’s human capital development
programs affect employee commitment, adaptation, and development. Resolving this matter would enhance
academic understanding of the dynamics of human capital and offer valuable insights for businesses
seeking to optimize workforce tactics within Saudi Arabia’s distinct context.
1.3 Research Questions
1. How do human capital development strategies implemented at JAL Human Resources Company
influence employee commitment?
2. How does human capital development impact employee adaptation to organizational changes and
3. What role does human capital development play in fostering employees’ professional and personal
development at JAL Human Resources Company?
4. How do employees perceive and experience the impact of human capital development initiatives on
their commitment, adaptation, and development?
1.4 Research Objectives
The study intends to provide important insights into the linkages between crucial employee outcomes and
human capital development within the organizational environment of JAL Human Resources Company in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research objectives clarify the specific goals and aspirations that drive
the research.
1. To assess the effect of employee commitment on human capital development:
2. Investigating How Human Capital Development Affects Workers’ Ability to Adjust to
3. To Evaluate the Impact of Human Resource Development on the Professional and Personal
Development of
4. To assess how employees see and experience the impact of human capital development:
5. To offer suggestions for improving strategies for human capital development:
1.5 Definition of Key Terms
An apparent comprehension of the concept is crucial for comprehending human capital development and its
impact on personnel. The study’s key terms are highlighted to ensure comprehension:
Human capital development refers to the deliberate and organized efforts to enhance an organization’s
workforce’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and overall capacity.
Employee commitment refers to how employees demonstrate alignment with an organization’s goals,
values, and objectives.
Adaptability in the workplace pertains to employees’ capacity to adjust and flourish in the face of evolving
circumstances, both within and externally. Adaptability, resilience, and transition management are
Progression: Employee development includes the enhancement of both professional and personal skills. It
involves acquiring new skills, competencies, and experiences to advance professionally.
1.6 Justification of the Study
The research examines explicitly JAL Human Resources Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to
the pressing necessity of understanding the complex connections between the development of human
resources and its impact on employees within the organizational framework.
This study significantly contributes to the ongoing discourse on human resources management, particularly
in Saudi Arabia, from an academic standpoint. This research enhances theoretical frameworks, enhances
our comprehension of the intricate connections between employee outcomes and human capital initiatives,
and contributes nuanced insights to the existing literature by analyzing the intricacies of human capital
development and its outcomes.
From a practical standpoint, organizational leaders and practitioners must give significant attention to the
study’s findings. Understanding the impact of human capital development techniques on employee
dedication, adaptability, and growth is crucial. The study’s findings offer practical recommendations for
improving and simplifying the HR procedures of JAL Human Resources Company. These
recommendations include fostering a positive work environment, promoting employee satisfaction and
loyalty, and improving the organization’s overall performance.
Strategic decision-making is a crucial aspect of organizational defense. The report effectively addresses a
substantial need for more knowledge in human resources management. The research elucidates the
correlations between human capital and employee outcomes, equipping organizational leaders with the
essential information to make astute decisions regarding talent management, training programs, and
corporate development efforts. Aside from JAL Human Resources Company, the practical consequences
provide valuable guidance to other organizations encountering similar challenges.
Enhanced organizational performance is a prominent outcome of the study. JAL Human Resources
Company would gain advantages by enhancing its understanding of how investments in human capital
contribute to heightened employee commitment, adaptability, and overall growth. The research findings can
offer valuable insights for cultivating positive work environments, retaining skilled individuals, and
improving organizational performance.
Moreover, the unique socio-economic and cultural setting of Saudi Arabia emphasizes the contextual
significance of the study. The findings have the potential to be relevant not only to companies in similar
contexts but also to offer valuable insights for tailoring human resource strategies to align with the distinct
attributes of the Saudi Arabian business landscape. Furthermore, the study contributes to the global
discourse on human resource management
(HRM) and provides specific insights directly applicable to Saudi Arabia.
The study’s potential to advance academic knowledge, provide practical insights to practitioners, support
strategic decision-making, enhance organizational performance, and contribute to the context-specific
understanding of human resources dynamics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia justifies its conduct.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The investigation’s scope, delineated by specific organizational, geographic, and temporal limitations, plays
a pivotal role in determining the extent and importance of the findings. The sole focus within the
organization is on JAL Human Resources Company, a prominent entity in the Saudi Arabian business
landscape. The organizational focus seeks to depict the intricate interplay between JAL’s distinct attributes,
culture, goals, and initiatives for developing human capital.
A comprehensive examination of the organizational scope aims to provide insights pertinent to JAL’s
unique opportunities and challenges. This highly focused methodology enables a comprehensive
investigation into the specific techniques employed by JAL Human Resources Company’s organizational
structure in managing, developing, and utilizing its human resources. Hence, the study’s findings will
effectively address the intricacies of human capital dynamics within the selected organization and possess
both academic and practical significance.
The study intentionally restricts its geographic focus to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to emphasize the
Saudi Arabian business environment’s distinct cultural, socio-economic, and legal characteristics. The
research’s geographical scope encompasses Saudi Arabia, allowing for consideration of the specific factors
that influence human capital dynamics in the country, as businesses are inevitably influenced by the
cultural and economic environments in which they operate. The objective is to provide viewpoints that
organizations in the Kingdom facing similar contextual challenges can identify with.
Ensuring that the research is up-to-date and applicable is a vital aspect to consider. The study’s timeline
aligns with the present dynamics of JAL Human Resources Company’s human capital development. This
deliberate chronological framing enables the research to effectively capture the latest practices,
possibilities, and concerns associated with human capital initiatives. In corporate environments, it is crucial
to maintain a temporal focus that accurately represents the current state of the organization’s human
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The introduction of the literature review establishes the foundation for a comprehensive examination of the
factors that contribute to the achievement of organizational success, with a specific focus on the
development of human capital. It recognizes that organizational structures and strategies are constantly
changing. It emphasizes the significance of a comprehensive understanding of how HR procedures impact
employee interactions, particularly in Saudi Arabia. This section serves as an initial reference, situating the
subsequent discussions within the broader framework of organizational adjustment and the significance of
human resources (Sepahvand & Bagherzadeh Khodashahri, 2021).
2.2 Understanding of Human capital
The cumulative knowledge, skills, talents, and experiences people offer a business are collectively called
human capital. This section explores the importance of understanding the nuances of human capital
dynamics for efficient human capital management, highlighting its critical role in the company’s success.
According to Gadzali et al., 2023, a thorough examination of the psychological underpinnings that support
worker engagement and productivity in the particular organizational setting is necessary to comprehend
human capital. The body of research supports the idea that HR practices are crucial in determining how
employees interact with one another, which is especially important given Saudi Arabia’s ever-changing
environment. The section places the discussions that follow into the larger context of organizational
adjustment and the critical role of human resources, acknowledging that organizational structures and
strategies are constantly changing.
The literature study recognizes that cultural quirks and beliefs have a particular impact on the workplace in
Arabia. Consequently, it is crucial to have a sophisticated grasp of how human capital works in this
particular setting. Determining the disparate impacts of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on human capital is
the primary goal of the analysis. When compared to extrinsic motivators, intrinsic factors—which result
from a sincere interest in the profession and personal fulfillment—are emphasized for their more
significant and longer-lasting impact on performance.
Based on recent research findings, the literature study highlights the significance of meaningful
employment, recognition, and a positive work environment on human capital. This realization advances our
understanding of the complex interactions between cultural variables and the dynamics of human capital in
the Saudi Arabian economic environment. Analyzing human capital becomes a fundamental first step in
deciphering the intricacies of organizational performance, allowing businesses such as JAL Human
Resources Company to create focused strategies in line with their employees’ driving forces.
Thus, this part lays the foundation for later talks about different facets of performance, commitment, and
human capital development in the context of organizations. Comprehending the dynamics of human capital
becomes strategically essential, directing the development of practices and policies suited to the particular
requirements and demands of Saudi Arabia’s labor force.
2.3 Understanding of developing the company employees performance
This is a comprehensive grasp of improving workers’ overall performance at Saudi Arabia’s JAL Human
Resources Company. This section delves further into the complex factors that lead to increased output, job
satisfaction, and overall worker performance.
The literature review recognizes that improving employee performance directly impacts the overall success
and efficiency of the business, making it an essential component of developing human capital. Instead of
concentrating only on metrics linked to jobs, the section expands to include the efficiency with which
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individuals or groups carry out their assigned tasks. It emphasizes a comprehensive approach and places
employee performance as a critical criterion for assessing the overall effectiveness of enterprises.
According to Gadzali et al., 2023 frequent performance reviews are essential for influencing employee
growth and improving organizational effectiveness. The section highlights the complex nature of
performance evaluation by considering factors like delivery speed, quantity and quality of employment,
and customer satisfaction within the context of JAL Human Resources Company. Acknowledging these
various aspects indicates that an extensive assessment is required to direct staff development and enhance
organizational results.
The research study also emphasizes the positive relationship between worker productivity and job
satisfaction. It investigates the possibility of improved performance among employees who believe their
employers value and reward their efforts. Creating a good work environment enhances employee
performance, in general, and is consistent with the focus on rewards and recognition as valuable strategies
for raising job satisfaction.
Employee motivation and resultant output are shown to be significantly influenced by leadership, primarily
transformational leadership. Research indicates that companies with a supportive leadership focus
outperform those with a profit-making orientation in terms of both financial and emotional results. With
these insights, JAL Human Resources Company will be able to develop a productive workplace and
increase worker satisfaction by implementing innovative leadership techniques.
In conclusion, this establishes the framework for a thorough investigation into the elements influencing the
optimal job output of JAL Human Resources Company staff in Saudi Arabia. Employee performance
includes several elements, such as job satisfaction, the impact of leadership, and the relationship between
motivation and leadership in an organizational context. The talks that follow on employee commitment and
human capital development in the context of organizations are built upon this holistic viewpoint.
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2.4 Human capital development
Within the framework of JAL Human Resources Company in Saudi Arabia, this comprehensive literature
review offers a nuanced exploration of the complex relationship between Human Capital Development
(HCD) and its multifaceted impact on employee behavior, commitment, adaptability, and professional
development. HCD is a strategic project that is known for its goal of improving the workforce’s knowledge,
abilities, and general capability.
It positions itself as a pillar for organizational growth and sustainability.
According to Gadzali et al., 2023, different approaches are used in the domain of JAL Human Resources
Company to apply HCD successfully. These tactics cover various interventions, from extensive training
programs on developing particular abilities to more general skill-building projects to improve the
workforce’s general proficiency. The review highlights how crucial it is to modify HCD tactics to align
with the particular contextual and cultural elements present in the Saudi environment.
This review strongly emphasizes comprehending and valuing the subtle cultural differences that Saudi
Arabia possesses. The literature emphasizes how important it is for companies to tailor their strategies and
move beyond typical HCD procedures, especially for those operating in Saudi Arabia. Customization is
essential to ensure that HCD activities are relevant to Saudi Arabia’s unique cultural environment and
recognize the wide range of viewpoints and expectations held by its workforce.
Research findings regularly highlight the benefits of successful HCD programs in the workplace. Beyond
just improving skills, HCD significantly impacts important facets of workforce dynamics. More
specifically, high levels of employee commitment are strongly correlated with successful HCD programs.
This dedication reflects a staff committed to the organization’s overall mission and goals, in addition to
being skilled at their jobs.
According to Gadzali et al., 2023, the domain of employee adaptability is impacted by HCD. Adaptability
is a highly valued quality in the quickly changing business environment, and HCD plays a crucial role in
enabling staff members to manage and welcome change successfully. The research indicates that efficient
HCD gives staff members the information and abilities they need to succeed in these ever-changing
problems, whether organizational dynamics, job role changes, or technology breakthroughs bring them
The recognition of the unique needs of each employee is at the center of the conversation. The body of
research emphasizes how crucial it is to acknowledge and comprehend each employee’s distinct needs,
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goals, and difficulties. This knowledge is essential for developing and executing HCD programs that fill in
general skill gaps and fit well with Saudi Arabia’s unique cultural and economic context. By implementing
a customized strategy, companies such as JAL can guarantee that their HCD programs are efficient and
culturally aware, thereby optimizing their influence on worker conduct, dedication, flexibility, and career
advancement within the company.
The research highlights the necessity for a holistic approach to HCD in Saudi Arabia, where cultural and
contextual elements are crucial in creating organizational dynamics. This entails awareness of the subtle
cultural differences affecting workers’ involvement, motivation, and preferred learning methods. By
incorporating these cultural insights into HRD initiatives, companies may design a more prosperous and
inclusive staff development program.
The literature also emphasizes how important it is to match HCD activities with the larger aims and
objectives of the business. HCD is seen as a crucial component of the entire organizational strategy rather
than being caught in a vacuum. Achieving corporate milestones and fostering individual employee growth
are both facilitated by effective HCD. According to the literature, JAL and other organizations should see
HCD as a dynamic, ever-evolving process that adjusts to the shifting demands of the workforce and the
This literature review thoroughly explains the dynamic interaction between employee outcomes and human
capital development at JAL Human Resources Company in Saudi Arabia. Organizations may optimize the
effects of their HCD activities by realizing the value of tailored strategies, cultural sensitivity, and
alignment with corporate objectives. The review’s conclusions provide insightful guidance for JAL and
other organizations functioning in comparable cultural environments, helping them to implement more
prosperous and culturally sensitive staff development and organizational success initiatives.
2.5 Employee commitment
Understanding the complex relationship between employee commitment and human capital development
(HCD) is crucial to understanding the complex organizational dynamics at JAL Human Resources
Company. A key result of successful HCD is employee commitment, a measurable indicator of the
commitment, involvement, and allegiance that staff members show to the company (Mahsud et al., 2011).
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Several studies highlight the favorable relationship between HCD tactics that are correctly implemented
and employees’ increased commitment. According to Saputra& Mahaputra (2022) It is crucial to
comprehend this relationship in the context of JAL Human Resources Company, where employee
dedication is essential to the firm’s success. The research analysis clarifies that commitment is an important
measure of the success of HCD programs inside a company, not just one of their effects.
Employee commitment includes many elements, such as vibrant, normative, and continuous. Employee
emotional connection and attachment to the company is called affective commitment. Continuance
commitment indicates understanding the expenses involved in quitting the organization, whereas normative
commitment is a sense of duty or obligation to stay with the group. A thorough grasp of the complex nature
of commitment is possible through the interaction of these factors.
According to Gadzali et al., 2023, A dedicated workforce is frequently shown to provide significant
benefits for organizations. Committed employees are likelier to show initiative, practice good corporate
citizenship, and improve the atmosphere at work. Therefore, for firms looking to maximize their human
capital, it is essential to comprehend how HCD efforts impact and contribute to the many aspects of
The results in the literature are consistent with JAL’s dedication to establishing an atmosphere at work that
encourages intrinsic motivation. The company understands that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to
HCD projects; instead, a nuanced awareness of the varied demands and preferences of the workforce is
necessary. JAL wants to establish a work environment that not only fosters dedication but also improves
employee well-being and job satisfaction by prioritizing intrinsic motivation (Mahsud et al., 2011).
The literature study explores how motivation affects commitment in the Saudi business environment.
Research keeps pointing out that companies must modify their HCD plans to consider the particular
cultural and contextual characteristics of Saudi Arabia. Cultural norms, expectations, and values that
influence employee attitudes and behaviors define the Saudi corporate environment. Consequently, the
success of HCD projects depends on how well they are adapted to these cultural quirks.
The assessment also examines how important it is to match individual career development objectives with
HCD programs. When workers believe their employer invests in their career development, they are more
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inclined to show dedication. This is consistent with the larger view of HCD, which emphasizes job
performance while encouraging employees’ ongoing growth and advancement within the company
(Mahsud et al., 2011).
According to Saputra& Mahaputra (2022) the investigation into the relationship between employee
commitment and human capital development offers critical new perspectives on the organizational
dynamics of JAL Human Resources Company. The strategic significance of investing in the development
and well-being of the workforce is shown by the positive association between more outstanding
commitment and well-implemented HCD policies. The results highlight the necessity for companies, such
as JAL, to implement a customized and culturally aware HCD strategy that considers employees’ various
demands and incentives in the particular Saudi Arabian setting. By doing this, businesses can develop a
loyal and enthusiastic workforce that supports long-te