Complete a Field Project


You can use the Internet, yellow pages, professionals in your community, friends, family members, neighbors, or other sources to help you to identify agencies that you may desire to visit to complete this assignment. Identify three different community-based intervention service agencies to visit in your area. The agencies can be located near where you live or work or anywhere that is convenient for you. Please submit the names of these agencies to your instructor for approval, prior to scheduling community field visits. Since your instructor likely does not reside in the same community, please also submit a description of the agency and/or a link to the agency’s website when submitting the names of the agencies for approval. You may not write about agencies by Internet searches alone; you must visit the agencies in the community. Plan to schedule your visits in advance.

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Complete a Field Project
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The three intervention service agencies need to provide services related to the topics outlined in the course syllabus. Often, such community agencies are multi-service agencies that provide assistance, treatment, information, and/or referrals and other services to families who are in crisis. Use the following guidelines as you complete your visits and write your report:

Be sure to include (at a minimum) the following information for each intervention service agency you visit during your fieldwork research project:

Provide the name of the agency and the name of contact person(s) you met with to gather information. Include the date of your meeting. Provide identifying information, including the name of your service agency, telephone, address, website, email address, and days and times of operation.
Be sure to ask for and take informational brochures, pamphlets, business cards, and other materials during your visit. Describe the quality and usefulness of these handouts within your paper.
Explain the range of services provided (e.g., medical assistance, shelter, psychotherapy, financial, etc.).
Explain the eligibility requirements to receive service delivery (i.e., target population served).
State how long treatment is provided and if any fees apply.
State (in your opinion) how accessible services are and how available or user-friendly staff are to the public (i.e., Did you have to make many calls to reach someone and get an appointment?).
State (in your opinion) if the agency demonstrated being trauma-informed and culturally-competent.
Provide other interesting or useful information or observations about your on-site fieldwork visit to each agency.
List, for your future reference, how you would (or would not) use each of the agencies visited when you are working in the community as an MFT.
Conclude your paper with a discussion of your experience of seeking access to community resources for clients in crisis. Share what you learned from this experience. Determine if there are sufficient services in your area to meet the needs of your community. Determine if you feel comfortable referring clients to these agencies.

Length: 5 pages (about 1 ½ page per agency)

References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources.

Unfortunately no resources so you will need to gather them on your own, good luck!