Company Overview and Industry Research


Overview and Procedure:

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Company Overview and Industry Research
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Secondary research must be comprehensive and thorough to ensure a complete understanding of where your project fits within the target market. A wide range of resources should be consulted, and it is crucial that these sources are the most up-to-date. The focus of the research may shift depending on the project’s topic, but conducting in-depth research is non-negotiable. During this research phase, refrain from drawing conclusions or making recommendations, as it would be premature at this point. Opportunities for these actions will arise after the research is completed.

Write a company overview that highlights your industry. Your Secondary Research: Company Overview and Industry Research should also cover the following:

Whether the project focuses on a marketing plan, a sourcing strategy, or a variation, a company overview is essential.
If the project involves a marketing plan or the introduction of a new company, the company overview should include, at a minimum:
Part A:
YOUR COMPANY: This provides an overview of your company’s position in the marketplace, emphasizing company operations rather than initiatives. Include information about:
The company’s position in its lifecycle
Its strategy
Its products
Its pricing
Its channels of distribution
Its values
Its mission
Where it sells
How it advertises
Its customers
Its future outlook
Current competitors, including their products, pricing, channels of distribution, advertising methods, and strengths and weaknesses.
INDUSTRY: This section focuses on the industry to which your company belongs, detailing where it fits into the industry landscape.
If the project is not a marketing plan, the company overview will shift to align with the topic.
Industry research provides a macro outlook of what drives the market, and it should be presented clearly. Keep industry research separate from market and consumer research, avoiding mixing these areas. Research should cover, at a minimum:
The size and scope of the industry
Future industry outlook
Industry leaders
Mega trends driving the industry
Factors affecting the industry, such as scarcity or abundance of raw materials, manufacturers, regionalization, pricing, labor costs, etc.

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